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Jedi War!


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Looking at all the complaints (I know I have made some) some people seem so sincere about their hatered of whatever drain, heavy stance, healers, etc. Sooner or later we will have an all out Jedi vs. Sith War! Dark side vs. Light side!

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Originally posted by GooglyMoogly

32 or 64 players, half Light, half Sith....I'd love to see tha fight!...of course it would have to be on a no-drop level




Why? Only because you rebel scum can't deal with it. You don't know the power of the dark side.



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It's already ingame as the option to make teams based on Force sides.. One side is Light, one's Dark...


A competent Light team will usually win because of Absorb, especially on pit maps.

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whomever said they would "laugh" at the light side, I'll take you on in a duel with forces. We will see who laughs when you use your little choke or drain, and it doesnt matter anyway when absorb gives you the shaft. Then preceding to chop one of your limbs off...


Little violent but oh well. Light is teh best.



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darkside rocks, I usually can grip a guy and toss em off a ledge before they can turn on absorb. and if there aren't any ledges I Jedi-pult them into a wall :p









come to the darkside...

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The trouble with MP is that there's no heartbreaking moral dilemma for the Light side to use to browbeat the Dark side into quitting and giving up. To be really authentic, the Light side warriors should be taunting the Dark side with things like...


"When was the last time you phone your mother?"


"Have you hugged your kids today?"


"I can feel the good in you! (It's kind of soft and squishy, like the filling in Twinkies!)"


"If you strike me down, I'll become a really annoying blue ghost!"



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Originally posted by GooglyMoogly

32 or 64 players, half Light, half Sith....I'd love to see tha fight!...of course it would have to be on a no-drop level



That's be a true test of the light-side - the drop level maps.


That's why the Dark Side is superior. :)

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Originally posted by Madcow

darkside rocks, I usually can grip a guy and toss em off a ledge before they can turn on absorb. and if there aren't any ledges I Jedi-pult them into a wall :p









come to the darkside...


Haha.. yah or if they turn on absorb, attempt to run up and kick them a few times till they fall off.


I like to force drain them, to stop em from for pushing me, then grip. That way I can keep their life in my hands, and as soon as my grip runs out.. aaaaaaah!



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Originally posted by godless_hordes

"If you strike me down, I'll become a really annoying blue ghost!"




Hmm that would actually be kinda neat.. A light side power that causes you to be weak for a moment & when you die you spawn.. well.. more powerful.. than before & if used right if could net you more kills in the game.

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Originally posted by Ulic Quel Droma

*shoots a nerf dart at nerfyoda* dont be so blardy st00pid :p


Aww but I'm trying to think out of the box here, brainstorming out loud as it were. :) Yeah I guess a power like that would be abused to no end & complainers would flock to the forums about how all the light siders are killing themselves & ruining the game.

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in FFA bespin, dark side would not stand a chance, hell if the team of lightsiders were trained porperly (most start as dark and move to light, liek myself, so they are already skilled) they could mop the dark jedi around anymap





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