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Luke's falling scream is...?


Luke's falling scream is:  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Luke's falling scream is:

    • Normal
    • Astonishing
    • Adorable
    • Pfft! It can reach a pitch only dogs can hear

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Does anyone remember pre Special Edition The Empire Strikes Back? When Luke fell down the shaft, there was no lame scream which I always liked better, because it was kind of like he thought dying would be better than going with Vader. Next thing you know, they'll make Greedo shoot first...

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Woa, someone's crammed the vocal scraper down too far.


He sounds more screwed over than my grandma's reaction on a scottish nude beach.


Hell, he could make a living out of that hidiodorous squeel!


My dog was sent under concusion when he heard it from the speakers! It took us 3 hrs to bring back.

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I really miss the sound effects that JK/MotS had for the Stormtroopers and other armor wearing guys when they died.. their armor made a great clattering sound that really was cool.


Instead we just have a generic "crunch" or worse yet, their bodies fall over with no sound effects. ; p

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I really miss the sound effects that JK/MotS had for the Stormtroopers and other armor wearing guys when they died.. their armor made a great clattering sound that really was cool.


Instead we just have a generic "crunch" or worse yet, their bodies fall over with no sound effects. ; p




If you have that game, all you need to do is rename the files which they would replace and export the sound files into a .pk3, and put them in the JKII folder. :D

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Having recently rewatched the special edition version of ep5, I am now certain he didn't scream during his Bespin drop in the original. Whose smart idea was that? Probably the same guy who thought the hyperdrive, a peculiar lump of metal in the middle of a small room, should leak to advance the plot of ep1.


Hmm. I guess I don't have an opinion of the game's Luke. Probably because it isn't canon.


"Meesa gonna puke now." :jarjar:

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