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Grappling Hook


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I really miss the grappling hook from Jedi Knight II: Dark Forces. Is there anyone out there working on it yet? I've noticed that they are used in Episode I.

I have the feeling that we don't have the editing tools to work on one yet, but it would be nice to go swinging again.


While I'm about it: Is it possible to have more than one line going at a time? I'd love to go swinging like spiderman.

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maybe its lie the original quake3 engine, its in there, but you gotta code it out?(enable it with dsource) sinc,e all sp maps are comp9iled and what not u cant add a grapling hook to the level.. dont think it coluld be done in sp, but once mp source gets relased, its only a mayter of mintues before some1 does make one ^_^ (i think the grapling hook was first "mod" for quake3... cant remember..)

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Base it after the Q2 grapple. The best grappling hook ever.


It is like you are actually on a rope/line/whatever.


you can swing in circles, around corners, extend/retract cord length, and it will hurt really bad if you make too big of a swing and hit something, or even land after swinging a far distance.


I just hate grappling hooks that are like tractor beams. They just pull you in a strait line. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by mrlove

wouldnt that destroy this game? imagine everyone using this hook thing... heh cya starwars and welcome spiderman.


Didn't Luke use one in the original Star Wars?


I don't think it would disrupt game balance. Once spotted, someone just hanging on a grappling hook is sniper bait.

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luke didnt exactly use a grapling hook.. just a peice of rope that he had with him, and threw it manualy.. but its basicaly same idea,,.. but i would love to be swinging saround swinging my light saber. (though. .this would be hard due to grapling hopok woulfd be considerd a weopon.. unless.. its a mod that allows use of 2 wepaons at once..)

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it seems for like the guns and grappling hook, work together better, and im pretty sure luke had a grappling hook OF some kind, because it has a metal end and gets caught on the other side.

i would consider that a grappling hook.

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Also, remember that there was a really cool grap in Unreal Tourney. I used it to MESS FOLKS UP!!! You could bind it to a key and still use another weapon. In fact, you could USE it as a weapon, and it did damage over time.

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