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Get rid of the REPEATER!!!


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my response: no



I dislike the spam just as much, but just force-pull it out of their hands if it gets annoying, or force push the first shot back and then roll to the side and force push them again.


You just have to find a way around it, and all spam is annoying, doesn't mean it needs to be removed. Tweaked a little, maybe, but not removed.

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The secondary fire of the repeater is the killer. Pulling the gun away is way too ineffective in JKII and pushing the blast back is even less effective.


Personally, I think the solution is to make the blast less effective and improve the effectiveness of force pull.



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Sounds like..what...oh Complain Hell Counter-Strike again!


"He's spamming grens! Im a gay fag!"


Well now its "Take the Reapter off, i cant kill because im too dumb and unskilled to dodge!"


I have been killed like 4 times in the past week by one. All in 2 days i was hit.


Look, your a moron, taking that out would change some gamers expierence. For example i love the repeater.


And also Lightsaber has so many advantages over guns, Guns need on over them. Flak brings the second. Then Rocket Launcher. Its all one weakness. Explosions.


Well go complain and have fun. I will sit back and laugh.

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This thread has been a million times, in a million ways and we dont need to hear it again. They arent going to get rid of the repeater. Wont happen. I dont like the repeater - i play on saber only servers. Deal with it.


To conserve board storage space lets convert this useless thread into something amusing about potential crazy/funny mods with a traditional






I think that lightsabers should be able to delfect thermal detonators like baseballs, that would make a brilliant mod!


one team only gets to use detonators and the other team uses sabers, but the sabers do barely any damage so they have to try and baseball them back - they would become explode on impact after being whacked!


Batter up!




then it goes flying and blows up somewhere! much fun!

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Originally posted by Darksider

I think that lightsabers should be able to delfect thermal detonators like baseballs, that would make a brilliant mod!


one team only gets to use detonators and the other team uses sabers, but the sabers do barely any damage so they have to try and baseball them back - they would become explode on impact after being whacked!


Batter up!




then it goes flying and blows up somewhere! much fun!


hahah, thats a brilliant idea.


cmon raven, we need the sdk, we need the sdk.

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I love that highjacking picture that ruled ROFL.


As for the repeater? bah I play on a saber only server... i could care less that it killed this guy ten times... I think servers should have more options for admins to regulate what kind of weapons, kinds of force powers ETC are on thier server... simply commands to remove whatever they want on the fly... like g_remove repeater, or g_setforcepower neutral (all players can only use nuetral force powers, no light or dark side). Basic commands like that...


Heck in counterstrike unless the recently changed it admins could do all KINds of wierd things, from removing certain weapons, to boostig jump hieght... we need this kind of control for people to have less to whine about...


Because then the whiners really will be whining for no reason since all they have to do is find a server that runs with the options they like... and to be honest even with the games built in server finder, it's a peice of cake to find a server that pleases me... sure I might have to connect to a handfull of them before I find one I like (since admins can't describe the server at all really except in the name), but thats no big deal, if you have so little time to hunt down a server you like for 10 minutes, and still play the game, you don't really have time to play the game now do you?

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The Way of the *N00B*


If i cant beat it, its a cheat.

If they they spam half as much as i do they are gay

If they use smart tricks to kill me like pull then chop me up they are gay

If they can kill me with one gun it needs to be removed!



The Repeater is my weapon of choice...... never will it be removed.

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Originally posted by Darksider

Obi-cyph the SDK has been out for like a week! what we need is modders to mod....erm....stuff!


The SDK that came out was only for model or map makers. The game source code has not been released yet, thus the lack of true mod's.

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I happen to think the repeater IS overpowered, the rate of fire on secondary is a little high, and pushing the blasts away at close range requires godlike reflexes we mere mortals don't have (OK, maybe you guys do, but I don't believe it).


You do have to be good, and fast to pull the repeater out of someone's hands (or any gun). I know the trick, but usually it's too late - three blasts kills ya. The first tells you he's behind you. The second is while you spind and charge. The third comes as you let off your first pull to try and remove the gun, removing it but failing to prevent the killing blow...


It doesn't need removing, but a little tweaking wouldn't hurt. But then, I can live if that never happens. I'll just get better than them instead. (or repeater them into the dirt...)


PS: I forgot to say that those of you who just ripped into him because he dislikes your pet weapon sohuld just back off and stop acting like the children you say you hate so much. Get a grip, just because he disagrees with you doesn't mean he's an idiot.


Flame me all you like, it'll only prove me right.

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