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"If this is a consular ship then where is the ambassador?"


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Heres a screen of my Tantive IV SP level, and the Captain Antilles skin I whipped up.






In this level you get to play as a stormtrooper, its a lot of fun having running battles down the T4's corridors :D



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{xg}darthVADER: I'll be sending you the falcon tomorrow. My comp is now virus free.



To change the player I just copied everything from the players/stormtrooper dir into the players/kyle dir, everything is fine except for the saber moves in 1st person view as the stormie doesn't have translucent arms.


Then to get imperials to help you and rebels to attack you I edited the npcs cfg file and changed the team settings for the npcs.


The ship is quite bright in the movie, and its not ready for beta yet.

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Looks like this is gonna be a prett exciting level! Great Work keep up the good job! :D


Just one tiny thing, did you take the screenshot with the detail level on low? or are the textures that blur on high detail?

If so maybe you could add some extra details on those textures. :biggs:


EDIT : Maybe when the vader model+skin is released you could even add the scene when Vader abuses that rebel! :)

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hehe hey did i give you my map i cant remember now

its called blockade that i was making for EF and the textures in this map and the architecture look 100 percent the same as my map

THe textures were custom made so theres a 1 in 10000 chance that someone would get them the same hey


just making sure if i gave you the map then thats ok just give me credit as im sure its mine just modified in shape :D

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Livingdeadjedi: Nope its not yours, I wasn't even aware that you'd made one. The textures were made by a friend of mine, BSR, originally for his Mysteries of the Sith level, he let me convert them for JO. This level originally started out for MotS too, then I remade it for JO.


However I'd love to see your map, could you send it to me? Of course I wouldn't use anything from it without your permission.


The textures are blurry 'caus they were originally for mots and were only 256x256 pixels, I resized them for JO, the screen was taken with everything set on high detail.

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looks kewl


should wait for the vader model and use that as the player instead of the s,trooper though


then force powers and stuff would be legit and stroopers could follow u around being stoopid


plus vader just rocks



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