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Official JK2 1.03 Patch Thread!


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wow....then i must conclude that people complaining about the sabers must think the single player portion is the worst thing ever(which it isnt....). personally i welcome all the changes, saber fights become more tense and grueling. theres more strategy involved....people just need to adjust to the changes and learn to play anew.

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It's amazing how most of the whiners about the saber-fighting changes with this patch are the DFA and KICK lamer-spammers who were too comfortable with thier skill-less fragging sprees!:rolleyes::p I say.... -GO HOME AND CRY TO MOMMA!

-I think Chang and Raven dev did a damn good job w/ this 1st patch! Sure, they made a few minor mistakes but those can easily be fixed again in the next patch. The only negative changes I can see are the tweaks made with the guns. I also think the addition of the Icon over a players head when they're typing,configuring,or away is a great idea! -Though, the lamers will just ignore it and kill you anyway.:rolleyes: Considering this patch was made trying to appease the JK2 natives as a whole, they did a good job. Alot of these whiners seem to think that this patch was supposed to be specifically aimed and catered at a certain select type of players. That is just ignorance! -Does anyone know how hard it is to get a patch right that appeases to the JK2 community/players as a whole? Especially with all the countless whining and gripes threads here in this forum?! -Sure, Raven dev got some things wrong but as far as overall...this patch is damn good and I'm sure we'll see another soon. I'm so damn sick of all the pointless whining. It's like a majority of the members here are 9-15 year old kids!:rolleyes:

...........Anyway, i'm happy with the patch in general:)

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Exactly Corpse!;)

---All these peeps were complaining about the MP saber fighting not being like SP and now they're whining because the MP is like SP now. I just don't freakin' get it!?:confused:

-They got thier wish , now what the fack is the damnproblem here!??

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I imagine the problem is that it was two different droups of people. Now if the SAME people are complaining about the new Saber Fighting that were complaining about the old Saber Fighting...THAT is funny.


I only have my one concern, and its really more of a question of why they added Saber Throw to NF duels...I don't understand it and it isn't even listed in the patch information. (don't ask me if maybe I misconfigured, I didn't--I checked MANY times ;))

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ok, i'm just about sick of these people calling us whiners. voicing our opinions isn't whining.


now, as i've stated sooo many times here, i hate how they screwed up medium stance. it was the perfect stance for. not so fast and weak as light, and not so slow as strong. it was gaming perfection. the perfect stance. the stance of all stances. it was better than sex. ....ahem.. now it's gone! all i ask is WHY?!?! who ever complained about medium stance? why mess with perfection?


also, how is this game more skillful? JediSith is 150% right. this is now a newbies guide to star wars. it isn't fun watching people fight for 5 minutes, it isn't fun watching that 5 minute fight because all they do is run at each other (no crazy spin kills, or wacky off-guard slices), it isn't fun getting almost every swing blocked inexplicably, it isn't fun...PERIOD. and don't you dare say stop playing, i plunked down the ****ing cash for this bitch, and i will play it. just because the deisgners listen to all the little whiners of old (the now hipocrits) doesn't mean i have to take it. i've decided to stick with 1.02. utilizing Usurp's amazing batch files (:p) i can switch off. and don't think i'll run out of servers, almost every server i tried to join 10 minutes ago, was running 1.02.


MEDIUM FOREVER (old style)


p.s. kiss a little more ass sithinator, go ahead, do it.

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The patch basically neuters the game and f*cks it up for all the people who use the heavy stance. It's slower and ensures that the whiney majority can now actually win sometimes.


People bitch about Force grip so now you can barely walk to do anything with the person because John Doe Panzy Player can't figure out how to counter it fast enough.


Why don't we just make the game so that everyone wins every round?


I'm not even gonna bother playing the game any more they basically ruined it.

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i'd just like to say one thing, that has nothing to do with the patch...


i don't know what in the world jedisith999 said earlier that had to be edited, but i'd like to point out that it was NOT the official position of the jedi academy, and me and him will be having a discussion later.


the official position of the academy is, we'll teach the community no matter what version the game is on


Chris "Massadoobie" DuBois

Site Administrator, Jedi Academy

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For all those that say they're giving up Jedi Outcast because of this patch...all I can say is, I couldn't be happier. Anyone who truly hates this patch that much shouldn't bother playing the game any more. You could always go play that other cutting-edge Star Wars game with mind-bogglingly realistic lightsaber combat action. Oh wait... that doesn't exist. So I guess you'll have to do without the swordplay and just shoot each other until your fingers bleed. Enjoy! :)



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Well, I just got to play with the patch, and I can see how it could upset some people.


1) Personally, I LOVE the saber combat system now. The extra blocks make it more like the fights in SP that drew me to MP in the first place. (What a surprise I got pre-patch)


2) I have also tried heavy stance, and the DFA is at least manageable. The Clip was fixed as was the mid-air turning. I don't think I've ever seen (again, this is canon) a jump slash where the jedi turned in mid air in the movies).


3) Guns... ok, I was just unloaded by 3 people using ALT fire at me (Saberist in Jedi Master game). IT STILL HURTS.... but at least it doesn't go on forever now. I can die fairly for once.


4) There was FAR FAR less cheap Force Drain / Grip combos. a + in my book.


5) Yes, my heal sucks :) But I don't expect my heal to save me from a heavy saber hit or a flachette secondary-fire hit from point blank. It's only there to buy time.


6) Oh, and FAR less Jump Kicking, though the ones that did do it do it REALLY REALLY WELL!


Overall, there are less "exploits" to rack up kills with. And granted, some may have called the exploits "skilled combat", but when ya die while someone's saber is in the ground well....


PS - Is it just me, or are all the people whom said "ADAPT!" in earlier threads don't want to Adapt now???

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For the most part, I found this patch very nice. Kudos to the devs.


There's just one small thing I've noticed, and its especially been popular in the NF duels. Throwing sabers. The problem with saber throwing is in that many cases, its more efficient to throw sabers in close range melee combat than to actually swing the damn thing. ;P How about making it take 1-2 seconds to begin throwing the saber? Like, the jedi spins around, then throws the saber, which makes it so he can't throw the saber when he's up close to someone, or he'll risk getting smacked around.

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Of course, my favorite feature is the snazzy new force-feedback mouse support added to SP. Feeling the hum of my lightsaber, the crash of sabers locking, and the shock of being knocked down after TD hits and saber locks, man is it sweet. Bravo, Raven, for such a great job on this patch, and for including support for this innovative technology! :D

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Arggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I hate this patch!!!!!!!!!! First of all, the DFA was a bad change, I think that the DFA should turn but no more killing people with your saber AFTER you did the slash.


Second,If they nerfed grip and drain,why don't they nerf the lightning? Because its MUCH harder to hit people,lightning is a pretty much 100% mutiple hit that people with low hp die of because drain and heal are nerfed,now its just like a big lightning brawl.And no,absorb does not do anything to prevent this.


Third,There should be a front kick that knocks back,not knocks on floor. The side kick should do that with a 1/3 chance to knock them on the ground.


Fourth,The only thing that should be nerfed about the guns is the rapidness of the fletchette and IHR secondary fire.


And Last,IT IS SO FRICKIN IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL PEOPLE!!! I think that the new saber dynamics should ONLY be used in duel modes,this will keep the fast pace of FFA while kepping the slow and dramaticness of the duel mode.


I hope these things will be considered,this patch is beginning to make me sick :barf:

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I am just as mad as the rest of the "anti-patch" players on this thread, but you have to remember that this is a sequel, not Jedi Knight I with good graphics. The games are bound to be different, and not just because of their engines.

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i think the saber throwing in duel is an option, because ive hosted some duel games and by default saber throw was disabled......


another thing: dismemberments work now.....


the server needs to type g_dismember 300 to enable


clients: type cg_dismember 1 in the console to see it.


ive played a good amount with it on and had no problems.


PS: its really nice for duels, as sometimes in lockups one person can cut the other persons hand off(health dependant)

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Pre-patch, there were many things that can be abused in the game. Sure there were counters, but equally efficient? mostly not


A quick grip over the edge? Push won't work in time and same with absorb.


DFA and Heavy swing and run away. Sure you can dodge, but by the time you get to him, he has enough time to run backwards and get away. And no matter how good you play, you will always kill more with heavy stance swinging/DFA.


Drain. Before it was so easy to drain the light player and stil have some left over. What was even more sick were those who kept draining short amounts so that they will eventually have full force, while light has none. Wow REAL FAIR.


Post-patch. The only thing that could be abused is the blocking. Sometimes blocking is just too rapid. But then again, if you were able to attack that fast, why can't the defender block that fast??? I don't see why you guys are complaining about something that is fair.


Who said they can block by putting their lightsaber towards the guy who was sabering? BS. Blocking was almost never a part of the game and saber throw was blockable only 50%. Almost zero when it came to close quarter fighting. Most fights included people swinging through the other body but missing for some weird reason.


Think about the movies? They blocked pretty much every slice till the last couple of hits (sometimes one). It's a pretty a good representation of what we have going on in MP postpatch and I enjoy the fact that the fights are intense. Not a bunch of running up to the enemy, swinging for a couple lucky swirls, then running backwards to start all over again. Now, there's a lot of saber clanging and fighting up close, as it should be. You don't see sword duelers, combatants even in real life going back and forth trying to do heavy swings on the enemy. The same goes for the movies, and SP. It should also be on MP.


Everything else was well done or if not tolerable at most.


The only thing I may not like, both pre and post patch is the items that are on map. Too many times people abuse it and run away to get supplies in the middle of a fight. Well, for one, I enjoy duels, but also the force powers. I only wish they could have an option to turn off equipment along levels.


IMO, patch was great. Not perfect since some are a little uneasy, but it is definitely not terrible. The thing to watch out for the most is the saber block percentage. maybe toned down just a little bit? But the rest are great.



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Look, I have nothing but respect for Raven. They breathed new life into what I see as a too exploited franchise. It is also incredibly refreshing to see a dev team that actually interacts with the community and responds, unlike some others I could name (*cough* Tribes 2 *Cough*). I understand what they were trying to do in the patch, and I suppose to an extent I can relate to it. Should a game's multiplayer be catered to an "elite" hardcore class? I really can't say, all I know is that I'm not feelin the juju here. To me this seems to be aimed straight at pub servers, where someone can jump in, and without actually learning how to play the game, have a good time. As someone else said, not unlike Quake. Where it's a question of who can center their aim the best while strafing and spamming swings. There was a finesse to saber-fighting before, about understanding the movement and the timing, an experience that is entirely unique to this game. To my knowledge a combat system like this has never been implemented on PC before, and is certainly more precise than the console games that resemble it. I think that's why there was so much, ah... disagreement on the original combat style, a lot of people were trying to play this like it was something else. I saw the same problem with several of my friends who bought his game, getting 0wned time and again because they thought all there was to it was swinging. Searching for the gimmick, the trick, to beating people. Well it seems that they can now, because the finesse appears to be gone. Or on vacation.


Now that doesn't mean I won't give it a try. Admittedly, I've only played the patch for a few hours. Maybe it's just a change of pace, a change of timing. But from where I'm standing now it looks like one step forward, two steps back.

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Well, I played it for a couple of hours online last night on a couple of different FFA servers: one a very nice, honourable sabres only affair, and the other a guns and all.


Anyway, I loved it! It took me a while to get used to not beig able to easily kick people while running forward, but apart from that it was great.


Also, as someone who prefers light and medium stance, I found the sabre duelling better as well - the duels were longer, but better. Much more satisying.



And my last comment for those who are complaining about how Raven has ruined the game with this patch: I for one am very glad that Raven listens to what people say on these boards and takes notice, and implements something that people seemed to want - unlike someone else who controls the SW universe - Can we think of having Greedo shoot first?

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It's been 24+ hours now since I was made aware of and installed the patch that has been, to say the least, highly argued. (V-Tecc's "Begun this patch war has" line was both humorous and extremely apropos.)


Now that I've had extensive use of the patch, I have to say I'm a bit torn. There are many good points, some neutral points and some bad points, but the problem is that the bad points, in my opinion, aren't just bad, they're horribly bad.



- The lack of movement in some (most?) strong saber styles. This only seems logical to me. It would be like having a double-handed broadsword and trying to spin around which wouldn't work too well. Same goes for mid-air movement.. sure, you could jump with a double-handed broadsword and even overhand smash someone with one, but once you're in motion, I don't think you'd be able to swing that sucker around unless you're extremely strong. As for the 1-hit overhand smash, it only makes sense that once the tip is on the ground it shouldn't kill you. It should have always taken a square hit with it to kill a player. Now it does and for that I'm grateful.


- Blue saber style is most definately more useful.


- The effects are great and the technical fixes are equally as wonderful.


- Mana costs are definately better balanced. Drain no longer seems endless, but force heal still could use some tweaking. As for grab, it only makes sense to me that on level 3 grab, one shouldn't be able to run.. it just seems like, at least to my mind, that using that much power to grip and move someone's entire body weight should slow you down and keep you from being able to run.


- The Single Player fixes are great. I haven't had any issues with a single one of them.



- Medium stance takes a performance hit, but overall, this is negated by the more useful blue stance and makes style switching a necessity.


- Saber throwing in NF duels? I liked the fact that NF duels meant no saber tossing as it made it more of a real duel. Seriously folks, if people want to talk about JK2 as compared to the films, how many of the films have had saber throwing in them? I can think of two times a single saber throw ever occurred in the movies: ESB and RotJ, both done by Vader. I list this as a neutral point rather than a bad one because saber throwing is easily countered and doesn't really pose a threat, just makes it a tad bit more annoying when the person is running low on health and becomes a throwhore.


- "kick to the face": This, to me, is neutral.. I never had a problem with it pre-patch and once I got used to double tapping jump, I haven't had a problem with it post-patch. Still works as well as it used to so, to me, it's a non-issue.



- Since I've installed the patch I've experienced at least 2 times as many connection interrupts as I had before. Apparently this is happening to a lot of others as well. In 1v1 duel type games, if the person has a ping higher than 100, swinging blindly is practically the only way to hit whereas pre-patch, I could at least anticipate where the player was heading taking lag into account. This alone is going to make people become blue stance whores, linking and spinning simply hoping to get a good swipe in somehow.


- Saber only FFAs.. why even bother? I've played several Saber only FFAs and they all turn into a lightsaber circle jerk. Everyone ends up congregating in the largest room, all next to each other, swinging wildly with no real aim, most people in blue stance (mostly due to the increased lag), hoping to get some good swipes in while also hoping to avoid being hit. My now fully EAX supported sound blares with the sound of blocking and my monitor shows great puffs of smoke and sparks, which is nice and all, but there's no challenge or fun to saber only based FFAs.


Ok, so I can only think of two horribly bad issues, and yeah, the pros outweigh the cons, so I'm going to stick with the patch (mainly because most everyone has it now).. I didn't make any mention of guns because I wasn't too terribly proficient with guns before the patch so I'm not really qualified to talk about the nerfing of the guns from the patch.


Anyway, that's about it. I'm sure some will say I'm a whiner, and even if that's the case, I at least provided some insight into my opinion, unlike some of the spammers at the zone who are just flooding items like "PATCH IS SUX!".

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The thing I would have really liked to have seen in Mulitplayer but that wasn't there (maybe in the next patch) is being able to force pull items to yourself from where they spawn - as you could in JK1 and in SP of JO.


I used to really love grabbing force powerups in JK1 MP by doing this - made pull a much more worthwhile power even in sabre only games.


This is the only thing with MP that I really want to see changed now.

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Originally posted by flippo

ok, i'm just about sick of these people calling us whiners. voicing our opinions isn't whining.


now, as i've stated sooo many times here, i hate how they screwed up medium stance. it was the perfect stance for. not so fast and weak as light, and not so slow as strong. it was gaming perfection. the perfect stance. the stance of all stances. it was better than sex. ....ahem.. now it's gone! all i ask is WHY?!?! who ever complained about medium stance? why mess with perfection?


also, how is this game more skillful? JediSith is 150% right. this is now a newbies guide to star wars. it isn't fun watching people fight for 5 minutes, it isn't fun watching that 5 minute fight because all they do is run at each other (no crazy spin kills, or wacky off-guard slices), it isn't fun getting almost every swing blocked inexplicably, it isn't fun...PERIOD. and don't you dare say stop playing, i plunked down the ****ing cash for this bitch, and i will play it. just because the deisgners listen to all the little whiners of old (the now hipocrits) doesn't mean i have to take it.


AMEN. Yellow is so lame now it isn't even funny. But wait, so is everything else in saber fighting. No skill, just run at them and *hope* you hit them and they don't block. But they're doing the same thing. Woohoo. This is not whining. This is being pissed off cause I just spent a month playing a game to get better, then one patch makes me as good as a newb, and there really doesn't appear to be any way to get significantly better except to employ "cheap" tactics like running backwards and saber throwing when the other person attacks.

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