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Official JK2 1.03 Patch Thread!


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Patch! Patch! Joy!

I will go to the forum to see peoples' response...

WTF? They are still complaining?


Honestly... I didn't think the changes needed to be as drastic as they are now, but it does open up a whole new style of play. I haven't decided if most of was for the better so far but I can't say that anything has stood out as irritating/unbalanced. It'll just take more practice and then this game will be more fun than ever before probably.

To all dem whiners:

Do you realise that people from Raven might read this page? How would you feel if you spent a lot of time working your ass off to get a FREE patch out to the public, just to get bitched at? I mean, c'mon people... if you keep whinging like that then they won't be interested in helping us out in the future anymore.

Raven are real people y'know, just like everyone on this forum. So bloody treat them with some respect for all the work they have done for us.

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just in reply to omses...


1. I didnt say I never use heal/absorb/grip, what i said was i dont use drain and heal. I know grip is the most effect (imo) to defeat force heal because i destroy people who excessivly use force heal with grip.


2. I care because now grip is too easy to counter. And for a purely selfish reason, i use grip, and i like being able to run with people held.


3. I dont know what to say about you not noticing new animation differences from the patch, other than to say refer to simplex's post.


4. Im not going to get into a flame here, I was just posting my views. In response, I am already fairly proficent with the new teqniques, enough to say id win more then id lose.


5. its okay if you want to bash me, its your opinion. However, i dont see how i was contradicting myself in any of my statements.




Sith Felonius

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I'm going to preface this with a "I haven't installed the patch, I haven't played with it, I'm not making an opinion on the patch."


What I do want to comment on is the whole Force Grip issue. I'm not a great player by any means, but I don't think I'm terrible either. I'm somewhere between. I can say, however, that the one thing that made multiplayer annoying was Force Grip. Here's an example:


On a level with numerous catwalks and endless pits, I was dying every one or two minutes. It got to a point where I would run up to fight someone (this was saber-only, btw), and before I could get within fighting range, I was picked up, choked, then dropped down a shaft. I was often able to counter the choke and break free, but by then it was too late. I was already dangling over a chasm. Over and over and over and over and over and over, this happened. The next level against the same players was a fairly flat level with very few catwalks/chasms. A few minutes into playing that level, I was almost wading in enemy body parts. There were points that I would strike down three opponents one after another. Not to say I was winning in kills, but I was doing reasonably well, and I was having fun. And the only change was that there were no pits to be tossed down. I also noticed that the people I was defeating repeatedly were, for the most part, the same people that were killing me numerous times on the previous level.


I'll give a more informed opinion once I've played using the patch, but if this thing has decreased the likelihood of ridiculous choke-fests, then I will be ecstatic. With everything I've heard about it so far, it sounds as if they have evened up the dark and light sides a bit, which was my only complaint about the game. I can't bring myself to choose dark side powers, I just like the good guys too much, so I was always in danger of getting my ass handed to me because of the skew.


Anywho, we'll see in a few days, after everyone has had time to cool down a bit and actually experience the patch, how it truly rates. If nothing else, they gave us four new multiplayer levels, which is virtually unheard of in a video game patch. Even if it turns out all the other changes are negative, that alone is enough for me to say Raven is truly committed to making our gaming experiences funner.





"You have no rhythm." - jmd7340

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Originally posted by BradFu

I'm going to preface this with a "I haven't installed the patch, I haven't played with it, I'm not making an opinion on the patch."


What I do want to comment on is the whole Force Grip issue. I'm not a great player by any means, but I don't think I'm terrible either. I'm somewhere between. I can say, however, that the one thing that made multiplayer annoying was Force Grip.


The new patch, made the person who is Force Gripping other, move slower (slower than walk I think).


To counter Force Grip: Force Push or Force Absorb. Highly Recommended that you bind your Force Push key.

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Originally posted by SaberPro


The new patch, made the person who is Force Gripping other, move slower (slower than walk I think).


To counter Force Grip: Force Push or Force Absorb. Highly Recommended that you bind your Force Push key.


Yeah, I was able to break the Force Grip often using Force Push, but typically by the time I did, I was over a pit. Thats where I think this patch will help. People will be able to Force Grip, but they won't be able to zip on over to a pit as easily. I think this will make it funner, at least for me, and that's what it's all about. Having fun! :)





"You have no rhythm." - jmd7340

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I like it.


Saber fights look so much better I’d still like that HUGE shower of sparks when in a saber lock in SP but oh well.


Heal is fine its now basicly a medkit that you carry with you as it should be. It shouldn't be I’m god and can't die casue I’ll just heal to full strength in seconds for about a 1/4 of my power. If you want to heal cough up most of your force power as it should be.


Drain is much better and will acutlly put a dent in the users force pool.


Absorb basicly sucked before it was great on stupid fools that would keep lightning you when it was clear you where not being hurt. But for anyone with half a brain they just ran backward until your power was gone. Now those grip whores will think twice.


I haven't tried guns yet. But I'm not gonna cry for the grenade spaming whores. Using a gun to beat a guy with some skill or well palced shots is one thing spamming 50 mines into a crowd is another. This change will mean that you can do the above but not the later. Ill admit 25 is litte extreme given how litte ammo is in levels.


The stances are FAR better balacned I still use heavy and can place in the top 5 99% of the time. But you acutlly see guys using light up their and even WINNING!!! I never DFAed and Im glad I can do something different in heavy now.

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Originally posted by Nill the Mean

Lol, the new jump kick took me about 3 mins to get used to. You have no right to complain whatsoever.


Man you guys really blow me away.. I dont need a right to complain. Im voicing my opinion and if you dont like it .. TO FN BAD. Changing that jumpkick to 2 jump presses is sad as hell. I dont like it ... I bought this game.. I have the right to complain about whateva the hell i wanna .. And im glad you picked it up so fast. I didnt have much of a problem "pickin it up, in about 2 mins" but its much harder than it was .. bad change. not fix... wreck

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Wordup. I said this countless times since I got the game. Force PULL is easily one of the most powerfull things in the game. You can:

steal weapons

prevent someone from running away

knock them over

pull someone to their doom

jump over someone and pull them into the air, confusing the hell out of them

It is extremely usefull and I use if far more than my PUSH bind.


Sorry for stepping on your toes DarthCobra, but what I should have said is that it hasn't changed so much that it isn't still extremely handy.

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this "I just don't think I'll use this patch" idea is what spawns those idiotic version rivalrys in Q3, at a lan party I went to there was actually bickering about which release to use, since I only played at the lan party, and they had servers of both, I couldn't tell the difference, not even slightly.


without having played it.


1) drain nerf = good. drain sucked.


2) grip nerf = not as great, but still reasonable


3) lightsaber adjustments, well, I thought, and had gotten the idea more or less everyone had the same opinion, that single player saber was much better than multi. if it makes it more like single, then great


4) adjusting ammo settings for the n00bCannon and fletchette, I'm sure it'll take more adjusting to get it just right, but the guns are SUPPOSED to suck, compared to other FPS's.

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Suggestions for the next patch, because until then we're gonna be boycotting this one for competitive play.



1) fix the ammo management, most of us wanted more ammo, not less.


2) find somthing remotely useful to do with drain, and make heal somthing other than useless.


3) Fix the sabers so that silly saberists don't get spammed. If the blocking system that was just implemented stays the same, saberists will get clustered even more than they are now and they'll have an even *harder* time of keeping up with people using guns. By FIXING I don't mean NERFING OTHER THINGS. Make them MORE deadly instead of more film like.




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Alright so weapons and ammo was degraded. So that means they may actually be equal to sabers now? Oh no, not that. You can still get just as many kills with guns as before. It may not be as easy. Good, guns were totally unbalanced to begin with and now that they balanced it out you think it sucks? Gunners might not always be at the top of the list anymore. Did you find it fun when anyone weilding a saber was just target practice for you? The patch evened it out and all of you are complaining that its fair now? I just dont get it.

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Originally posted by ArmchairAthlete

I saw nothing mentioning crash fixes... ack.



This sucks, if the game still freezes, I'll start an even longer thread than the freezing thread from the tech support forum :mad:.


Also, why would you make the guns weaker? Doesn't that mean that it'll be harder to kill stuff in the first 5 levels of single player!?! At least the enemies in single player won't be as tough

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Originally posted by DarthCobra

My only complaint is the JUMPKICK!!! Back to 1 jump PLZ!


You have got my 100% support on that!

Who here has ever heard anyone complain about the jump-kick?

Totally uncalled for.




Grip was easily countered before, and when someone got me with it before, I granted them that. Now what's the point of that force? When is it practical to use?




Loved this force, only used it in self-defense.

Never did Drain/Grip, Drain/Lightning. Was a good way to counter gun-spammers.




Originally posted by Desler

Overall, I feel as if this was a patch to appease those who don't take the time to learn the full game mechanics. Now it's just a swing fest based more upon luck and less upon skill (but not all luck).


So true...



I am saddened by this patch ... will try to adapt, just hope it doesn't destroy this great game...



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For Pete's sake! It isn't random! The fact that there is so much blocking now means that you should concentrate even harder on when to land a hit. It is just more difficult. How can you call it random when its' basics are so simple? He attacks, you block/evade, hit him at the end of his swing. It really still isn't that difficult. I don't get "lucky" when I hit home, I bloody well intended to.

Grip is still far from usesless. You can throw people with it quite easily, just swing the mouse and let them go and you can throw people over edges instead of dropping them.

Drain still grabs a lot of force from your opponent so as a defensive measure it still works fine. Want to stop him using X force? Just practice with your saber to be able to kill him quicker.

Practice people, can't stress this enough. Learn when to attack and when not to. Don't just hit and dodge.

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Personally I never saw the problem with gunners in the first place. One force pull and they stop shooting. It is sooooo simple. But no-one ever does it online. I mean, I pulled a frickin' arsenal out of the hands of this dude... every time he whipped out a new weapon I would just steal it and thus he was too busy switching weapons to fight. On the other hand, I can whip out a gun and pummel a saber user because he doesn't seem to think of pulling me. He just runs after me seemingly hoping for me to stand still.

What was annoying was people spamming the alt-fire like crazy. Nothing but alt-fire. Even though these people are darn easy to kill once you get close, the trouble is still having to get close. Try it when someone is spamming alt-flechette down a corridor and you have to go through it. Completely impossible. It's like walzing through a minefield. With less ammo we won't see this type of behaviour anymore and maybe people will learn how to AIM.

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All do respect, but the guns were ****ed up man in ffa... did u see any super bomb guns in starwars movies etc? god sake u need to run like a pig if someone try to shoot u with one of those...


sure grenade launchers is for the quake games....



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