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I think it looks nice, and it's about friggin time they released an original game. Other than that, it's not a game I could see myself playing (partly because I don't have a PS2 or a GC :) )

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Like Swoosh told me via ICQ, if this game captures the atmosphere (like TheDig from LEC) and gets the player drawned into the game (like GrimFandango) then this should be a huge success. Its being develloped in-house by LEC so I would expect it to be a good quality product.

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As far as this game goes, it might be good....I have a PS2 so I'm more than happy to get it if it interests me, but like many I have my eye more open for the PC as Lucasarts hasn't really shined with consoles and I grew up with PC games from LA.



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Looks promising! GameSpot's preview compared the main character's mechanical grappling-hook arm to Bionic Commando from the original Nintendo. I friggin' LOVED that game! I hope they make a really advanced swinging system for it. Maybe LEC learned some things from Raven's work on JK II, and will incorporate some cool acrobatics!


Now what could ruin this game for me is the camera. It looks like it's one of those non-fixed cameras (Soul Reaver, Tomb Raider, Spiderman, etc.). I personally can't stand that kind of game-camera, and don't understand why developers use it. Hopefully, it will end up being a fixed, over-the-shoulder camera (JK II, Max Payne, etc.).

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Hi everyone, my name is Reeve and I'm LucasArts' Producer on RTX Red Rock. Thanks so much for all your interest in the game. After working on the game in secret for the past year, the team has been watching the response to our announcement with a lot of interest. Based on your comments I wanted to write and briefly address the question regarding the engine being used in RTX.


RTX Red Rock is built on the Ares game engine, LucasArts' own brand new internal technology for making cutting-edge third person games.


The Ares engine provides very high quality character animation, smooth gameplay, and some fantastic new graphics features. One of the rendering effects actually won the programmer the top prize in Sony's first VU coding competition.


What will players notice? Look for round edges (not just smooth-shaded), bumpy surfaces (not just bump-mapped!) and some cool high temerature screen effects. Above all, though, the Ares engine gives RTX Red Rock a nice, smooth feel for the player.


Sure, you probably won't think I'm being objective when I say it, but this engine rocks.


We hope you end up agreeing with us, and enjoy the game when it comes out in the Spring!


Take care,


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Sweet! Thanks for coming by Reeve! I'm looking forward to hearing more about the game. That's great it's all internal...hopefully it will have that true LucasArts feel. Once again, thanks for coming by :)



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