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1.03: Intelligent Saber Combat Discussion


Do you think that overall, sabers in 1.03 are:  

86 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that overall, sabers in 1.03 are:

    • Too Strong
    • Too Weak
    • Just Right
    • Undecided

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i think that it's pretty good, i haven't experienced any major problems (and you say only unexperienced players like it, i'm usually in the top 3 [usually 1] of every list, i don't see any problems)


personally i think it's good to have swings do less and the start and end, that's how itreally should be

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Blank1234, notice that I said that this is a game "based" on Star Wars. And I also did not say that it was based on the movies alone.


re: hey, what's with all the bowing crap? Vader took a swing at luke for "lowering his defenses" so why do I get vote-kicked when I take a swing at some saber-off monkey?


Prolly cause you did not read the MOTD if you were on a server like the [LiCk] one.



re: When's the last time you saw Mon Mothma chuck force lightning level 3 at Luke? I saw it yesterday in a duel game.


That is a game skin. It says nowhere in the manual that you 'are' Mon Mothma just because you look like her.



re: Why doesn't quigon wait for maul to attack, saber throw, then roll away 10+ times?


Because he was not fighting just to get the high score. :D

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Well, in my opinion the patch has improved the game rather a lot, yes bluejay, it does take many more hits to kill someone now but if that is the case then the more skilled amongst players will prevail as there will be no more of those lucky strong slashes from less experienced players ending your duel prematurely. If so called experienced players decry the patch for removing such cheap strikes then i say that they have limited actual saber skill and were in fact basing their 'experience' on their ability to exploit imbalances in the game. Although i think its going to take some time to get used to the new style, i think it will reward the more experienced players in the long run as inexperienced players can no longer rely on DFA to beat a saber master :)

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Originally posted by blujay

Yeah, Cedrin. I don't mean to brag, but I was quite good at 1.02. I often went undefeated until map changes on duel servers, using both medium and heavy.


I will say one thing about the new patch: you sure do get to admire the nice floor textures a lot more. ;)


i bet ur just one of them guys who just spams the dfa i think theres alot more skill to it now then it was before and its more tactical and its btter that way so if u complain why dont u just use guns

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All I hear about are complaining about DFA whores. If you get killed by DFA whores then obviously YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO COUNTER IT.


In my duels, 90% of the time, if someone pulls off a DFA anywhere near me, I will almost always crush them with a well timed return DFA on their head while they are on the ground.


I consider DFA whores free kills becuase they are so easy the kill. The real matches were blue and yellow fights.


So if your whining about people killing you over and over again with DFA or red THEN YOU ****ING SUCK. Get over it.

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I think the major issue is the damage distribution.

There's less damage at the beginning and end of the swing, most of the damage is in the middle of the swing. This makes sense I guess.

The problem is that it's difficult to stay connected with your target through the middle of the animation and avoid being hit yourself. I guess the trick is to time your hit to coincide with the middle of the swing, not the start of the swing.


As it is, the game is (like most computer games) based on a health/damage points system.

This works fine for most FPS shooters where you're shooting bullets and wearing armor.


In reality (If LightSabers Were real) if you got hit once you'd be dead. No matter how fast or slow the blade is moving, If 4 inches of blade pass through any part of your body, you've severed a major artery or organ and you won't be fighting anymore. Even 1 inch would do severe muscle/tendon damage.

You also wouldn't be able to use bacta or force heal in the middle of a fight.


I would like to see a configurable server option to make saber damage a one-hit kill once your shields are empty.

( Saber does variable damage to shields as it is now but once you have no shields left, if you get hit, you're dead.)

I think it would make combat much more "realistic".

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dfa was absolutely counterable, and contrary to belief you could get really close to the blade. You just had to do it at the right time. I feel myself to be a skill gamer even done some beta testing. Since the patch i out right suck in ffa. I hold my own in duels, where i use to do map kill runs. Its seem the patch benifites newbies or less-practiced players. Its ironic i have had some soft locks with this game. I figuerd the patch would fix these...no. So no i have a gimped game that no locks up(bugged).


if you don't like my grammer you can suck my saber

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I do that sometimes. People will bow to me or stare at me with their saber off so I hit em good. I really need to bind a macro that says "You are a fool for lowering your defenses" or some such thing. Ive never been voted kicked for it. Personally I think a 'jedi' should always be ready. I always am. I don't think ive ever been caught off guard, except when I was typing or some such thing. Even when im saber is closed I can get it back up before the attack hits and I successfully block.

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Just read the thread and thought i would add my thoughts.


The new patch will take some getting used to but overall i think its okay. The only problem i have found is that with all the tweaking of certain force powers and sabre combat the force lightning can be exploited to the point where i can get kills with it now.

Anyone else find the lightning a little too effective now ?

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Originally posted by BrainStorm

It seems that a lot of people are complaining that it takes too many hits for one jedi to kill another with a lightsabre. Well, this is a game based on Star Wars so...


Go back and watch the movies. How many times did you see one jedi kill another with one or two hits?


Even a padawan vs. an old man in a walking iron lung, had to take umpteen swings before either even landed a single hit.


Or... go back and watch 'duel of the fates', and tell me how many swings they had to make before anyone died.


Let's define "hit."


To me, hit means when your saber makes contact with the other player's body, not his saber.


And when that happens, it should hurt. In DotF, how many hits did it take for Maul to get sliced in half? =)

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Please, folks, keep in mind the title of this thread: Intelligent Saber Combat Discussion.


Throwing insults and using rude sarcasm is not intelligent. It gets us nowhere. Let's be sensible and make a thread that is worth reading.

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blujay. The hitpoints is not your actual health persay. Its a representation of many different factors. As said above someone is not goign to get sliced several times and instantly heal. If Jedi could close wounds then that quan guy or whatever wouldn't be dead.

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i think that saber combat should be like this:


-if u get sliced with one good hit (like your torso is wide open cause ur saber isnt there to protect it), you should die (and if possible, ur torso should come off)


-because of the fact that the saber would be that strong, the blocks should be plentiful...


-if u get poked, it should do more than 5 dmg (its cutting through ur skin!)


- again, blocks, but they should look cooler! (like the movies)


this kind of saber combat is movie-like combat. it would be cool to have this kind of option when ur starting a server or something like that, so people that like to have quake kind duels would be able to, and star wars movie fans would be able to fight like in the movies.


just my opinion...so no flame me plz :D

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Originally posted by blujay

In DotF, how many hits did it take for Maul to get sliced in half? =)


Let's make somthing clear, if the game was anything like the movies, you'd have about 10 health, could block anything that was thrown at you, and it would be boring as hell. If it took so long to kill someone, noone would play FFA, and spectators in duels would leave to look for better fights, where they actually did somthing.


You cannot make a game exactly like a movie, it would glorily suck.

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Ive just spent hours in a duel server watching and fighting with the new saber style, and must say I have no clue what raven was trying to do. The game used to be about side hits, timeing and skill, now it seems so straight forward hack,hack,slash,slash,hack and its almost all forward attacks.


What happened to the run by and do a spin at the right time for a nice and very woundfull hit? I dont get it i guess, the blocking seems way to good now, the extra saber locks are cool but kinda annoying and the run and hack/slash seems very boreing to me.

Also the damage reduction sucks, i mean one two or three good hits should be all there is to killing with a saber.

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zenroth, EXACTLY my point. However since the majority of the players make of lesser inexperienced people they all love the new patch since it makes it more of a random hack and hack and hack rather then skill based.


Before you could CLEARLY tell if you had made contact with your opponet. Experienced players can estimate the amount of health remaining on their opponet and use the appropriate saber to finish them off. Now you cant tell if you burned them or hit them.


I try to slice someone on the backside and its BLOCKED? okay..


At any rate, I have dumped the game. Raven has ruined one of the best multiplayer combat games i've played.


Newbies, shut up about red and DFA. I dislike red and DFA but I have ways to destroy the enemie using it. soo what have you done? cried to raven about being killed over and over by it.

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Im reverting to the 1.02 ill play in lan games with like minded people who I know that also belive this patch has destroyed a ver cool and addicting game. Though personally I thiink well see plenty of 1.02 severs staying online for us who still want to fight online.

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