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Where are the games for Xbox?

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I have been a PC user and devoted LucasArts gamer for most of my life, but I recently committed the unthinkable - I've decided to get console, an Xbox.


One of the first things I wanted to know when deciding which console to get was what the Star Wars games appearing on the system would be like. While KOTOR looks incredible, I was more than a little dissapointed to find that the brand new cosnole titles to be shown at E3 (Bounty Hunter, The Clone Wars, Red Rock, and the new Indy) are exclusively on PS2 and Gamecube.


What about the Xbox gamers, LucasArts? Where's the good news for them?

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I too think with Indy, Gladius, KotOR and the already released Titles ('Obi-Wan', Starfigher, Jedi Starfighter) there is PLENTY of support for this console. And as a PC gamer I don't actually get why one would choose the X-Box as their console of choice, when looking forward to LucasArts Console Games....

Well, I mean the X-Box is jsut a cut down PC (ok, I will be flamed for this, but technology wise thats just the truth). So why not choose one of the more 'consolish consoles' (ok, my explanations suck.. an no, english isn't my native language).

See, because of the interchangeability of source codes between PC and X-Box conversions PC<>X-Box are the most possible.


So eerrr, all I wanted to say is IF I am a PC gamer and WOULD want to get a console (without abandonign the PC, but I suppose you did that and everythin I wrote is meaningless... which it is anyways) I'd choose GameCube or PS2....


And If your bought your console FOR LucasArts games, I'd have waited for these announcements ;)



(I appologies for everything :p)

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Yes, calming down would be a good idea.


Besides... i think you already saw it but you console/x-box/whatever guys now get MUCh more games. there are Star Wars Galaxies, Jedi Knight2 and sure enough Full Throttle 2 all heading for the X-Box, so what are you asking for???


LucasArts already IS doing all those former PC-titles for your console, and THIS has *never* been a good thing for the PC Gameplay.


Well finally LucasArts IS abandoning the PC in favour of the all-so quickly aging consoles :(


To me this day full-of-news will turn out to be a sad day i predict.


LucasArts: I believe you don't really watch out for these forums over here, but PLEASE don't abondon the PC the way it looks now. There ARE gamers who don't want to sit in front of a TV(!) to play computer games with a brick-like gamepad in their hands :(



Don't abondon JK2-PC support. The next patch really IS needed.

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Yes I actually KNOW Full Throttle 2 will be comming for the PC but well, my point is:

(and I'm not trying to flame anyone, these are just *my* personal feelings)


Well, imagine Monkey Island 3 (CMI) For X-Box or GameCube. Would not be really playable, would it? And thats because it was a PC Game and a great one at that... it would have been unplayable with a gamepad.


And I'm just seeing another Monkey Island 4 arising.. a console game.... with really not-the-best interface you could get out of all the options on a PC (read: the mouse).


Nevertheless I'm actually looking forward to Full Throttle 2. It will just take me some time to get rid of all my previous hopes and prepare for a more consolish-game future.


And for the X-Box guys: You KNOW Glaxies AND JK2 are coming to your beloved console, right?



Personally being a PC gamer I conside buying a console myself. But I'm still unsure which one to choose. Will make a list with all the LucasArts Games and what they are coming out for (with the PC ones at the top ;)). I think I'll go fpr a GameCube (see no point in owning a PC and a smaller standarized-PC (X-Box)). Or PS2.. well err... i think GameCube....



*stops thinking out loudly*

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I really think XBox owners are getting a good deal.. I would kill for some old scool GameCube action like KotoR and Galaxies.. but Bounty Hunter sure does look sweet... every game for every console I say! Then everyone would be happy.

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Originally posted by Gabrobot

Lucasarts is dumb. The money is in the pc NOT the consoles.


Id software (and raven ect.) is smart. They know what platform is best for gaming...


Riiiight, so it's not like Doom 3 (from Id Soft) and Jedi Knight 2 (from Raven) are being released on consoles? Oh wait...

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Heee, yes really. Doom3 on PC, X-Box, and GameCube... oh yeah. id generally isn't stupid when it comes to making money. Just look outside of the USA, especially in Asia, console games are like money magnets, it is a little less here in the USA, but not that much when compared to PC games.


As for the X-Box games... yes, there are quite a few, I personally have no problems, but rather am irritated when games are released ONLY on consoles. We just got an X-Box on Sunday, and it just came with crappy games, (Just flame me, I could write essays on why I am right.) NFL Fever (not a big sports fan I am) and Halo. (The MP is okish.)


Anyway, I am sort of trying to get my parents to also get a GameCube when they get cheaper. It was their decision to get an X-Box. I actually didn't really care on the system, so long as it wasn't a lowly PS2. A separate graphics-processing unit from the main processor may not make the processor sound as impressive, but allows for more options. Maybe I am just too old-school.


Anyway, I think the two systems give a good choice of games, Lucas Arts and otherwise, one thing though that really gets me excited about the GameCube is the possibility that the internet connectivity and online games might be done similarly to PCs... a user makes the host, people search, find, connect, and play, and potentially free. :)


But yeah, really, there are plenty of X-Box games being made by Lucas Arts. Chill out already.

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