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Stop It


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I agree 100%


It seems all people do is moan and complain, maybe it's just me, i did miss the counter strike and half life era. If you don't like a game, don't play it. It's that simple. And don't have a dig @ people who don't like it.

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Looks like you guys call every thread a whine thread and every person who doesn't like the patch a whiner?


and no it's not a waste of time talking about why you don't like the patch. Where else did Raven get the idea that heavy stance DFA is too strong and needs to be tweaked? Us gamers. Where? On the forums OR in the games OR whine emails.


So somebody whined.


JO is a great title. JO is a great game. We're not ready to give it up just because of one crappy patch. :)


Alrite I'm out for the "day"...4AM...gotta get some sleep


SaberPro from DS3, Out.

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I'm all for constructive critisisme, but simple whining like :


'I hate This Patch'

'This Patch Sucks'

'I wom't play this game anymore becasue of this Patch'


type of threads piss me of juts a bit.



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Originally posted by Krak3n

I'm all for constructive critisisme, but simple whining like :


'I hate This Patch'

'This Patch Sucks'

'I wom't play this game anymore becasue of this Patch'


type of threads piss me of juts a bit.




I agree with that.


Moaners and whiners seem to be a large problem in these forums. If you don't like the new patch, you don't *have* to move over. You can also mail Raven and explain your case to them in nice, civilised, non-threatening tones. Chances are that you'll get a better response like that.


Saying "thsi patch suX0rz" isn't going to get anyone anywhere.

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When I first played it with the patch, I thought it sucked but did I come on here and moan, no.

I didn't like the new sabers at all, everything seemed to be slowed down but after a while spent playing duels with the new sabres I really like it and do you know whats even better?

You can disable force powers meaning you can get force jump and sabre throw etc in a duel without worrying about some lamer using lightning:D

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Originally posted by Lord_Calgar

God 4am, how sad r u. What's the point in staying up until 4am the next day when you probably have to get up to work at 7 or 8am. What's the point?




Beware the Shadows.


Everyone does it now and again...who are you too judge?

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Originally posted by AcceptableRisk


Everyone does it now and again...who are you too judge?



I'm someone who has enough sense to go to bed at the right time during the week, when i've got to go to school in the morning.






Beware the Shadows.

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Originally posted by Lord_Calgar

God 4am, how sad r u. What's the point in staying up until 4am the next day when you probably have to get up to work at 7 or 8am. What's the point?


Could it be because different people live in different time zones?

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Originally posted by Zek


Could it be because different people live in different time zones?



Yes, but surely if u were going to put the time that u were logging off, u would put the time it is where u r. So my point still sticks.





Beware the Shadows.

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erm ..... ok there a load of thread about this patch i have to addmit my version of windows decided it would stop working last weekend and i had to reformat ....

i havent got round to reinstall JK2 yet .... and have only just heard that there a patch ..... i plan on reinstall it tonight .... the only thing is should i patch it .... ..

and maybe this aint the best place to ask but what does the patch do ive heard lots of complaints but no one saying what its does ...... ???

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Originally posted by Lord_Calgar



I'm someone who has enough sense to go to bed at the right time during the week, when i've got to go to school in the morning.






Beware the Shadows.


There could be a number of reasons why he is still up at 4AM...:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Lord_Calgar

God 4am, how sad r u. What's the point in staying up until 4am the next day when you probably have to get up to work at 7 or 8am. What's the point?


Beware the Shadows.


I happen to work from 6pm to 6am. As I'm currently idle at work a bunch, so I make most of my forum posts during the wee hours. Making assumptions & judgements is *far* worse than whining, so stop it.

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What i think is funny is half the people who where winning about fixing mp and stuff are now winning on how they hate the patch. Isnt like all the stuff they put in teh patch is teh stuff everyone was winning about. God its a game if you dont like it please leave go play somehting else and let the people who like it and just want to have fun and not have to listen to people on the server whine and complain. What they really need to add is a schelch butten so you can start ingoring people on servers.


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I propose we all just say how we think the game could be better!


It should:

Have less saber collision during attack animations,

do more damage with every attack (but nerf backslash a bit),

the sabers should spark less when touching,

the radius in which you block attacks should be reduced

and it should have the FISTS!!!

All in the next patch. I hope.

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Originally posted by swediot=)

most of those reasons are probably really stuupid as well i mean what freaks stay up and look @ an internet forum @ 4 o clock in the morning:confused:


So people who stay up late are freaks? The thought of maybe they work a night shift never entered your adolescent mind? Who are you to judge people based on their sleeping pattern? Thats the confusing part.


Anyway, when I first ran the patch I was like "NOOOOOO! THEY TOOK OUT THE SPINS FROM MEDIUM STANCE!!!!!!!" I later realised "Hey! Light stance is the fast twirly type, thats how it should have been in the first place. Good goin Raven"


Later on, I realised that Heavy stance can now have "combos" and thats a good plus. DFA was nerfed a bit, but you can still kill people with it givin the right circumstances. It's like the "old" DFA, you just hold down attack now, and you can "link" it to other attacks, which is cool in it's own right.


Force rebalancing I haven't had much experiance with, although going to a NF Duel server and having saber throw & jump gets my goat a bit. Hopefully the server admins will see this and disable 'em.


All it comes down to is the ability to adapt. To me at first, JO seemed like Q3 with sabers, but then I got used to it. Now the patch has come out, and it feels way different than before. I'll get used to it as well.



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People can complain, in fact I'm GLAD that people don't just blindly accept everything as a given and not bring up any opinions.


However, what people need to try to do is express themselves in a civilized and mature way. That is, without resorting to petty insults and flame-wars. ; p


If we can do that, we're all better off.

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