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SP Saber Colour: The Definitive Guide!


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  • 3 weeks later...
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I have a problem I'm not sure if it's been solved already but I need help with it.

I can't get dismemberment to work.

I open up the console and type

devmap; saberreallisticCombat 1 (I've done 1-9 nothing works)

and I've typed

devmap; dismemberment 1 (I've also done 1-9 and again.. same result.)


Help if you Can.. thanks..

Also is it possible to change the color of the saber you seen in the cutscenes? I've seen a mod that does this but unfortunatily I don't know which one and know nothing of pk3 files or how to make anything.. Thanks again..



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  • 1 month later...

I've just looked at this thread for the first time in a while and there's something I didn't make clear.


Unless someone can figure out a way to trigger scripts either between or during levels, there's no way to have a custom saber colour span more than one level.

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i figured out a way to have a certain lightsaber color by default when you load ANY map AND in the cutscenes.


first change the color of kyle's saber in the npcs.cfg


then in the game type: bind 1 weapon 1;saberColor (color)


this way when u activate your lightsaber it changes to the color you want. and you don't have to keep typing "saberColor ____"


hope this helps....

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  • 1 month later...

does this thread like unsticky itself or something? Oh and btw, i am having a problem sorta related to this....

Changing saber colors in SP....

....throughout the game. I can make a custom menu for a map so that it loads with the new saber, but that way the other color only works when you load your new game. How would you make it so that the saber is, say, green, throughout the game, no matter the level loaded. I KNOW IT IS POSSIBLE because it has been done in Quigon007's Episode 3 "TC". I have thoughrouly gone through that .pk3 file but cannot find out what needs to be done that I have not done. I have editted the sabers.shader file, switching the green and blue files, but the saber is still blue. Previously, I had gotten it to work, except the "green" (orginally blue) saber had a saber trail that was blue. Can anyone PLEASE help?


Can anyone help?

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Originally posted by AKPiggott

I've just looked at this thread for the first time in a while and there's something I didn't make clear.


Unless someone can figure out a way to trigger scripts either between or during levels, there's no way to have a custom saber colour span more than one level.

The God of SP-modding has spoken. :D


I don't think it's possible to keep the saber color one color for the whole of SP.


You would need to use the sabercolor command most of the time, it would seem.

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I didn't think about editing the shader file. It's worth a try, but I cannot garuntee anything.


If multiple levels is your problem, fear not, as I've devised a crude but highly effective and reliable system for hubbed levels in singleplayer. It lets you travel back and forth between levels and saves your progress. It works exactly like Deus Ex. It also solves saber color.

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  • 3 weeks later...

mayb someone here can help me with this, i did a cutom saber for myself, but when i swing the saber, its a different trail color, like say, i edited the yellow saber to be white, but when i swing the saber, its got a yellow trail still, is there anyway to fix that or edited it in someway so the trail comes up white to?

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Originally posted by DA_Anakin

mayb someone here can help me with this, i did a cutom saber for myself, but when i swing the saber, its a different trail color, like say, i edited the yellow saber to be white, but when i swing the saber, its got a yellow trail still, is there anyway to fix that or edited it in someway so the trail comes up white to?

From what I've seen, you need to edit the code to get the trail to change too.
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There's somthing else you can do with the config file described in this thread.


You can create double ended lightsabers by adding a line.


I think it's "the destroyer".


Also you can change the realsiticsabercombat values too.


Can anyone remember these cheats properly. I have forgotten the exact syntax to enter into the console.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by .Hack//Sign

Is it possible to make it so you can use a custom sabre color (ie one that is not a default color) as your SP sabre?


You mean, one that someone else created right? It should be possible, but it would take some scripting work to get the job done. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there any possibility of making a new saber color, without replacing any of the original colors in SP, without coding?


I heard that the saber trail effect was hard-coded into source code, which would force the usage of one of the original trails for a new color, or rather, having no trail at all...


I've seen other ppl do it with SP saber replacements but I'm not sure how to do it myself...


Not so much that I'm looking to make a new SP saber color myself, just interested.



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I found a mod called Mod Of Doom, made by Arkule.




Quoted from mod description:


-Two new saber colors, in addition to, not replacing, the old ones: White, and a shadowing looking black.


Now, I would have gladly DLed this mod and looked at the pk3 to find out how the guy did this, but the LINK IS BAD!


So... anyone have any idea how the author did this?

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