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Strange Things Happening on Folor

Wraith 5

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"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You think that will be faster!? I'm not so sure about that. Did you notice how many ships were up there?" *Gam points to the sky* "Heh that'd take HOURS! No...what we need is a nice scanner, perhaps one with multiple screens, so that we can each take a sector. IMO, the perfect place to find one of them would be in the spaceport. I still have a few credits, and I'm sure Ga'bree does, aslo. They shouldn't be TOO hard to bribe." *A smirk stretches across Gam's face* "O and if we can't get a good registry from the Government, I'm sure we could find one on the black-market, of course if that's ok with our 'employer.' "

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*gm-speak* I like Tie's idea about putting your name in your post, that way everyone knows everyones name, and we don't have to go looking for them all the time... *end gm-speak*



gabree looks at Tie "I like that idea" *looking at jawa's and protector 1, "If you think you can get an untampered registry, then do it, i am going to go to the goverment center and see what kinda registry they will give me. If the 2 list are differnt we will need to scan every ship. And for that it would be better to have a more powerful scanner, I know the main space port has a scanner that can see everything in orbit, so we may want to think about finding a way to use it for a little while. Protector 2, unless you feel you would be more help down here, then be all means head up and start the survie, whatever you get done know, will save use time later."



*you know with tie here i don't know if you need gabree anymore, look at how he put everything together to make a really good plan! Nice job Tie!!!*

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"Right, so that leaves dash, ferg, eets, tiedef, hannibal, and I on the ground. We gotta wait till dash finishes here and then try to find that sensor station. We gotta analyize our skills before we leave. What do we have and what will we need?


I'm an intrusion person, but i'm no good at all with computers."


wait, who's protector 1?

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*reaches the z-95 with R6 right behind.*


*opens cargo hold*


R6, set yourself inside, and wire yourself up with the computer system. I'm gonna need you to assist this computer system, as well as scan some of the other ships so this can be done faster.


*Din attaches a cable into the back of R6's head to hopefully assist with sensor scanning.*


*climbs in the cockpit, and blasts off for space*

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"Oh wait, i just remeber them running off on something they said was, "very important." I don't know what they are talking about but i guess we're on own. Gam, if you can pull up a map of the sensor station then i'll go scout it out while you finish up here."


wraith, think you get get me a map of the place or something? Oh, and would it be ok if i stopped somewhere to pick up some electrobinoculars?

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sure, i will make up a map...


You guys figure out a list of stuff you think you will need, and i will find a place that should have it...


oh and when i said they weren't here, i ment in real life, that hadn't posted yet so i wanted to tell you they were jawa's...

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Don't mind me...I'll tag along with the ground party and if they need any help I pitch in, but I'm pretty useless in space unless you take a huge hit or something...


*Keeps an eye out for a decent crystal for lightsaber*


"Uh we're not going to space, we're staying right here..."



Ok Wraith, let's see


We'll need a map, an instruction manual, or a droid that knows how to use the scanner, and a 2 datapads and a few disks for them.




"O R8, once you find a registry store it in your memory then get us a map of the Spaceport that runs the Shipyard, and directions to it."

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"Ok, and i'll need those electrobinoculars for scouting. Oh, and R8, if you find any information or images on the buildings or whatever it is surrounding the station then store them too. We can't just barge in and shoot everything in sight, we have to do this right. The key is not letting anyone know that we're in the station until we are finsihed scanning."

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"Birds don't use shampoo."


"Why don't we just go in like any person and find the people taking care of the scanners, bribe them, keep them where they can't tell anyone, then let him go after we're done. This way we don't need to attract any attention to ourselfs." *Gam says while watching his little droid work*

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"Oh sure, that'll work. :rolleyes: We'll just walk right up to security, hand them a decacred and they'll just do whatever we want. That could work, if we had more credits, but we don't. And we'll still need those credits for other things too. I don't think bribes are the most efficent way of doing it. This shouldn't be too hard of a job."


Besides, where's the fun in that!? :D

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"The 'fun' is not getting killed. Although, I suppose we ARE a little low on funds... But still there are only 6 of us, and we have no idea how good of a security force they'll have. Just remember, though, that they ARE the leading spaceport on Folor and they'll most likely have the best defenses. Why don't we go in via the transport and my fighter. We can go in from different sides so we get a good overlook of the spaceport, and once we get the map we can decide where to meet up, how's that sound?"

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"Well, as soon as that rust bucket R8 unit of yours finds me a map of the complex and the surroundings i'll go scout and then we can make a decision. I don't think attacking the complex with a snubfighter is going to get us anywhere. We'd have have the defense force on us in less than a standard minute. Even a flyby would be very risky, more so than any intrusion we're likely to make. I think that hijacking a supply truck could work, though. We'll just have to decide when we have more information."


BTW, when i put things in italics like this, it means i'm making a statement as a player, and not my character.

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