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Woah! Didn't see THAT coming.

Boba Rhett

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Local ABC station WLS showed some highlights from this weeks "Ebert and Roeper" on the news earlier today. While it seems as if Roeper really enjoyed the film, Ebert did not. Which is shocking, considering that Ebert gave Phantom Menace one of its best reviews. The highlights seemed to insinuate that Ebert thought that the effects were too over the top and that the story had too many holes in it.

Ebert and Roeper should have their full review this coming Sunday.



I would have bet money. lots and lots of money, that it was going to be the other way around. :eek:





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these are the same people that praised such movies as...


"Like water for chocolate"

"The englishman who came down a mountain...blah blah"


"Dr T and the woman"


well probably not Dr T but for those of you that saw that I kept thinking wat in the **** and then it got worse....you kept thinking you wanted to leave..but you stayed because you were thinking wat in the ****???



I always go by the opposite of wat ebert says don't you??? He's an old man who wouldn't know a good star wars movie if it shot him in the butt. I bet he liked jar jar too!

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