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The Answers to all your questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Well I see that a lot of people have questions about the game, well if you read this link you will know everything there is to know about the game... so enjoy the reading!! Remeber this is straight from the official site and from the Developers' mouths!!




Kiyamon - Minister of Diplomatic Relations

Trinity Republic

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'Negative charged' doesn't need much explaining. It's in the word. :D


'High Energy' means, in this case, that it recieves a high energy level beam.


'Flux' means power, or stream of power if you like.


And 'Apertur' means opening or hole.


This all refers to the ring that goes around the emitter on top of the handel.



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So its a negatively charged high energy power hole........


Yay! all the questions I wanted to know in this life have been answered....now I am like yoda :yoda:


Now its time to find a nice swampy planet where I can hide from yoda-wannabees and talk to myself aaaaaall day long. :)

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Originally posted by Zendjir

So its a negatively charged high energy power hole........


Yay! all the questions I wanted to know in this life have been answered....now I am like yoda :yoda:


Now its time to find a nice swampy planet where I can hide from yoda-wannabees and talk to myself aaaaaall day long. :)


No, you Yoda are not. Don't talk like Yoda you do. :p

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Originally posted by setsuko

Heh, a negative charged High-Energy Flux Aperture is not at all peculiar, regarding the physics. Not compared to light-speed travel that doesn't use the same amount of energy that a star emits in it's whole lifetime :)


Ok...just that statement alone gave me a hang over.



Questions unanswered by the FAQ:


-Do gas giants have high humidity? I hope not cause I like to hang out in bespin but humid air makes my shorts ride up.


-How does Yoda run with the hand of a puppeteer up his butt?


-Can I be a wookie with shaved hair? I just couldnt handle dandruff in certain places.


- Does an AT-AT lift its leg when it has to dump some fuel?


- What direction do the toilets flush on Tatooine? There are toilets right?


- Why are Hutts always naked?

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This should be fun. :D





Yes, in some levels.

However, Cloud City, for instance, are situated in a level with breathable air and normal humidity levels, so go on and enjoy. :p



He never runs when he's a puppet, only when he's a CGI character. :D



Yes, you can.

I hear Greg want's to be hairdresser. If you ask nicely, he'll shave you. ;)



No, it doesn't.

Those are un-founded rumors, spread by Rebel propaganda agents in order to deter future recruits from joining the Imperial Army.

So far it hasn't worked.



Actually there are no toilets on Tatooine, only the saying: Don't pee into the wind!!!! :D



Because they consider themself Gods. They can do whatever they like. :p

Wouldn't you? :D






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