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Doesnt anyone like the patch?


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Have a look at the poll on the front of http://www.jediknightii.net


It appears that most people feel that either only a small amount of tweaking is needed, or that the patch is perfect (so far at least).


can you say "vocal minority"?




Like I said earlier, I don't mind people disliking the patch, but can't they at least do so in a constructive manner without swearing their @$$ off at Raven? Some do but most don't as far as I've seen.

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This patch sucks plain and simple.


Those people who were whining about DFA have even more to worry about. OH yes, people still spam the DFA, but now they have backswing to use if they miss. Don't get me started on the pull back swing cheapness. People spin and spin like fairies too.


You have to be a ****ing idiot to like this patch.

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Originally posted by mIRC

This patch sucks plain and simple.


Those people who were whining about DFA have even more to worry about. OH yes, people still spam the DFA, but now they have backswing to use if they miss. Don't get me started on the pull back swing cheapness. People spin and spin like fairies too.


You have to be a ****ing idiot to like this patch.




You have to be a ****ing DFA Whore not to like this patch



R O C K S !!!!!!!

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I like the way that mIRC says that anyone who likes the patch MUST be an idiot. After all, everybody knows that mIRC is always right and that if he says it's bad anyone who disagrees is very obviously retarded.


Everyone has opinions, and just because they are different to yours doesn't invalidate their views. If you don't like the patch, fine, no one ever said you had to like it. Just stop insulting people because they have a different opinion. Also, if you genuinely believe that the patch has made things worse, then you can get a lot more people to listen to you by voicing your criticisms in a constructive manner. Do you think the designers are going to listen to you slagging them off repeatedly after they've worked hard enough just to get this patch out and appease the people who were continually slagging them off BEFORE IT? I think that we should at least be thankful that they are listening to the community and trying to make the game better for everyone.

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I found the patch to be rather nice actually.

I think alot of people are just upset that they cant overpower other players anymore with Force Drain, or do the delayed 1 kill shot.


My advice to those people is the following:

If you want to cheat, open your own console in life and enable your own cheats. Turn about is fair play.

Now if you're so upset that you cannot defeat people with unrealistic abilities, then learn some humility or else find company elsewhere. Real life Cheating takes extreme skill, guile, and lack of (or extremely reduced) conscience. And besides, if its possible, then its not cheating, and your whining doesnt solve anything.


One of the only things I didnt like about the patch was the damage reduction. This is a plasma-hot super energy beam we are talking about here folks. It can incinerate almost anything it touches in a split second or two, and it will reduce even the hardest of metals to molten liquid with little to no effort.

Flesh is as air to these weapons, so the idea of reducing damage can only be appriciated by game playing, as it makes the duels last a bit longer. The fact that they made the blocking more effective is a better idea I think. But damage reduction is just for fun and entirely unrealistic.

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Originally posted by OmniDo

I found the patch to be rather nice actually.

I think alot of people are just upset that they cant overpower other players anymore with Force Drain, or do the delayed 1 kill shot.



Why not? this weapon we are holding is a dangerous weapon. I for one would be looking for the nearest bacta tank if i got hit anywhere on my body with it.




My advice to those people is the following:

If you want to cheat, open your own console in life and enable your own cheats. Turn about is fair play.

Now if you're so upset that you cannot defeat people with unrealistic abilities, then learn some humility or else find company elsewhere. Real life Cheating takes extreme skill, guile, and lack of (or extremely reduced) conscience. And besides, if its possible, then its not cheating, and your whining doesnt solve anything.



So exploiting someones Weakness, Destroying the newbs quickly.. Thats cheating?


Believe me when i got into fights in 1.02 with people who knew what they where doing . It wasnt filled with cheep moves, It ranged over a broad area of the map and it sometimes took mins to decide the champion.


BUT you died when you where hit.


Not this pansy hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit. Ok now he dies.


One of the only things I didnt like about the patch was the damage reduction. This is a plasma-hot super energy beam we are talking about here folks. It can incinerate almost anything it touches in a split second or two, and it will reduce even the hardest of metals to molten liquid with little to no effort.

Flesh is as air to these weapons, so the idea of reducing damage can only be appriciated by game playing, as it makes the duels last a bit longer. The fact that they made the blocking more effective is a better idea I think. But damage reduction is just for fun and entirely unrealistic.


But didnt you just say earlier that one hit wonders was cheating?


And that it takes no skill to time them right?


Im confused where did your humility go? shouldnt you be giving the newbed the benifit of the doubt ?



Come on people this weapon is dangerous. There shouldnt be any doubt in your minds that the moment it touches the body its all over.


And i dont remember Qui gon jin RUnning for Health boxes and ARmor after he got Hit in the stomach by the sith

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I like the patch. With the exception of the emerging trend of the Ass Master, I think they got everything basically right with this. Maybe they could tone down the blockable radius a bit, but honestly, I don't see the blocking as much of a problem. I like drawn out fights.


I do think that the sabre throw in non-force duels is kind of lame, since people just start spamming the move, but I've beaten people who use that tactic. It takes a while, and you have to really wait them out to the point where they get tired of throwing and move in to attack, but it can be done.


If they fix up the one-hit kill backstab (make it not an instant kill, slow it down a little, etc.) I think the game will be perfect. Now all we'll need is some more maps, and maybe a mod or two.

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I like the new duels against good opponents. More action, and faster thinking required. Its good, Heavy stance is still viable, and the blue and yellow are just as good now.


I dislike the new duels against bad opponents (blue spinners), since it takes longer to kill them, even though they never win in a 1 on 1 duel. Its just not exciting, and I would prefer to get rid of them as fast as possible.


I hate the new duels against rotten opponents... the sabre throwers, and the ass fighters. But that is not really the patch's fault, its just that the ass fighting emerged at the same time. The patch just prolong the misery of fighting them a little ;)


I dislike the new FFA saberfights, since they have degenerated into twirl fests... This is such a shame, since I really enjoyed FFA before. I have played a lot of FFA games since the patch, in hope of learning the new tecniques, but unfortunally every fight has turned out to be a spin-around-chop-like-a-mad-man-until-the-other-guys-dies contest. I do pretty good 1 on 1, by using a combination of heavy swings, and the blue style lunge, but in a FFA fight it seems to be all about twirling around in crowds. Aiming is unfortunally not necessary, since I can do just aswell without it (oh, I've tried it.. its not fun, but by twirling into a crowd with the yellow style, you can score a couple of kills before some other twirler kills you). And its not just me that sucks at it, since *every* FFA fight has been like this since the patch.


I hate the new CTF games.. for the same reason as the FFA games, plus that it takes much longer to kill the flag carrier when other players are close (crowd = twirl fest = slow killings).


I don't play with guns, so I can't say anything about that.


I like the force changes. Heal was overpowered, and needed this IMO. I don't play dark, so I can't say much about the Drain nerf.


I like the interface changes, and the bugfixes of course ;)

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For the record, I think the new patch is an improvement. The hit detection seems more accurate - there are less incidents where someone swings a saber 20 feet away, and still ends up killing their target, and less situations where lightsabers go through target without giving any damage at all. And, of course, there's the tweaking of the DFA attack, which is fine by me too.


There are still some mechanical issues that need to be patched. For example, any joystick users will noticed that in SP there is a configuration option to turn off "Joystick Axis as Button" for both X and Y axes. It works in SP, but in MP it doesn't. That needs to be fixed.


But overall, yes, this patch is better. The danger with continually tweaking the gameplay mechanics is that in the long run, the community is hurt because everyone has to relearn how to play the game. This can win over new people, sway those that may have been on the fence, but will also likely drive former fans and fence-sitters away. You just have to hope that, overall, you win over more than you lose. With a game like this, it's incredibly crucial to get the game-play balanced before it's released.

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I like the patch alot, the game isn't perfect yet but then I doubt it ever will be for everyone. A touch more tweaking on the easyness of activating powerful moves and very slight balancing of medium vs light stance and we're set I think.

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I dislike the new patch.




Well, I played my first 16 person, FFA saber-only, jedi-master force level today after downloading the patch and it was totally insane. I am a strong-red saber style user and found myself alot weaker then prior to the patch. The reason I like strong-style is it 'feels' realistic, by that I mean the strong swings and the way the saber practially fills the screen makes me feel more like the saber. I felt that giving up speed and increasing the damage was a fair trade-off. In the game I played today I found that my damage seemed to have totally dropped off and totally crappy blocks were happening were they didn't occur before. FORCE is now playing a much larger role in saber combat and I think that really cheapens saber fighting, by that I mean out of the 16 people I played with I feel I was the only one using light force. Everytime I went to fight someone I fell prey to lightening. Lightening spammers would coat the battle pile with lightening getting cheap kills. I know, everyone will say- use absorb! Well, I have used absorb but the force pool drains quickly now with the extension of combat- where before I could saber a dark force spammer easier, now the person can dance around and keep the lightening going until I am dead.


I am not a DFA spammer- never was. I would use the move, aye, but didn't spam it all over the place. I like the changes they made to it, but feel the increase in blocking and seeming decrease in strong-style damage has turned the game into a dark force users dream.


IMO the weakest saber users have always been dark force spammers, by extending their lives against the power of the saber the game has definetly dropped in enjoyment for me.

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I will agree with you on one point, Demise_SOK. Due to the way Absorb is implemented, the Light Jedi are at a distinct disadvantage. My point being that since Dark Jedi can tell when Absorb is on, they won't attack with any dark powers until Absorb is off. Raven attempted to remedy this by making Absorb invisible, but that didn't go nearly far enough toward balancing the gameplay, because Absorb gives off a very distinct sound when it's in effect. During a duel, it is obvious to the darksider when a Light Jedi has Absorb on. All that I have to use is ... a little patience. Once that Absorb goes off, just Drain them, Lightning them, and repeat as necessary until they're dead. And if at any time you hear Absorb come back on, just hold off on the dark powers for a while and dodge until it goes off again, and then resume the Dark Side Attack Formula .


I would rather be a Light Jedi, but due to the way Absorb works, I'm convinced that the Dark Jedi has the tactical advantage and will typically prevail, all things being equal. So, I play as a Dark Jedi now, not out of preference, but to avoid being dominated.


Perhapas a future patch will make Absorb totally undetectable, until it actually absorbs some dark force energy - and only while it's absorbing. That would keep the darksider in the dark (no pun intended) as to whether or not the Light Jedi actually has Absorb on or not. That would make for more interesting gameplay, in my opinion.

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If you rely on only one stance, you WILL find yourself at a disadvantage. Heavy stance has its uses, but you have to learn the other stances as well. Don't just stick with a limited repertoir of moves. The more fluent you are with the sabre, the more "conversant" you are, so to speak, the better you'll do.


Think of it this way:


Backstab spammers have a limited vocabulary. It usually goes something like "ME PULL!! ME STAB!!! YOU DIE!!"


Folks who limit themselves to one stance or one stance with one or two moves from other stances sound like, "I will hit you with my sabre."


Folks who are truly conversant with the sabre sound like, "See here now, my good man. First I'm going to execute a lunge at your midsection. Then, while you're still stunned, I'm going to sidestep you and deliver a spinning strike to your upper torso. Finally, I'll bless you with a series of quick chops, before I finish you off by leaping over your head while simultaneously delivering a blow that may very well take your head clean off. And do you know what? There isn't a bloody thing you can do about it." :)


So, I STRONGLY urge you to become comfortable with the other styles of fighting. I think you'll actually find them a lot of fun to play, especially when you use them together. The game has a LOT of depth to it, but if you only use one stance, you'll never see the rest of what the game has to offer.

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Originally posted by subedii

Have a look at the poll on the front of http://www.jediknightii.net


It appears that most people feel that either only a small amount of tweaking is needed, or that the patch is perfect (so far at least).


can you say "vocal minority"?




Like I said earlier, I don't mind people disliking the patch, but can't they at least do so in a constructive manner without swearing their @$$ off at Raven? Some do but most don't as far as I've seen.


Actually, the majority of people thinks the patch needs tweaking. This doesn't mean they like it - it means it's not right in its current form.


A quarter of the people think its perfect


And the two categories "Don't Like It" and "Changed Too Much" should be combined. Those who think it was changed too much probably don't like the patch. So, hence, a quarter of the people don't like the patch.


The community is pretty much split down the midle on the issue.

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