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Episode 1 (Duel of the Fates) Beta Screenshots


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Holy f***k , they stole my idea! No , not really but i am now actually learning how to create maps coz i was planning to make that kickass level with the hangar , the reactor and that place where darth maul slipped and fell to his doom . Oh well , mine could have sucked anyway . Could have.....

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You guys want a timetable for the release, well, lets just say that by the end of the month, it will have all ready been released:) when exactly, not really sure.. still in beta testing and tweaking, but being a beta tester myself, the map is AWESOME!!! livingdeadjedi has outdone himself again... and to think he all ready has 3 more maps lined up after this one... !!!


and for FPS, I can say that there is a command in the console to help boost your FPS!!! its com_maxfps 120 this will default JO's max fps to 120, but not to fear, it will not lower the people's FPS who all ready reach 120+, it will just make it BETTER!!!!


I can say that on my ATI RADEON 7200 series (for now) with all the graphics turned up high, the most my FPS will be in the main energy room will be 22... 35 or 40 with that command on.... but thats about it... everywhere else, It gets to be between 80 and 120, cept maybe the MAIN hangar room gets 60 because of its size as well..

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