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I dont have a problem with israel. others may have, and if they think 'Niko = israel" they may not like me for the fact i live in israel or something....i dunno. (i'm babling)


anyways i'm not a big fan of my country.... (middle east sucks ass)

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Originally posted by Andrei555

By the way, has anyone noticed that there have been poeple who come onto forums, posting "Hi, I'm new!" topics and then just leave?


If you look at dragynlady's posts, you'll see it is 1. And do you remember cmdt?


yeah....oh well


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Hello again. I did not drop off the earth I was merely concentrating all my efforts on beating MI4. I am VICTORIOUS!!!! (I only had to cheat 5 or 6 times). The battles scene at the end nearly killed me, my computer was going in slow motion but I thought it was supposed to do that, after a half hour of hair pulling I realized something was wrong. (They don't say I'm smart for nothin'). I had an error message come up ...Congratulations you found a bug blah, blah blah, report this to the proper authorities....anyone know who that is?

I checked the forum shortly after I posted and no one had yet to reply, boy was I surprised today. THEY LIKE ME! THEY REALLY LIKE ME!


Nice to meet you all and I'm sure I'll catch up on the underlying meanings soon enough.

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Guest King Andrei
Originally posted by dragynlady

:newbie: just thought i'd introduce myself, i don't write songs or spam much but anyone who likes the monkeys is all right by me.


NiKo, be a nice mod, don't be mean to the newbies. :)

Don't be mean to anyone, actually.

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Hmmmmmmms... if you guys go to the movies on your first date don't be surprised if you hear a loud Australian voice making rude comments behind you and someone throwing popcorn at ya :D


Geez...I wonder who that could be? I'll then camp outside whoevers house with a pair of binoculars in the hope I see something



And NiKo- I know what you mean when you feel like people associate NiKo=Isreal, I feel the same way sometimes that people think Natty=Australia. OK, I know I'm from Australia and probably a lotta people are curious about the place and the animals, but sometimes I feel like (and not neceserally on here but on other forums or something) that people only talk to me, chat to me, become my friend coz I'm from Australia, rather than the person I am, and it does hurt my feelings sometimes :( But I love NiKo coz he's cute, sexy, fun and he had blue hair :p

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