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I can't believe you're serious about this "invasion", Griswold. If you indeed are, I suggest you reconsider, lest you appear foolish.


First of all, You've got nearly as many posts at MI Legend as you do here. You "left" MI Legend only a couple of weeks ago, so it's not like people would think you were invading anyway.


Secondly, what did MI Legend ever do to you? You were welcomed there and participated as a regular poster for months before you decided that you were going to hate the forums for no apparent reason. Too spammy? Maybe you should look at some of your earlier posts there.


Finally, let me assure you that instigating a forum war is grounds for banning from both Lucasforums and MI Legend, so I hope that you're kidding.

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Met, I wasnt neceserly talkin about Milegend...


Beside, I dont know how I came up with this, it seemed fun the last time we did it..


Milegend is a bunch of spammers...Im not coming back for a very long time

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Originally posted by Griswold

I swear to god, some people have like 500 and have been there for a month, and MIL isn't that busy, anyways, It was a bad idea, lets move on


no! we musnt move! danforth, pull up flank! look out for charlie, up in the trees!!!!!!






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