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Join The Bounty Hunters Guild!!!


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Do you want to travel the galaxy? Do you like beating the snot outa people? Are you handy with a blaster? Does your friends always ask you to look for things..and you seem to know right were to look? Then come on over to Bounty Hunters and join the most reputable guild this side of the Universe! We are looking for NEW Guild Members...prior experience not necessary. Follow the link and join today!




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Thank you!! I spent a month tweaking and designing the web site..there were alot of things I wanted to do with it..but im no where near a professional..its only my second website. The comunity on this board seem pretty darn good..so I am definatly sticking around! I just wish I could figure how to make my banner stick and not have the link break hehe.




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I think most people can identify with the Bounty Hunters over the other factions because of the way were brought up...You have the Rebels..ok a kind of a goody to-shoes motif going on..then you have the Empire..blowing up planets to prove a point...both the extream of their particular spectrum...but here you have bounty hunters....they are their own boss...loners...pretty much free to do as they please without the confines of some hierarchal institution....just my thoughts hehe.




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what is your problem with the website?? i didnt understand what you were saying...


i wanna try something.. to see if my link works:




if i did it right.. my picture should be the link to my website :D

oh this ofcourse was offtopic :D


did i welcome you BTW??

what the hell :D




Hey Mike.. do we need a special welcome for these boards??

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I was runing around the boards when I noticed my banner link was broken....then I found out that QWEST had taken their servers down thus the un-linkage..now its working so thats Solved...I cant get FORMS to work on my site for some reason...keep giveing me a POST error...I think this is QWESTs way of minimizing server usage...just a guess. I tried to tie in the link to the banner but not all sites have IMG enabled thus I add the banner manualy where possible before my text sig area.




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I hope the sequel will be as cool as the original, it rocked. Where did you get that information?


And headhunter, good luck with your PA! I will trade you some of rommels blasters or dartmaxx's droids sometime ;) Deal?

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Yeah, all the jobs are mine! MINE I TELL YOU!! Muhahahahahaaaa! :D


But we can work together ofcourse, but I don't know if that would work. We can also split the jobs that need to be done between the both of us. And kill the rest of the competition :).

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ANOTHER benelux? Lol :D


Welcome to the boards. Well, about replies, I seriously doubt they'll send you a "no, you did not enter this beta phase either" letter. And there'll be more than one beta phase: with each phase, they'll let in more people. First, there'll be phases that are buggy and wicked, and when those things are mostly taken care of, they'll have a phase for game balancing and such, and lastly, they'll have a stresstest, which means that they'll let many people in, to see how the servers suvive 'actual' gaming. So basically, as time passes, your chances to enter the beta increases.

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