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What vehicals wil lbe in it?

Ulic Quel Droma

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Yeah I think so, I heard somewhere that there are 2 vehicles available when the game releases; swoops and speeders.


And since the scouts in RoTJ use swoops...the answer would be yes.


So smile :)


BTW does any1 know what parts we can customize on a speeder?

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Speaking of beasts of burden, any official word out on if they'll be in the game? Tauntauns, banthas, and those chicken-looking things on naboo? And would you have some kind of stable to put them when you are not using them?



Just being curious ;)

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well... the creatures i know are in the game are:






Krait Dragons


well these are the ones i know. :D


and Gungans will most likely be in the game. as NPC i think.

the first 3 on my list are beasts of burden... so...

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Originally posted by Ulic Quel Droma

haha yeah that would be wicked can you imagine being on a speeder bike being chased by a krayt dragon? it would be awesome or a land speeder :D :D :D




personally I think the speeder will ehh...


outspeed the dragon :)



theyre big but not so fast :)

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Yes, It would be nice to know what kind of modifications will be available for vehicles. Though, for technical reasons, I guess most (perhaps even all) modifications wouldn't be seen graphically. We can only wait and see...

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I'm a noob so i might be horribly mistaken but isn't the modding of vehicles not present till the add-on?


Nope, the addon will add spacecraft to the game. With the initial realease it is possible to get a swoop (hover-bike-thingy) and a speeder (hover-car-thingy)


And don't worry about people calling you a noob, this is a friendly forum :)


Welcome !

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