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who's seen the film?

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just seen the movie,who else has and wot did u think? -i thought it was good,but i expected more,they've got alot 2 cram into episode 3 to bring the story up 2 scratch.when yoda fights,at first i thought 'funny',but then when he was blipping about he looked like da man.c3p0 was funny aswell.

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I was lucky, to see first show in the theater without waiting in line and found a good seat...

It was one of the best movies I have ever seen....

I think Jango Fett is so cool... but constantly in bad luck....

Natalie is so pretty... I like the scene before the arena....

I think both anakin and her are very good actors....

Before the movie, I thought maybe the arena battle is the only thing interesting... but their coversations throughout the story, story plot... and graphics are so good....

I want to see it again.... but..... I may not be as lucky as today anymore....... and I'm lazy to wait in line......

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I too just saw the movie. My first impression was joy at the reduced role of Jar Jar. Small yet very important. Secondly, lots of action, typical of a Star Wars movie. I was very entertained by the movie which is the whole point of watching movies. The only downside of the movie I though was at times the computer graphics were over done. Just because he has access to all this technology doesn't mean he has to use it. I am very excited about seeing it again tomorrow with the rest of the family (he he).

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Yes, I just saw it also. I enjoyed it quite a bit. It seems to get "better" as it progresses through the storyline.


I'll tell you one thing: I can see why there are only ever two Sith Jedi allowed at one time.... these guys kick some serious butt! Jesus, a multitude of these guys could cause some major damage in a short time.



~ Leaper

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I've seen it! I say it at exactly 12:00 EST, so that means i saw it at the same time or before anyone in the US! I'm going to see it again tomorrow if i can get tickets.


I didn't think that the CG was overdone, not in the least bit. Would you rather have had puppet Yoda or puppet Geonosians or puppet Kaminos? I wouldn't.


The last hour was the best of any movie ever created, period. The begginning and middle had there down times, but they were still good and interesting. I especially liked seeing Coruscant. We got to see a side of it we had never known before, i think that the side we saw is closer to the true Coruscant than what we had before.

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This movie had the best special effects I've ever seen in a movie. The battle scenes were awesome. One of my other favorite parts was where Yoda kicks some major butt. OMG, that was priceless. LOL I have no problems with the movie other then the slow progression into the final action scenes, but it was cool to see the plot build. I love this movie. It's my favorite so far.


Damn I had a great experience. I was lucky enough to go to a theatre with great digital surrond sound. It was more then worth the money to see it. I even want to go again and I don't usually see movies more then once in the theatre. This is my opinion, but Starwars Episode II blew spiderman out of the damn water. All around better movie.

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This movie had the best special effects I've ever seen in a movie. The battle scenes were awesome. One of my other favorite parts was where Yoda kicks some major butt. OMG, that was priceless. LOL I have no problems with the movie other then the slow progression into the final action scenes, but it was cool to see the plot build. I love this movie. It's my favorite so far.


Damn I had a great experience. I was lucky enough to go to a theatre with great digital surrond sound. It was more then worth the money to see it. I even want to go again and I don't usually see movies more then once in the theatre. This is my opinion, but Starwars Episode II blew spiderman out of the damn water. All around better movie.

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