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Master Cyphadeous?


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I'm not sure about the spelling of Cyphadeous (sai-fa-dee-us?)


Who is this mysterious Jedi Master which supposedly made the original order of Jango Fett clones 10 years ago? I sorta got lost in the whole explanation, why was everyone so indifferent about why and who made this army in the first place?

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i believe they were referring to sidious, who is darth sidious, who is chancellor palpatine in episode II. they refer to him as dead, but i believe that the jedi council was just making that up to hide something darker.

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I don't think they were indifferent. It's just that they were busy conducting an investigation, and the fact that this jedi master supposedly ordered this clone army posthumously was another piece of the puzzle they were trying to solve.

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I wouldn't worry about it too much, even I kinda lost the plot with it in episode:1- although I always knew Sideous=Palpatine. It did get explained to me, but I forgot how it worked out. You can tell he ain't up to no good anyway ;) Just look at the comment he makes to Ani about being the best Jedi he's ever seen

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Wasn't it mentioned that he was on the Jedi Council somewhere? So he couldn't very well be just some made up name then.


Maybe he was a Jedi Master that got seduced by the dark side and is now palpatine, but then the other council member would recognize him.


Another theory is that palpatine was using him, this mystery character, the same way he is using Dooku. Then palpatine simply gets rid of him once he's done, leaving no evidance to trace a link to himself and ruin his plans. What do you guys think?

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Obiwan actually gave two dates in the movie, one was over ten years, and the other was a bit less than ten (from memory).


Anyway here goes:


Palpatine = Darth Sideous, Sypherdeous

Count Dooku = Darth Tyrannus


The reason that the Jedi don't know that Palpatine is evil/whats going on, is that the dark side is clouding the jedi's vision. An entire scene is devoted to this, when they discuss whether they should tell the senate that the jedi aren't effective anymore. They choose not to because at the moment, it's only the sith lord that knows they are weak, and others may take advantage of it.


Quite a lot is explained throughout the movie, but you just have to listen for it.

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Yeah I noticed that scene and as far as why the council wouldn'T recognize a former member is maybe why they put emphasis on a character who was a changling. Now I'm really reaching here of course but thats the only thing i could think of as to why they wouldn't recognize him.

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So basically the explanation is that Palpatine = Sidious = Sifa Dias = Jedi that was thought to be killed 10 years ago ?


This doesn't make sense!


My head hurts!


Where do they think Palpatine came from then - unless Sifa Dias and Palpatine were never in the same place at the same time?


This works once Sifa Dias is supposedly killed - but while he is meant to be alive - it doesn't quite work..


I'm happy with Palpatine = Sidious. But this whole Sifa Dias thing is driving me nuts.


This is all far too confusing.

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Palpatine=clone of Darth Sideoous. There. The End. My hear hurts. Stupid plot holes that don't make sense.


OK- seriously, if I remember correctly that someone said to me once when I didn't get the whole Palpatine/Sideous thing coz I was so losted over it, Palpatine is a smoke screen or some crap, he's not real, a haloucination (blah@my crappy spelling) or something or other. I don't know whether that's true or not, that's why I'm still confused. They're the same person but not :confused:


I give up- it makes a funky story. However, if Sifadous (the good jedi?) is Palpatine and Sifedous was thought to be killed 10years ago, wouldn't people have noticed when Palpatine rocks up a few years later and looks exactly the same as Sifadous? I mean I don't think they have plastic surgeons in the galaxy far, far away... do they????

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Ah yes, the SifoDyas Condundrum (wow, that almost sounds collegiate!)...


It is a tad bit confusing in both the book and the movie. The way I saw it, SifoDyas = Sidious = Palpatine, but as others had pointed out, this would make little sense given the fact that Palpatine works so closely with the Jedi Council. Surely one of them would have known that Palpatine was actually the supposedly dead Jedi.


I think a lot of this could have been avoided by having a bit of dialogue between Mace and Yoda or Mace, Yoda and Obi-Wan about SifoDyas being a fictious name. However, instead of doing that, they all admitted that SifoDyas was, in fact, a former Jedi, which makes the whole durn thing confuzzling.


IMO, if they had said that SifoDyas was someone who had never been a Jedi and was impersonating one to the Kaminans, it would have left the Sidious/Palpatine issue in tact and they would have still had an ironclad reason why Kamino had been removed from the archives because Dooku left the order around the same time as SifoDyas's 'death'.


The only OTHER possible explination is that Dooku went to Kamino on order from Sidious and presented himself as Master SifoDyas. That could possibly stay consistant with the time frame, but, again, gets lost because Obi-Wan, Mace and Yoda appear to confirm that SifoDyas was, in fact, a former Jedi...


Ack.. my head is spinning now.

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how obvious is it?


dooku killed sifo dias 10 years ago (which is when he left the jedi order) asone of his first missions for palpatine


he ripped off his jedi ID or whatever and then went to the kaminoans under the name of sifo dias (the guy he killed) and ordered the clone army as per palpatines instructions and paid for them using palpatines funds (which, being a dark lord of the sith and with his connections with the trade federation and stuff , would be considerable)


the kaminoans are so far away from the centralized republic that they might have heard of a jedi master called sifo dias but not of his (back then) recent death


the look mace and yoda give each other when they hear the name makes me think they knew about him getting killed under suspicious circumstances



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the clones were odered 10 years before ep2. and that momet palpatine became chancellor (sp?) he ordered the clones under the name of a dead jedi..... that is all... no more and no less.


something still puzzles me tho.... Jango was hired to stand for the clones 10 years before that...... he was hired by Darth tyranus.... a.k.a. count dooku..... BUT.... there can only be 2 sith at a time... darth sidious... has always been there,... but 10 years before that... Darth Maul was there too.... how can Jango be hired by Dooku then??? casue that would mean there were 2 sith.... what do you think..

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Originally posted by Topdan



What if Palpatine is not Darth Sidious...


Then you want us to reject everything that was shown in Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.


Emperor Palpatine was a Dark Lord of the Sith - the Sith Master, Vader as his successful apprentice. This is apparent by the relationship shown between the two - Vader calling the Emperor his 'Master', and the Emperor opening a can of whoop-ass on Luke.


Further, this is also asking to forget about Sidious in Episode 1, assuring that the Senate would do nothing about the issue on Naboo (who else could make this claim but someone preparing to be the head of the Senate?) and Dooku's limited lines in AotC where he states that the Senate is under the control of the Dark Lords of the Sith. Dooku goes so far as to talk about Darth Sidious being aligned with the Trade Federation's Viceroy during the happenings that made up TPM.


So, logic only concludes that Palpatine must be Sidious. Darth Maul was his apprentice; Dooku was his servant and Anakin becomes his most successful apprentice - and he is later referred to as Emperor Palpatine. I think that by now there should be no doubt, at all, that Palpatine=Sidious.

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Dooku obviously became Sidious' apprentice after the demise of Darth Maul, his first tasks being, I suspect :


1. to eliminate Sipha Dias

2. to enlist Jango Fett for the DNA supply

3. to order the Clone Army

4. to erase all record of Kamino in the archives

5. to leave the Jedi Order and commence moves towards separatism in disgruntled systems

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well prolly happened right after Ep I cus Dooku left the council right after Qui Gon died aka Maul dying too....


heh ur explanation is the best so far....but it doesn't seem nearly as clear in the movie...not intuitive at all....


the whole Jango/Dooku thing confuses me too...Jango Helps build the clone army...then leaves and helps build the droid army? but then the armies fight each other? why? Dooku is explaining to his allies about overthrowing the republic..but he help build the clone army to defend the republic? That whole duality thing is way hard to follow in the movie...another one of my gripes with it....

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