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C3PO & R2D2 love affair


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umm, yoink maybe you should seek some psychatric help, i doubt 'droids in the SW universe have any emotions...


Well they seem more than capable of being happy or afraid, so why not angry or in love. I think R2-D2 is actually a female droid, and is a symbol of female empowerment...

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hmmm... im going to......... laugh out verrry loud...... lol..... ok its a bit weird idea but the idea of him being female is not that strange... artoo's voice is kinda girly, with the screaming sounds and the beeping...... heh..... damn what am I thinkin :D nvm me ;)

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Originally posted by Dough with Fish

Oh, come ON man, R2, gay?!?!? GAY?!?!?!? Man, how can you say that about him? Hes the second coolest character (right up there with Chewie) out of all the books and movies. I don't think hes gay, but threepo, well, thats another story...


Neither of them are gay, Threepio is the effeminate male, and Artoo is the strong minded woman...I'm telling you. Their 'gear' isn't readily obvious, droids don't spawn in the same way as people...

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Originally posted by Vestril


Threepio is the effeminate male, and Artoo is the strong minded woman...I'm telling you.


I think it is the other way around Vestril, did you see how big R2's repair arm was:D and what do you think that plate on 3PO's stomach is for?:D :D :D R2 must put it in there to do you know what! :D :D :D

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Gotta agree C3PO is definitely the campest character in any film ever made.


he's such an old woman.


But hey he is a goodie after all and you can't get your head around a camp vader or han solo.


better that he's a eunuch perhaps?


As for R2 he can't be gay, i think he's just making fun of 3P0, he's a bit of a rudeboy in my opinion.


Gwarn R2


Peace to all



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