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What Was Your Favorite Part(s) Of AotC?

Boba Rhett

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The Yoda fight was cool, but it was all style and no substance. It's great to see him duke it out against Dooku but once we will have watched the movie 30 times it will seem a bit shallow, I'm sure :)


Anakin killing the tusken camp just did it for me. The look in his eyes when her mother died, it was frightening. Hayden really outdid himself in that particular scene.


Some people were disappointed with Jango Fett, but he was just as I expected him to be. He killed a JEDI! And he was able to survive the fight between him and Obi Wan, which is no small feat.


I also enjoyed Christopher Lee's overall performance in this movie. Many people did not like his character, but I think Dooku has the potential to be one of the best baddies in SW. He's a MUCH better nemesis than Darth Maul was, IMO.

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1. Yoda/Dooku duel

2. Other duels, Jango/Obi-Wan fight

3. Clone Trooper/Battledroid battle (though it wasn't balanced)

4. The Seismic charges. Those were awesome.

5.Well, I didn't really LIKE it, but the part where Anakin wipes out the Tusken Raiders was the wierdest thing I've ever seen in SW. It'll probably turn out to be a good thing for SW, ultimately. Its good for the story, very good.


Aside from these parts, though, nothing else came close. And I agree that although the saber duels were awesome, they will get old after we've seen it on video a lot. Personally, I can still get goosebumps when I see the final Vader/Luke fight. Really, how it looks on video will decide how succesful Ep2 is in the long run. It'll be out of the theaters in a few months, and then the videos will be all we have. Also, I liked Jango. Before I saw Ep2, I thought he'd just be a guy who flies around, shooting Jedi and doing crazy stunts. But he was more than that, and that's good for SW.

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I loved *almost* the whole movie...


Parts I loved:


- The beginning when Corde and her group descend the ramp...and BOOM. The whole theatre collectively jumped. :D

- Jango, Zam, and creepy crawly kouhuns. Then Anakin dicing them neatly against the wall with his saber.

- The whole chase scene...Obi tackling the droid...the chase through Coruscant...Anakin vs Zam on a flying speeder...

- "Wanna buy some deathsticks?"

- Palpatine: "I love democracy..."

- When two Jedi walk in a bar... ;)

- The Jedi Starfighter, hyperdrive ring and all

- Mace Windu's purple lightsaber

- Anakin pretending to be injured after falling off one of the shaaks. (I think that's what they were...) I don't know, I just found it cute.

- Zam Wessel. I mean come on. She's cool, she's bad, and she's the first onscreen female Star Wars villain.

- Zam playing sniper. Zam's speeder. etc...

- Jango doing everything we could only imagine Boba Fett doing.

- The underlevels of Coruscant.

- Dex, just for being cooler than he was described.

- Yoda and the little Jedi. I'd forgotten how cool Yoda could be when he wasn't sitting in the Jedi Council holding dry conversations all day. ^__~

- The little Jedi Padawans. So cute! ^___^

- The refugee freighter scenes. Just because they showed the nitty-gritty side of the SW universe.

- Anakin about to kiss Padme---music swells---then Padme says no and the music goes scrrreeech! :D

- Kamino. The Kaminoans. The Kaminoan architecture...the whiteness of everything. The clones. The Jango-Boba-Obi scene.

- Obi-Wan playing along with the Kaminoans. Don't tell me Ewan can't act. ^_^

- I found it interesting how the Council ordered Obi-Wan to take Fett in for questioning...showed how the Jedi felt above the law

- The entire Jango Fett vs Obi-Wan scene.

- Jango Fett.

- Obi-Wan. Ewan MacGregor's protrayal has a definite Alec Guiness- Obi-Wan feel.

- Anakin snapping and massacaring the Tusken camp. Everything I'd hoped it would be...I was afraid Anakin would be watered down to conserve a PG rating...

- Slave One vs Jedi starfighter. Seismic charges! Those things kicked ass! ^______^

- Tusken camp. Kewl dogs, even if they did look too cg.

- GORGEOUS Tatooine scenery with Anakin on a swoop.

- Obi-Wan playing spy.

- Count Dooku's scene with Obi-Wan. Loved his little mind game with Obi! :D

- Anakin getting stuck in machinery. Anakin lightsabering Genosians...made alot of people wince...

- Everything with C-3PO except for his last two jokes.

- C-3PO: "Die Jedi, Die!"

- R2-D2!

- The battle droids. My favorite from TPM (the destroyer droids), the super battle droids, those things that fired pink missiles, the things with huge wheels, the new color to the old TF droids.

- The superlaser tanks.

- The clone army...their weapons, vehicles, etc...

- Yoda getting all Napoleon.

- An army of Jedi kicking ass.

- The arena scene. The arena beasts---the Cheshire cat-rat Nexu, the giant nightmare crab creature the Acklay, and the weird bull-like Reek.

- Droids vs Clonetroopers.

- YODA!!!!!!

- Yoda.

- Did I mention, Yoda? :D

- Force lightning. Dooku smacking Anakin against the wall with it, Obi-Wan blocking it with his lightsaber, Yoda absorbing it.

- Yoda kicking ass in a lightsaber fight. Who would have known? I sure wouldn't want to fight him!

- Mace's entrance to the arena, with everyone distracted by watching the struggle to survive below. "This party's over."

- Anakin: "We came to rescue you!" Obi-Wan: *sarcastically* "Good job."

- Obi-Wan: "She seems to be on top of things."

- The music during the Coruscant chase.

- The ending scene with the pre-Star Destroyers, the massive clonetrooper army, and the Imperial March.

- The arrangement of the color palette of the movie. Seemed more artistic than TPM for some reason.

- Jango Fett in the arena (up till he was killed, that is)

- Poor Boba...x_x no wonder he hates the Jedi

- Obi-Wan and Anakin vs Dooku.

- Yoda vs Dooku!


Parts I didn't love:


- Natalie Portman's acting during a few of the scenes.

- Anakin: "You're in my SOUL!" Geez kid, you're scaring even me! ;D

- The lack of variety with saber colors...YOU GO SAM JACKSON :D

- A few of the love scenes. Padme's incredible inability to figure out that Anakin is in lust with her more than in love...

- The cutting of alot of Padme-Anakin scenes. Now everything seems to move way too fast between them.

- Jango aiming ten feet above Mace's head in the arena. Why did Mace bother blocking? "I'm going to become stupid now, so you can kill me quickly and knock a few minutes off the film's running time!" :rolleyes:

- C-3PO's last two jokes: "What a drag! I'm beside myself."

- The dialogue in alot of places. I realize that they're aristocrats and as such speak like aristocrats, but I just don't like aristocrat speak! ;)

- A part that I didn't hate (I actually liked), but I'd like to make fun of... Anakin and Padme: "The hills are alive with sound of music!"

I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. ^_~

- C-3PO's head switch. I liked the end result, but the way it happened wasn't...very believable. XP

- The waste of certain scenes just begging for a massive John Williams theme...like the battle on Genosis. (I didn't mind the asteroid chase music though, although alot of people have been complaining about that)



Hehe...did I forget anything :D

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