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AOTC: The Movie Games?

Tie Guy

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Hi everyone. I had the pleasure of attending this year's E3 and will be glad to give you the scoop on some of LA's upcoming games from a hardcore-Star Wars fan's point-of-view.


Let me start by saying that LucasArts did not have an actual booth; all their games were on display at the Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft booths.


The Clone Wars:

CW is debuting on XBox and GameCube (I think). I had a chance to play this title on GameCube, both single- and multi-player. While the demonstrators couldn't release any information as their game contains some spoilers about Episode III, I did learn some about the main story, which involves a Sith artifact that you must locate (and presumably destroy). You can play as either Anakin, Obi-Wan, or Mace Windu, with each character playing out a slightly different story than the others.


The game will be very heavily vehicle-based; the first mission (one I played) takes place during the battle on Geonosis, where you control one of the Republic's gunships and get to fly around while Clone Troopers and Battle Droids duke it out in huge numbers below -- a very cool sight. Your craft has lasers and missiles that you use to destroy fighters, spacecraft, and ground-based artillery, in addition to performing strafing runs on those hopeless droid armies . You also get to fight on the ground with your lightsaber, which looked similar to Jedi Outcast, albeit a bit slower.


Multiplayer is your standard vehicle-shooter. The balance is pretty bad at this point (game is about 60% done, with multiplayer balancing responsible for a big chunk of "to-do" material); I played my buddy Dan as a funky ATST (looks a lot like the light ATST), where he was an AAT from Episode 1. I killed him in 3 shots with my missiles, while each of his shots took out 1/20th of my armour. Good fun .


Bounty Hunter:

Play as Jango Fett. Fly around in a jetpack. Shoot lots of people. Use lots of weapons. Perform all kinds of jukes, jumps, rolls, and mid-air dodges while hunting your prey across the galaxy. Ohhhhh man, does this game rock.


I played this sweet little demo on the PS2, though a GCN version is also in the works. It was great fun, though the controls are a bit tricky and the graphics could use some touch-ups. The action is intense, the jetpack is a blast to fly around with, and the weapon variety is very cool. Is there anything cooler than playing as Jango Fett? Probably not, unless LucasArts ever releases a Boba Fett game .


Knights of the Old Republic:

As far as I know this game is only coming to the XBox. You play a character whose Force abilities are discovered by a group of Jedi Knights, who help train you throughout the game. Lots of lightsaber combat with wildly varying environments. I don't know much more about the story or gameplay, but I did notice that the combat seemed rather poor and slow. It's probably just the demo, or me being used to the speed-demon Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (which is coming to XBox and GCN).



The best (?) game saved for last. I can already tell I'm going to lose months of my life to this game. A massively-multiplayer online RPG (MMORPG), Galaxies will let all of us jump into the post-ANH Star Wars universe and take part in the epic struggle between the Empire and the Rebellion. Multiple races, Jedi players, player-run-and-designed towns, countless skills and attributes, and appearances from characters like Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker will make Galaxies something really special.


The only thing LA showed of Galaxies at E3 was a quick little movie that pictured beautiful scenery and character models. No combat, piloting, or player interaction though.


Let me state publically how cynical I am about Galaxies coming to the PS2. I really don't understand why LA is wasting their time with this; I don't see how the PS2 can handle it, as it's a vastly different visual style compared to GTA3 and GT3, the only PS2 games that I think look good.

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