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Post comedy text binds here!

Jah Warrior

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Hello all,


I can tell that binded text is now really popular and i myself confess to using it.


If you have a funny bind or have seen a good one post it up here, and share the joke :D


I'll start it off ok!


1:- I only communicate in Binds!


2:- Now I am the master! - only a master of disaster mind!


get the idea,


look forward to some proper comedy fellows.


Peace to you all!




PS in case you don't know how to bind text here is how to do it!


open console (shift and the button next to 1)


Then type:- \bind x say (text of your choice)

where x = the key of your choice.

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im a bastard, so i lol every time i die.


another bastard goes by the name hello kitty. he/she has cat noises, like "meow," binded and uses them every time he gets a kill. In a luke skin, you dont even know how infuriating this is. I wish i thought of it first. I just stick with the "lol" to emasculate and infuriate

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I set 3...


In the middle of the battle "Surely you can do better?" (like Dooku said it in AOTC;) )


At the end of the battle "All too easy..."


At the end of the map (when I win, which happenes so and so) "Young fool. Only now, at the end, do you understand?"

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Usually I have "Thanks for the Force power...I needed some!" bound for when I use absorb...sometimes I have "The bright part hurts, kid." bound for the guys who like to yell "WTF??" But now this thread has me thinking...I need more.


The idea of cat sounds is downright hilarious. Maybe it'd be good to have "GOOOOOONK!" bound...


Or possibly things like "Hey...check this out; I saw this in a movie once!" for when you go to do a flashy move.


Or you could do Suikoden-esque taunts for duels...if you've never played it, basically each taunt has to do with what just happened...like say "That's how to attack. Now you try." Or "Not bad, but let's see how you handle this..." It'd be funny because you know some people would ask "How did you type that during the fight?" :D


Of course, that last idea would spam up a FFA server too much...duel maybe?

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The only one I have bound is

^1>^78^3<> ^2Bwuacaaawk!!!


That looks like a chicken if you put it in the Q3 engine (it looks like this >8<> ). I once played a game with the alias "Chicken ^1>^78^3<>"

And all I ever said was ">8<> Bwuacaaawk!!!" after he said something.

Really pissed the guy off, especially since he was a backstab whore and I kept killing him, rofl.

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OK i got a few.



my favorite especially when some one whines when i kill them

1-Yeah im a whore..but pays the bills.


after i kill a group

2-All to easy


when someones tries to kill me

3-Your angel of death has come for you


these are just a few i have

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"I see your shwartz is as big as mine."


Ya I say this all the time but never thought about binding it haha!


TheMadDoofer I tried the bind command but it didnt work. Do you have to put the line in quotes?


This is the format you need to use.


bind x "say To you who are about to die, I salute you!"


X = the button you want to use


use quotes


say is the command you use to display your text.

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Heh, tonight I was playing around, seeing reactions regarding certain binds...strangely, the biggest response always came when I did other languages.


Now I'll be honest, I barely know English really, let alone other languages. Hell, all I know I learned from SNK and Capcom. :D


But I had an entire server demanding to know what "Mada, mada..." means. I think I'll go take a look at a speech guide from a King of Fighters game and start binding...this could be fun. :p

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My bind is "KILL THE FLIPPO"


Well, it isn't just a bound line, it's also a mini-game! Here's the skinny: the objective of the game is to, well, kill me! Yes, kill the flippo! It's fun for all! It has four levels, all of which include me moving around in a figure 8 while people try their best to saber me. First level is, simply, running, next level is rolling, then jumping, and last is jumping while swinging my saber. Points are distributed 1 for first level, 2 for second, 5 for third, and 10 for last. This game only works on the star destroyer ffa map(on the bridge), with no force and saber only. It is best on this map because the bridge area is a figure 8, and their are shields on both sides, so if people don't kill me quick enough, I keep getting more shields. The last server I did this on, was a big hit! The whole server (like 5 or 6 people) enjoyed massacring me repeatedly! And its not as easy as it sounds mind you, people were having quite a bit of trouble trying to DFA, backslash, and kick me.


So enjoy the flippo death game, it's fun for all!


Now I know what you're thinking, what the **** does this have to do with anything! Well, I'll tell ya.............*runs away*

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