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Jedi Outcast on it's way to the Xbox and GameCube

Boba Rhett

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Sure, cool. But I just hope this will mean *good* things for the PC support (LucasArts PC-support as awhole AND JK2 Support especially).


Another Patch which adresses the main problems (to me just the overpowered backstub/saber throw and/OR the underpowered other saber attacks)


So, nice to have the choice and some variety, but PLEASE don't cut corners for this :(

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Oh, great a console version of JO! :eek:


First you manage to screw up the PC version with 1.03 and now you expect people to purchase the console version!


I'm impressed how stupid you think people are and how stupid people will be and purchase the console game.


Fix the terrible backstab exploit, nerfing jump/kick/forces BS in 1.03 before you start spending OUR money (that we paid to buy the game) to improve your profits.


Fix the game we just paid for . . .


Apparently backstabbing isn't the only A$$ raping exploit pertaining to the game.



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