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It sucks.........


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I have now been playin jedi knight 2 for a couple of days and now im stuck and disapointed.


1) After the first crap has been dealt with kartana and the chix files to another place. Form this point on it is impossible to get further in the game...aint that sad.... I can run upto the small chamber of death (the door locks and some crap kill me). And I can run upto some electrix transportation railway that kill me if I step on it.... I cant get onto the flying transport carrier..... so im stuck


2) I haven't found/got a lightsabre yet and I have no force... WTF? This is just lame.....



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Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like youre stuck at the infamous "red room" in the mines...



Head to the area where an exhaust shaft extends out (youll see it on the security camera's in the adjoining control room). After the shaft vents head in & destroy 4 generators.. this'll stop the red stuff from killing you. At that point jump bak up to the room where the cart floats in & ride it out of the room. You'll see an opening in the tunnel to the left that leads to some caves. Hop in those caves & continue from there.



And once you get the lightsaber & force you'll start to REALLY like the game. You just gotta get through the dumb non jedi 1st few levels. :) Good luck!

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Oops, I think I sort of cheated on that one. As a mapper I thought that would be some kind of damage brush.




Go in the red room when the ship leaves, and put yourself in the door that is open through which the ship will pass. The door will close, but since you are standing in it, it won't. Let the red stuff do its thing, and then try to jump on the ship as it leaves the area.



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I went in that room when the red energy field was gone, climbed through the open door andstood on the small ledge outside. There i waited for the door to open again and jumped on the anti-grav transporter. Pretty tricky! Obviously there are many ways to work your way through this truly fantastic game.

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