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Great Idea for a New Adventure game!


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I just got it and it rock!!! go back in this old day were adventure game of Lucas Arts were on DOS or very old version of window ..... you remember?...


all of these heros?:

- Ben (full throtlle),

- Manny Calavera, glottis (grim fandango),

- Guybrush & Elaine Threepwood (monkey island),

- Indiana jones (fate of atlantis),

- Zak McKracken (Zak McKracken),

- Bernard, Laverne, Hoagie (Day of the tentacle)

- Sam, max (Sam & Max: hit the road)





and all these bad guys?

- Dr. Fred (day of the tentacle),

- Hitler (Indiana Jones: fate of atlantis),

- LeChuck (monkey island),

- Ector LeMan (grim fandango),

- Bruno (sam & max: hit the road)




Here we go. Just imagine an adventure game (because it seem everyone here, including me, want a new adventure game from Lucas Arts!) with everyone you see over here! So here we have an adventure game without any star wars link.... no jedi or lightsaber. If lucas arts show all the forum, my idea, and work a little bit hard on hit, I'm sure LA would be able to produce this game with the help of Tim Schafer (designer of full throttle, Grim fandangoand many more). It could be like... don't know me... will would all think together of it... but we will have to controle lot of heros (manny, guybrush, indiana jones, Ben, sam and max etc etc..), and all the bad guys could make a big gang who want to take over the world! isnt it original? not sure... that's why we will all think about the story. An other great thing about this game, the most part of the game would be in 3D, BUT, because there's a BUT because I know you love old adventure game, if you find some secret in the game, it could give you the whole old game like Day of the tentacle, full throttle, or sam & max! and if you finish the game with all the secret (old game), it could give you bigger game like grim fandango or monkey island 3. I know the game will be really big (more than 600 mo surely) but what we can to for that? everything! I would buy a new hard drive if I have no place on my hard drive for this game!!




what do you think of my idea?


answer there please: http://www.lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?forumid=369

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest King Andrei
Originally posted by sheaday6

For the love of god!


Stop posting this in all of the forums!


Nah, just leave him alone.

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and grim fandango wasn't an old dos based or old windows game. but i think u guys should leave him alone, he wan't to get his message across and cant do that by only posting in one forum as people like me who don't visit all of the lucasforums may not see it.

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And also Indy had more games than Fate of Atlantis. He also had the Last Crusade. And you forgot the most important game from Lucasarts, Maniac Mansion!! How could all the heros unite anyway? Almost all of them live in different time periods.

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Originally posted by SamNMax

How could all the heros unite anyway? Almost all of them live in different time periods.


and superman, batman, wonderwoman, flash and the other guy lived in completely different cities, but they were able to form the Justice League. i'm sure the people at LEC could come up with some kind of wacky time travel story which is completetly unique to any other time travel story and make a really good story (probably full of plotholes, but hey' that's never a problem, it's just a feature)

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Does anyone honestly think cramming all those elements into one game would make it good? I mean pizza, black forest cake and chilli chicken are all very good to eat, (assume for a minute that you like all these things, even if you don't) but would you want to stick them all in a food processor? Of course not. Shoving a bunch of cool elements up the ass of a cheap gratuity doesn't make for a good game.

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umm, i beg to differ, i know plenty of people (including me) who eat chips (or fries to all you non english) with icecream and love it like hell. you'd be surprised what kind of great things you could come up with, i mean if someone hadn't put peanut butter instead of butter in a jam (or jelly for you non english again, are we different, or are we right and the rest of the world wrong?) sandwich, we wouldn't have peanut butter and jam/jelly sandwiches now would we. why no try the pizza/cake/chicken combo and see what come out (and i'm pretty sure that without the cake it's basically just a normal pizza with a topping of chilli chicken(beautiful btw)?)

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi


and superman, batman, wonderwoman, flash and the other guy lived in completely different cities, but they were able to form the Justice League. i'm sure the people at LEC could come up with some kind of wacky time travel story which is completetly unique to any other time travel story and make a really good story (probably full of plotholes, but hey' that's never a problem, it's just a feature)


Yeah, I guess Dr. Fred could use his time machine to round up the gang.

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you mean the time machien with the toilets. now there's something were not likely to forget in a hurry. god bless Shafer and Gilbert. (and no, i'm bnot asking them to come back because we know it's not gonna happen (although in a recent interview, gilbert said than when he has enough money, he'd like to buy the rights to monkey island and make a MI3b, the mi3 he'd have liked, but he probably wont))

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