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novelty sabers


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well i finaly came to my senses and realized that there's no way i'll finish the 6 models, 13 levels and ~20weapons for my tc... so that means a number of things; first, i have about 11 weapons in various stages of construction, 4 minor game play mods, and 1 nearly finished charecter model that don't really make a lot of sense in star wars. also, when i got bored with that i started making random novelty weapons (super soaker, etc). i don't plan to post any of them, but i'll email them if anyone's interested.


here's what i have so far:

naginata: still needs sounds

katana: done

gatana: done

bokken: done

torinoko(flash/smoke bomb): needs first person models

oni gatana: still tweaking the shaders :D

light-staff(SW): model only

buster sword(ff7):done

tenchi's sword(tenchi muyo): done

super soaker 50: done (some sound issues with second fire...)

ryoko's sword(tenchi muyo): done

light scythe(gundam): needs texture work

blood mod: done, 3 gore levels with wall splats :eek:


I'm not actively working on any projects at the moment so if you have any requests (giant mallets, etc) feel free to post them bellow.

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OH im interested!!!


can you send me the:

buster sword(ff7):done

tenchi's sword(tenchi muyo): done

ryoko's sword(tenchi muyo): done


blood mod: done, 3 gore levels with wall splats



my email is: **************




*edit* ok I got my real Email its Domokun@telus.net


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well, my old forensic coach called last night and apperently i'm judgeing this weekend:confused: . sorry about the inconvienice, i should be back some time tuesday morning, i'll zip the files and mail them out then, thanks for the support.

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