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Gateway Tourney is Mine!

Horka Thane

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To bad the Gateway tourny is going to be based almost entirelly of luck.


The battle consists of playing against 16 bot characters on a very huge map. The goal is to kill 12 bot characters in the fastest amount of time.


The goal here is to get to the rocket launchers as fast as possible and kill bots fighting each other, otherwise you would waist vaulable time.


My record time this has been 1 Minute 30 Seconds. The issue at hand is going to be the lucky player that happens to come accross 5-6 bots all bunched up and blow them to bits at once.


To bad the tourney isnt more skill based.



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Just a note to all the people who aren't familiar with the gateway tourney. You can not change any settings whatsoever. So if you're used to inverted mouse forget about it. Think you can just pull, backstab all the bots? I think default force pull was f4 or somethin like that so good luck trying that one. Basically the tourney is designed for gunners only who practice with defaults.

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