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Episode III??

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hey guys out there


I asked me something, and I hope, that you can answer me!I read, that In epIII, the following characters are showing: Han Solo, Chewie, Leia, Luke, Emperor, Anakin/Vader, Amidala, JarJar, Lando, Obi wan, Yoda, Mace Windu...


I think to show all these charcters, it will take about 4 hours. I mean the young life of luke, Han, Leia, Lando, Chewie as a slave, and then all about the rise of the empire, anakins change, Palpatine.... That must be a great story to show all these charachters... Help

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let me lighten some stuff up.


if we see Han... he will be a kid of 10 years old or something.

we will se luke and leia.... after they been born.

chewie... i dont know if we see him...

lando.. maybe the same as Han..

Jar Jar... maybe... dont know


the other you named... for sure.

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the story highlights in ep3 is:


Palpatine declares himself Emperor.

ANakin becomes Vader

All jedi get killed

Padme gets twins (luke and leia)

Yoda goes to dagobah

Obi brings twins to tattooine and alderaan

clone wars ends (i think)

obi becomes general



on what i think we will see:



death star being build

death of Dooku

death of a lot of jedi

end of the clone wars

beginning of the empire.


but this is what i think we will see :D

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Well, but when palpatine declares himself to the emperor, then the empire will be born. and the death star will be built later, when (nearly) the hole galaxie is under the control of palpatine! Its for make fear, by the citizens of the empire.....


Anyway, Episode III will be cool.....:D :D


Thanx for Making my brain clear of these sticky questions....:D :D

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Are they remaking epidsode 4,5, and 6? If they aren't I think it would be pretty dumb to put Han, chewie, leia and everybody in ep. 3 because they would be totally diff. ppl and it just wouldnt look right. I mean, if you watch all the movies in order, and you watch 3 then move on to 4, Han and Leia would look WAY diff. unless they are kids...

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Luke and Leia will be shown as infants, or at least toddlers.

They've already filmed footage for Ep. III at the Lars homestead location. GL said he didn't want to truck all the way back out there and set up all over again just to shoot a few minutes of footage so they shot it during AOTC production.

I'm assuming that it was the scene where Luke is turned over to Owen and Beru.

Han, Chewie, Lando and the rest will most likely not be shown, but Taarkin is possible.

Seeing as the Death Star is so new at the beginning of Ep. IV, I doubt it will make any kind of real appearance in III, even as the early stages of a construction project. ANH will probably take place almost 20 years after the events in Ep. III. The only way it could work would be if there was a Death Star that got destroyed before the Death Star in Ep. IV. That would make 3 DSs built and destroyed.

Maybe that is what Vader meant by the line "There'll be no one to stop us this time." when looking for the Death Star plans on Leia's blockade runner in the beginning of ANH.


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Originally posted by xX-Ender-Xx

Are they remaking epidsode 4,5, and 6? If they aren't I think it would be pretty dumb to put Han, chewie, leia and everybody in ep. 3 because they would be totally diff. ppl and it just wouldnt look right. I mean, if you watch all the movies in order, and you watch 3 then move on to 4, Han and Leia would look WAY diff. unless they are kids...



I hope they aren't, but if they are planning on it, I think it would be a bad idea. So probably not.


Also, something I've wondered, I've never read the series, but how do Luke and Leia get seperated?

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