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Computer Specs

Tall Guy

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Just wondering what PC specs people around here had, ok so u dont need a monster to run GF (as my system shows!) but what the hell!


AMD-K6 3DNow 300Mhz

196Mb PC133 RAM

4Gb Hard Disk

3DFX Voodoo 3 2000 16Mb AGP

Soundblaster 16

56kbs Dial Up (:()


go on then...beat that :D

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Super-average computer machine (it used to be very impressive, like, last year):


Good stuff:

AMD Athalon 1GHz

256 MB RAM

30 GB Hard Drive

ATI Rage 128 Pro video card

Primax Colorado USB 19200 Scanner

T1 Internet Connection (at school)


OK Stuff:

17" Monitor (Max res. = 1024x768)

56k Modem (at home)


Bad stuff:

Not so great soundcard (I don't even know what kind!)

Broken on-board soundcard

Quiet Speakers

Ancient Color Printer (from 1996! Vintage!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My com sucks!!!!

Here it is:

CPU: 333 mhz P2

Motherboard: Eeeerrrhhh....??? Something that sux!

Graphix card: Riva TNT2 32 MB RAM

RAM: 192 MB SD (64 PC100 and 128 PC133)

Soundcard: Yamaha suggy...

Monitor: 15" Daewoo

Keyboard: Trust Win98 (a little broken)

Mouse: Logitech (old and suggy)

Speakers: Pioneer stereo amplifer A-P650 Weeee..... good... :D

CD-drive: None... Broke my 40x CD-drive and my 4x4x24 CD-burner (rented my mothers DVD drive)


Hopefully I'll soon buy a new... :cool:

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Funny thing about DSL is that the speed depends on the market. Telecoms and ISPs have to negotiate speeds with the regulating agencies in each state, and if you have some slow ISPs they will 'drag down' the max speed. Meaning that your maximum speed is set more by a political desire to foster competition (the slow ISPs would be hosed without artificial caps) than technical issues. Kind of makes it tough to know in advance what kind of speed you'll get. Cable isn't as tightly regulated so you might be able to get faster connections with that (depending on the market), but the trouble with cable is the more people in your neighborhood who have cable modems, the slower your connection will get. That's not a problem with DSL. And even with 'slow' DSL you could still download the contents of full CD in just a few minutes.


(I'm working for a telecom now, so that's what prompted the 'sermon'. And I now have free dialup. Mwa-ha-ha-ha!)

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