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My faith has been restored (somewhat)...


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I just spent 3 hours playing on my server and had the best group of ppl playing!. Spamming, whoring and general lameness was extremely rare and when some lamer did join, the players promptly kicked them!..it was great!...(saved me the trouble). This was on a full force server too!. Hardly anyone used force..there was no pull/backstab/sweep spamming, no lightining spam..it was just awesome.


I only had to boot one person the entire time...overall about 4 ppl got the boot.


Not only was everyone a good sport, but there were some giving instruction to new players and others as well. What a beautiful sight.


Even though new players came and went...the vast majority were all of like mind and more interested in fighting well than winning. Ah...the good old days.


If any of you read this and were playing the server at the time (my avatar is Muerte) Thanks a bunch for creating one of the more memorable game experiences in recent memory! You are all welcome to come back anytime!


My faith in this game (and the existence of decent players) has been elevated. :cool:

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In my opinion this is the way the game should be played...I guess you had to be there.


You see...when you log on to my server it states:


Saber Off = Peace, Play FAIR, No Spam


So if someone joined and didn't want to follow those rules they should have left, in fact one did leave on his own.


I'm sorry you see it that way Kal.

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Dictatorship is getting rid of lame people who ruin the fun of others?


What is your server's name, I need a good server to play in (seems like these days I only play privately with clans/friends)

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well since i just bought this game, sounds like a good server to play on, once i beat the game that is, lets see i bought it yesterday, and im already at the fyyar boss guy with the shields, so i should be done by tomarrow or wednesday, im eager to see how this plays online :)

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Originally posted by JediNight

well since i just bought this game, sounds like a good server to play on, once i beat the game that is, lets see i bought it yesterday, and im already at the fyyar boss guy with the shields, so i should be done by tomarrow or wednesday, im eager to see how this plays online :)



well.. if your on the right server.. this game kicks A.. Butt!! try looking for saber only, no force servers at first.. this will help your saber skill's allot as MP plays somewhat different from SP..


If you do get on a server where you keep getting backstapped/gripped and thrown to your death etc.. dont loose your faith.. just look for another server..


looking 4ward to see you online :)



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this definitly sounds like a server i would like, all these losers are making me play the game less and less.



ip? you can send it to me through private message if you dont want to announce it

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googly, you are a terrible person.


did people actually complain about "spam" of lightning? did i miss this trend in bitchiness?


seriously, go play a nf game. quit being a fascist prick


people like you ruined the game. self-righteous know-nothing, know-it-alls.


congrats on getting raven to fix what wasnt broken, and break what was otherwise not a problem

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I agree with nathan, but without all those insults and vulgarity.

1.03 on the most part fixed things that did not need to be fixed. I think eve DFA was cut down too much (oh I don't use it)...Moves that people cannot handle at an early stage should not be nerfed to the point of uselessness....it should be brought to a point where its just as useful as anormal swing.

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Originally posted by GooglyMoogly



In my opinion this is the way the game should be played...I guess you had to be there.


You see...when you log on to my server it states:


Saber Off = Peace, Play FAIR, No Spam


So if someone joined and didn't want to follow those rules they should have left, in fact one did leave on his own.


I'm sorry you see it that way Kal.


I won't try to explain. You pretty much say it all. Sure you are allowed to do it, but is it right or not, heh well, it's your call since you're hosting...


Especially because if you say like I have today in numerous games "nfnknbnt" or any of the chosen, everyone gladly goes by them. The ones that don't, well I am always sorry, but I always pull/backstab them. I don't like it, but that's how they choose to play. I hope you get what I'm aiming at here.

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Originally posted by Nathan Wind

googly, you are a terrible person.


did people actually complain about "spam" of lightning? did i miss this trend in bitchiness?


seriously, go play a nf game. quit being a fascist prick


people like you ruined the game. self-righteous know-nothing, know-it-alls.


congrats on getting raven to fix what wasnt broken, and break what was otherwise not a problem


I hate spammers, they're boring and annoying--but kicking people just because you don't like their style of play is pretty uncool :( It's your server, you do what you want--obviously; I'm just saying I have a hard time respecting that choice.

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True.....but then you have a choice.....and I chose the non-ladder one...I just play for fun, and I SUCK AT IT (that's the best part of this game, I finally suck at something so bad), so basically I don't want competitions, because from earlier experiences I know what they are like, and what they can turn into. No more of that for me anymore, thank you ;)

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im sure if they bowed, it would have been alright


Oh absolutely. Because even if you do nothing but run away and wave your sabre aimlessly around in Light Stance the entire game, as long as you squat like a constipated warthog and nod your head up and down like a buffoon beforehand, it makes it all alright.


Frankly, I agree with Nathan's earlier statements... it was self-righteous know-nothing fools who ruined the game for everyone else by utterly confounding FFA and CTF modes, at least they were allowed to through the "wisdom" of Raven...


But that's the world these days. Workers are less and less skilled at their jobs, and employers like it that way. Casinos are using mechanical constant shuffling devices so that people with enough brains to count cards in their head can no longer do so...


People with ANY sort of skill at all are frowned upon these days. And it's the same in games. CS, Tribes 2, JO... and many more, have been ruined because game developers want to keep the vocal newbies happy, because serious and skilled players are too rare a commodity to bother with. Welcome to the future, I hope you all enjoy your stay.

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But that's the world these days. Workers are less and less skilled at their jobs, and employers like it that way. Casinos are using mechanical constant shuffling devices so that people with enough brains to count cards in their head can no longer do so...


Why would Casino's try to reward skill? They want to make money, not contribute to the great scheme of things...


Life is designed to keep you where you are, and as time goes on, it gets more skilled at keeping us where we 'belong' You can struggle, or accept it depending on your POV


*goes back to struggling* :D

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