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LucasArts, being secritave about FT2?

guybrush guy

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i think that they are not going to give out any information of full throttle 2 untill a few weeks after it comes out

i hope not that would suck the big one

can any body wright back with a good amount of information on the plott and screen shots i need screenshots?

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LucasArts didn't show anything on FT2 because they have nothing to show on FT2. It's too early in the development process. I'm guessing we'll be lucky to see the game released by the end of 2003.

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I don't think so. LucasArts has (or had) a policy of developing games and announcing them quite late in the development process. I should think that in a few weeks or months we see a polished web site with the usual information. The (unofficial?) movie showed pretty much already.

Then again, nowadays games are being hyped more and more. Did you take a good look at a magazine lately? Way more and more detailed previews. Lucas might let themselves be influenced by that.

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Originally posted by ZeroXcape

I was surprised they'd show as much as they did. I guess the team wanted to get it out in the public.


And why wouldn't they want to? Marketing and getting the hype happening is the (only) way to get a game sold. Outside the loyal fan base of course.

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