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Heklos, Allow myself to introduce.....Myself.


I've been lurking the boards for a while now, but since e3 and the announced release date of the game, I've decided to get into posting shtuff.




- Cheers!



(p.s. please excuse the excessive l337 speak)

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Ill take an alcohol assisted guess:


4nOthR = for another


y3t = I have no idea




Anyways, Welcome to the threads. Ill give you some advise. Dont even mention the word Jedi around these guys, it will save you alot of grief.

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maybe Yet another.....


anywho :D...


Welcome to the Forums of SWGalaxies.net. i hope you will enjoy your stay... and some warnings are in place i think :D


well.. for all the warnings i can state..... i think you better go read:


here you will find the rules that apply to this forum... please take them to hart :D


C ya around


-Wraith 8-





"You know, if I had even the tiniest control over the Force,

What I,d do with it? I,d scratch that little spot in the center

of my back I can never reach."

-Garik Loran-

X-wing book nr. 5. Wraith Squadron


Rogue Squadron.net

Give in to the insanity. It is unreasonable, but it is your destiny!

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Was surprised you didn't name me there, Wraith. Then I realized it wasn't spoiler speach you were thinking of. :D

well... you know a bit of Dutch :D.. wich i find very good :D... but if i start talking internet Dutch.. you will never follow with all the abreviations :D
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