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All saber stances in multiplayer


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After playing a few user made single-player maps, I have been getting used to the two 'hidden' styles of saber combat and basically I lament their exclusivity to a cheatcode. It would seem to me an easy thing to combine these extra set of saber swings with the existing styles. What I propose is making the secondary fire for the saber the swings from these styles instead of force saber throw. So blue and red styles would have the 'hidden' blue and red styles as their secondary fire, yellow would just have to be sorted out as a mixture of both perhaps. The original JK secondary fire was THE original spam and I have always wondered why the most complex weapon in the game has no real secondary function which would at least double it's number of attack maneuvers.

I believe this would help give the saber battles more complexity and I think this would please many who find throw distasteful as saber's secondary function. Just a thought if you were to grace us with another patch or a mod.

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I don't use saber throw in multiplayer, I've found it mostly useless as its to easy to block!!! All my force point go elsewhere!!! So Perhaps next game will fix. Must admit though it looks nice and can be neat to watch a true master playing with throw revolutions etc...

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the 'hidden' stances are just more powerful versions of the basic stances. I can hardly see it being a valuable addition to grant attack spammers more damaging attacks to use.


> but in MP saber throw's only fun if you can do the

> 'saber fly around body' trick.


pure bullcrap, anyone with a moderate amount of skill will fall back to saber throwing if it gets too dangerous to do close melee.


it's a popular way to wear someone down who's using absorb, leaving you unable to pull and backstab.


Plus if you time force push just right with a throw you can score an unblockable hit.

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whenever I use saber throw and try to hit people running away from me, my saber never goes fast enough. the force points put into saber throw could be better used on another force power. but if saber throw is something you want to use go ahead. I've never found much use for it in MP.:ewok::fett::jawa

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I have no personal problem with saber-throw, I just want to have real secondary function for the lightsaber, not some button that becomes useless when you don't spend the points or enter a server that removes the power.


I agree the hidden stances are not THAT different from the normal stances, but I still want them as the secondary saber fire with different damage ratings than primary. It would give more options for saber battles and no-one could identify the styles at a glance anymore.

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No need those 2 hiden stand. Play right and you can kick ass hard and fast. No i not use lame backspin like 80 % of player do. I do it only if i got killed by it and the guy suffer the pain in the ass of it after.


Light stand is my prefered. Medium and Heavy are soso.


Saber Throw is at top of power i use it alots.



"The blood on my hands is merely proof of my ambition"


[1MAN]BloodRayne Co-Leader of [1MAN]JK2

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those other two stances do the same swings...just faster and more damage


hidden red does the same moves as yellow...just a slight bit slower and more damage (which is why it's a cheat)


hidden blue does the amount of damage that yellow does but moves extremely fast (which is why it's a cheat)


if we made it the alternate attack key that's all people would use...because it's so much better than the others

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom

those other two stances do the same swings...just faster and more damage


hidden red does the same moves as yellow...just a slight bit slower and more damage (which is why it's a cheat)


hidden blue does the amount of damage that yellow does but moves extremely fast (which is why it's a cheat)


if we made it the alternate attack key that's all people would use...because it's so much better than the others


Nothing like the spamming a$$-sweepers/stabbers. At all. I just want more types of effective swings for the saber. Even if they made the secondary fire swings identical, just a little slower with a little more damage, that would satisfy my need to change up attack patterns without having to switch from one style to the next just to pick and choose the most damaging swings. I decided the hidden stances would be good for secondary fire because of thier use of similar yet not identical moves. The blue would then have backstab and backsweep, the yellow could be given a backstab or the other blue flip attack and god knows red doesn't need any more damaging special moves.

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yes, but what i'm saying is that these moves are too fast and do too much damage which is why you have to cheat for em


think about it...do you really want some lame ass bastard using a stance that's as strong as heavy stance...but as fast as yellow....it would totally ruin the game...not add new strategys, considering that those stances CAN do the special moves like backstab/sweep

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I think it is a nice idea to have secondary fire functionality with the lightsaber. The easiest way (from a 1.04 patch programmer's point of view) would probably be to take the additional moves already in the game, i.e. the hidden stances.


However, I agree with the Twins of Doom that this would not really add to the gameplay for the stated reasons:

think about it...do you really want some lame ass bastard using a stance that's as strong as heavy stance...but as fast as yellow....it would totally ruin the game...not add new strategys, considering that those stances CAN do the special moves like backstab/sweep


And to everybody saying "I don't use saber throw anyway": You don't have no point here at all!


1st, if you don't use saber throw anyway, well guess what: the secondary fire button is completely useless for you when using the saber! You can't use it at all!! Helloooo, anybody home!?!!? So especially for you wouldn't be great if there were additional moves?


2nd, for those of you who think saber throw is useless, think again. It is one of the most powerful things with the saber, in fact it is IMHO even unbalanced: you can win any duel by not attacking, running backwards and saber throw at your opponent when he starts swinging. And as Xzzy stated, combined with a right-timed push/pull, it gives you unblockable hits --> UNBALANCED CRAP! Especially red stance is rendered almost completely useless because swings are so slow that you can easily damage your opponent for 30 hp with a saber throw whenever he starts swinging.


On top of that, saber throw doesn't even feel starwars-ish anymore the way it is implemented in JK2. No one throws the saber in the movies (only one scene: Darth Vader in his fight with Luke, and there it is only to cut down the catwalk, not to hit Luke). A Jedi would never throw his saber ("This weapon is your life!" -- Obi Wan in EpII) all over the place. Also it is ridiculous that you never lose the saber upon throwing. When you block a thrown saber, why does it not at some probability fall to the ground? Why can't you push a thrown saber? Bah... :mad:


Long story short:

- Good idea to replace saber throw with additional moves (secondary fire.

- Bad idea to use the additional stances from single player

- OFF TOPIC: saber throw is unbalanced and sucks...

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