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GHOUL 2 and anti Push/Pull + Backstab server config demo


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Originally posted by Emon

And to demonstrate these settings in multiplayer with a few bots on the Jedi Master skill level (still fairly stupid), download the following demo. To install it, extract it to your Jedi Outcast\GameData\base\demos folder. If you don't have one, make one. Then go into multiplayer, select Play Demo from the Play screen and watch the demo (don't press any keys during the demo, it will abort it).


Here is the URL to the download: http://www23.brinkster.com/emon1337/GHOUL2_Test.zip


I am testing this now but I would like to view the demo. Your hosting service will not allow me to access it anyway I can think of. Can you put it somewhere else?

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is there any way to get the Jk2 demo recorder to work in SP, cause I want to record a certain thing for a friend, and I installed the thing correctly and all, and I recorded it, but when I went to look for it in my Jk2 folder/subfolders, I couldn't find it...

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there is a NF sabers only server that runs GHOUL 2... its called **II ROCKY MOUNTAIN JK2 1.03x (SG) NFII** or something like that... I go there all the time and the host just recently added that line plus like 10 skins to his database... its one of my favorite servers

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I had the ghoul2 setting on my server but I had to take it off since the server was getting bogged down. I'm upgrading my server soon so I may try it again once I have the faster processor.


I definitely like the sabertrace 0 with less blocking.


Dismemberment is a must!


Ghoul2 - I'm kind of undecided. It seems to weaken the heavy stance and overall the sabers seemed less powerfull which led to longer drawn out fights and more throwing and kicking.

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We still need to spread word about on which servers this is enabled. I also like it a lot but it is quite confusing. Sometimes you join a server and you don't know if it is enabled or not.


I also had one problem with the adding of [GDS] to the server name: When I look in the list of servers, I cannot always read the full name of it due to its length. When the [GDS]-tag is at the end of the name, I cannot see it.


Suggestion: put it on the beginning of the server name. This way, you can sort alphabetically by server name and get all the [GDS] servers after another.


2nd suggestions: add server broadcasts so that in the game, message appear like:

This server has Ghoul2 enabled to enhance saber fighting. If you don't know what this is, ask!


Maybe the people go like "enhance saber fighting? whats that?" and they ask on the server. If someone knowing about Ghoul2 he can explain it and help to spread the word.

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I think it is worthwhile getting the naming convention sorted out. I always look for Ghoul2 servers, but I can't always find one. I'm pretty keen on it and having g_sabertracesaberfirst set to 0 as well. It certainly makes bots much more fun, and on the servers I have played backstabbing is much less common (but still used in certain situations, which is good). Anyway, just my 2 cents.

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To spread the word I today emailed to the server admins of http://www.jolt.co.uk. They host 7 public servers for JO and I regularily play on these servers because I get good ping times. Here's the E-Mail I received:



We've been investigating the settings on the servers in order to tweak them better to get rid of the nasty pull/push backstab problem, and we think we've come up with the solution. We've installed the Raven SDK (compiled) as a server-side mod (you will need cl_allowdownload 0 to be able to connect) on the servers.


When investigating the Ghoul2 settings, they made little or no difference to the backstab problem, and the mod appears to increase the level of blocking as well as reducing pull/backstab damage.


Jolt 8 Duel ( is however, running Ghoul2 atm.

Jolt 1-3,6,7 are running this raven SDK mod

Jolt 4 is CTF so we've left that as original 1.03

Jolt 5 is now running a new Disintegration mod downloadable from -http://www.thejediknights.com/disintegrate.zip.


Further information is available on our forums (http://www.jolt.co.uk/forums)




Keith Hardy [K.A.Hardy@warwick.ac.uk]

Jolt Head JK2 Admin

Jolt Deputy Head CSL Admin


I was kinda confused because he said that Ghoul2 wouldn't do much about pull/backstab because to me it seemed that you encounter it much less on these servers...

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1. I'm glad they have it on their duel server, because on FFA servers it will increase lag with a lot of players, around 8-10, unless the server's connection is uber, in which case it doesn't matter.


2. Even if it doesn't TOTALLY FIX the backstab problem, it should still be enabled for duel servers in the U1.04 mod or the next patch because it still kicks ass!

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Like to know that as well.


Also, sometimes you encounter the need for a file called test0.pk3. I can't download the file because auto-download was not allowed on the server. WTF?


I just hope that things do not get out of hand, there seem to pop up all kinds of mods that actually only contain Ghoul2 and dismemberment and yet for some reason all of a sudden require the clients to take action of some sort.


Whereas it would be just so simple, just enable the settings on the server! DUH.

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