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The End of Kyle Katarn


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I think that Kyle should come back for at least one more adventure and JK3 should have like twice as many levels as Jk and JO. Kyle should change from Jedi knight to Jedi master. And Kyle should take on an apprentice half way through the game and when he eventially fades out, his apprentice takes over.

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And I've seen to many people say the "books/comics don't count" just because Lucas didn't smear his greasy paws all over getting them made personally. If the "books/comics don't count", how can you stand to play this game? How can it count? The official Star Wars website acknowledges the books and comics AND games. I think I'll take their word for it.

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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

And I've seen to many people say the "books/comics don't count" just because Lucas didn't smear his greasy paws all over getting them made personally. If the "books/comics don't count", how can you stand to play this game? How can it count? The official Star Wars website acknowledges the books and comics AND games. I think I'll take their word for it.


The books don't count IMO because some idiot can write whatever he wants to, and take the universe in a completely different direction: "In my version of starwars, Luke wasn't the son of Anakin. And He had 5 kick-arse jedi brothers who helped him." Now I've changed the whole universe and people must now decide if they want to believe my version or Lucas'.


Don't get me too wrong here; The EU can be very interesting and also add to the universe, but when it comes down to wht is starwars and what is not, there's only one man.

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There are several examples of others sharing their own take on someone's (successful) work. Highlander comes immediately to mind when I think movies. Each movie has gone down a completely different road, the last following on from the series. Stargate SG-1 has several noticable differences from the Stargate movie. When it comes to Star Wars, anything that doesn't come directly from Lucas should be taken with a grain of salt. Or is that a pinch of salt?


This doesn't mean I'm against the written work, the fan-made mini-movies and so on. 'Shadows of the Empire' was so good it spawned its own soundtrack, an N64 game, and one of the missions in X-Wing Alliance. I myself have a copy of 'Boba Fett - Enemy of the Empire' because a story that pits Fett against Vader has to be fun...even though the story itself doesn't exactly fit the legitimate SW universe.


In short, it's all for fun and entertainment, so it's not something to obsess about...er...

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woah, hold up.


i wasnt saying all the books/comics were crap, i was just saying that books/comics written by idiot writers with sith in them were crap.


i was saying that, the odds of a sith spontaneously appearing, and training an apprentice WITHOUT the jedi finding out would be worse than that of succesfully navigating an asteroid feild. and that it would never happen, unless an idiot writer made a book/comic about it.


so, once again, bleh.

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If you think the sith died out with palpatine you are misunderstanding the Sith entirely. You don't have to be trained as a sith to become one. Dooku was a Jedi Master, and on the council. But his disagreements with the council and desire for power drove him to use the dark side of the force. And to quote the great yoda "once you choose the quick and easy path, forever will it dominate your destiny". Just like Anakin, his thirst and desire for greatness drives him to use the dark side ultimately. And using the dark side isn't something you turn back from, it "consumes you as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice". Anyone that thinks the sith are ever gone for good is someone that doesn't know star wars very well.

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The books don't count IMO because some idiot can write whatever he wants to, and take the universe in a completely different direction: "In my version of starwars, Luke wasn't the son of Anakin. And He had 5 kick-arse jedi brothers who helped him." Now I've changed the whole universe and people must now decide if they want to believe my version or Lucas'.


Don't get me too wrong here; The EU can be very interesting and also add to the universe, but when it comes down to wht is starwars and what is not, there's only one man.


Well that's not true, they have to follow guidlines, stay with the flow of the other authors, and their stories have to be approved by Lucas Books...


I think they're crap because Lucas decided to crap all over them in the new trilogy...


i was saying that, the odds of a sith spontaneously appearing, and training an apprentice WITHOUT the jedi finding out would be worse than that of succesfully navigating an asteroid feild. and that it would never happen, unless an idiot writer made a book/comic about it.


I'm sorry...give me the name of a Star Wars book where that happened. No really.

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Originally posted by cjais


The books don't count IMO because some idiot can write whatever he wants to, and take the universe in a completely different direction: "In my version of starwars, Luke wasn't the son of Anakin. And He had 5 kick-arse jedi brothers who helped him." Now I've changed the whole universe and people must now decide if they want to believe my version or Lucas'.


Don't get me too wrong here; The EU can be very interesting and also add to the universe, but when it comes down to wht is starwars and what is not, there's only one man.


Believe it or not the idiot writers you mentioned are LICENSED to use the Star Wars characters and in most cases (the Timothy Zahn trilogy for example) are restricted to write things that do not interfere with George Lucas's vision. If memory serves correct, the mad clone Jedi Jorus C'Baoth was originally supposed to be an Obi Wan Kenobi clone. But Lucas nixed it. These people writing the books aren't just slapping a Star Wars trademark on things and sticking it out there, they have permission.


So, if Lucas wants to give these people permission to write a story, then come back later and change what they wrote, that's a bunch of crap. It would be like me selling you a car and then me coming over and painting it hot pink while you slept, and saying "well it was MY car first, and this was the way I always intended it to be".

Ralph Mcquarie (sp?) Doug Chiang, and John (Lucas was going to use existing classical music originally, but wanted original music, but guess what?! he can't write music!) Williams have as much to do with the creation of Star Wars if not more, than Lucas ever thought about doing. Not counting the tons of puppeteers, make up artists, model makers, etc...Thus making your "only one man" statement ridiculous. Lucas couldn't have made any one of the films you give him so much credit for without TONS of help. Mine and yours included. The fans.


EU is the $#I+. And "IMO" one of the only things that kept fan interest in Star Wars going during the nearly twenty years it took for Lucas to get off his rump and make the prequals. He said a long time ago(in the 80's sometime) that he intended to make 9 movies. The first three in the middle, the next three in the beginning, and the next three at the end, making one big story. He said himself that he waited too long to make 9 movies, and after Episode III Star Wars is done, because the books have all been written about the aftermath of Return of the Jedi, and he wants to move on to making other types of movies.

"So bleh."

ps, most of the books are WAAAY better than the movies anyway, if you can read or at least be bothered to, check them out. Imagination's better than any special effect.

So once again, bleh.

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Originally posted by Vestril


Well that's not true, they have to follow guidlines, stay with the flow of the other authors, and their stories have to be approved by Lucas Books...


Of course man, I was just exagarrating...


What I meant, was that only Lucas truly decides what is in the realm of starwars and so on.

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the sith religion was destroyed. the only way another sith could come up, is if there was already a strong dark jedi, that happened to find some sith archive or something, and even then he'd have to study for a couple years, and then train an apprentice. all whilst staying hidden from the jedi. you know what the odds of that are? and no, books/comics written by idiot authors dont count.


so bleh.


Why do you think they're idiots and you not ?

Note that I don't say you're an idiot.


Big Fat Cow.


Don't call ignorant people who want Sith back.


Just figure out that before TPM, the Sith were already there but this didn't bothered mama balance at all. If the Force is so omniscient, why the prophecy wasn't triggered when Palpatine was born ? In fact, why did it even let Palpatine to be born ?


Call it plothole or Anakin being a Sith creation, I don't mind.


And since there may be tons of Sith holocrons spread over the galaxy, I think it's fairly enough to have new Sith arise one day or another.


There are many ways to stick to continuity and be logic.


But there's a main condition for that :


Don't be close-minded.




Hey!! Gues what!! Raven agrees!! That's why there were no Sith enemies in Jedi Knight II. Yayyyyy them


... Two words :


Sith Reborn.


Struggle with that. :D




If you think the sith died out with palpatine you are misunderstanding the Sith entirely. You don't have to be trained as a sith to become one. Dooku was a Jedi Master, and on the council. But his disagreements with the council and desire for power drove him to use the dark side of the force. And to quote the great yoda "once you choose the quick and easy path, forever will it dominate your destiny". Just like Anakin, his thirst and desire for greatness drives him to use the dark side ultimately. And using the dark side isn't something you turn back from, it "consumes you as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice". Anyone that thinks the sith are ever gone for good is someone that doesn't know star wars very well.


- Dooku dwelved into the darkness because he started to study Sith Holocrons which were stored inside the Jedi temple.

Later, he left he ORder and joined a true Sith, Darth Sidious.


- There are two kinds of Sith. Fallen Jedi and pure Sith. Somehow I never heard of any pure Sith betraying the order. Did you ?

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Aren't the reborn sith chars? And Desaan could easily have been a sith lord if he read the ancient holocrons and trained aprentices.


And as far as the books. The movies leave so many hole it isn't funny. SW wouldn't be to much of a universe without the licensed support of the EU authors.

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<me> I'd like to see a game where Kyle Katarn goes back in time for some reason.


<LucasArts> That isn't a good idea, nobody would buy the game.


<me> Did I mention that his new friend and partner is a talking pie?


<LucasArts> Brilliant! We'll contact Raven immediately and begin negotiating a contract!



As far as the coolest people in Star Wars:


1. Han Solo

2. Darth Vader

3. Yoda

4. Mace Windu

5. Grand Admiral Thrawn.

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i forgot what kyle really looked like (jason court)




Kyle is like Sean Connery (or Yoda) he'll be hauling ass and impressing the lassies well into his golden years. ; )

Coudln't have put it better myslef.


And as for my top 5 coolest characters....


1. Han Solo

2. Darth Vader

5 Mace Windu

4. Yoda

3. Obi Wan in Ep 2



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