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"Tavion" - Outstanding new SP level


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CAUTION: This is an actual post without flames or MP bashing (gasp)



For all of you who still play single player, there is an incredible new level out called "Tavion" made by Patch.




It is truly groundbreaking in terms of Fan-Made Single Player level as it adds many special effects, new NPCs, working objectives, and it actually executes the proper way a Fan-Made Single Player level is supposed to run - It runs through the MOD menu in-game.


You play as Tavion, fight against the Rebels searching for one of your lost friends. It includes 3 new Jedi opponents (including Plo Koon, poor looking one at that however). Hopefully all Single Player level makers will take a look and base their levels upon this near perfect.


Check it out!

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I got stuck in the big room where the three Attack Droids come out. I kept looking for a way to open the big door--but I couldn't find one and eventually gave up and noclipped my way through, assuming it was some sort of script bug or something. How were you supposed to get out?...

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Originally posted by Vestril

I got stuck in the big room where the three Attack Droids come out. I kept looking for a way to open the big door--but I couldn't find one and eventually gave up and noclipped my way through, assuming it was some sort of script bug or something. How were you supposed to get out?...

I'd like to know that... *also noclipped that bit*


The rest of it was quite impressive, though - well worth downloading :thumbsup:



Four? Only three spawned... :confused:


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Yes. Very nice. Only problem I had was with my model. It was kind of a mutated half-Kyle half-Tavion. Any idea why that happened?


I love the little touches, for instance, when the xwing flies over and bombs the emperial shuttle, and when the plane lands outside the club......about the club, the dancers are hotties:eek:

Very cool boss too.

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Hmmm.... I had a couple problems along the way, but never came across this one. I just reloaded and it turned out there were four Attack Droids for again (weird). Maybe there's a problem with spawning the fourth one in some games. Dunno. Maybe try reloading. If you noclip, it's probably no big deal though.

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I would say this map rivals the fun-factor of "The Ladder." Great design, good useage of the recently released source code. =)


For extra fun (Being more like Tavion is in SP), type "sabercolor red," and "setforceall 9," so that you can use Tavion's actual fast alternate blue stance. Good level, keep them coming =)

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erm... i got a problem finding it in the Mod section of setup... i'm suppose to unzip it and put the whole tavion folder into GameDate folder right? but when i start JK2, its not in the Mod! what did i do wrong?

so after several tries, i decided to put the pk3 file into the base folder and load it frm the console and it work ~


oh yea, did anyone tried to play their sp mode again after they completed tavion? my kyle model became tavion model ! and spawned underlings started to shoot at me even though i'm on their side!! how do i change back to the default model? someone pls enlighten me!:(

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I like the level as well. It needs some fixing up here and there and maybe more jedi's. By the by I am up for doing more jedi skins for it or the authors next level.


Overall very nicely done... just a bit on the basic side in places. If this is what we can expect for single player addon missions I am VERY pleased.



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Some things in this level were great, like the new NPCs and animations and such.


Level design sucked, it was linear, and there were LOTS of bugs in it.


When I fought Plo Koon, though, he Force jumped really high, fell down and killed himself... I didn't have to swing my saber! LMAO!

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Originally posted by ~*H0ly_sHat*~

erm... i got a problem finding it in the Mod section of setup... i'm suppose to unzip it and put the whole tavion folder into GameDate folder right? but when i start JK2, its not in the Mod! what did i do wrong?

so after several tries, i decided to put the pk3 file into the base folder and load it frm the console and it work ~



this happend to me too! WTH gives?


Iended up making a shortcut to the jk2sp.exe with the mod info, and THAT worked, but having it in the mod menu would really be nice.


strange thing is it showed up in the JKIImp mod menu:rolleyes:



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Great level, I hope all player-level maps are up to this standard!


Had trouble getting it to work, extracting to gamedata didn't give me an entry in the mod list. I managed to load it with map tavion at the console.

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I followed the instructions in the README file and it loaded up without any problems. Given the state of my computer, I must conclude that if anyone is having problems, it's their own fault.


Pretty cool level. I especially enjoy deathgripping the dancers...er...I've yet to finish, but I'm already looking forward to the next installments.

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uh....Im stuck on the part where, after you take the elevator up to the detention block, there are a bunch of cells, along with a room with computers in it, and oputside that room are two pillars with buttons that say "not currently functioning" or something.


That part with the four (I got four) droids was easy! I just lured them over to the cannons and ripped 'em to shreds!

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