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Want to be a Jedi? Get a beer here.

Wraith 8

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Hi there all.


For some reason all Jedi Threads turn into flame wars. I dont like that. Now for some people... they say it is my fault. for one because i made the sticky thread. second .. cause i discourage people. third, i seem to flame people and scare them of.


Well. if i realy did all this... let me jusr say this first:


It was not my intension to do that.

But like Arguile said in another thread. i have seen the Jedi Questions like.... oh..... a million times already. and it is wrong from me to diss them of on that.


all i ever wanted to say is:

this game wont have a button that sais: "wanna be a jedi? click here". Dont get your hopes up. You could be disapointed.


But before we get into that old discussion... i have a new saying. a bet. and i hope that my fellow associates are behind me on this.


I want to make a bet with all the people who want to be a jedi.

all you will have to do is.... become one.

Ill buy you all a beer if you become a Jedi. OK?

and if you dont succeed in becoming one... You will buy me a beer. ok? and if you dont become one.. ill give you a job ... or help you get one.


Either way. you win. :D

(note: with the buying beer... i mean IN GAME ofcourse :D)


Now i think this isnt a bad thing is it? :D Now lets all get a big group Hug :D group hug, group hug :D


-Wraith 8-


edit: oh i forgot one thing. for all of you that want to take part in my little bet... please say so here. casue otherwise im gertting all kinds of people to me ingame claiming they cant be jedi and want a job :D

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Originally posted by Sonterra

Nothing but, Jedi wanna be this Jedi wanna be that, who cares about the Jedi. And it seems Wraith keeps bringing it up....i think its time for another topic hopefully NON-JEDI!

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:




:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


uhm... sorry?


(man i edited this post 3 times. im glad im feeling better now.. or else i would have started a flame war)


uhm... that is not my intension of doing so... all the guys who want to be jedi bring it up.. i mean look at the list of threads in the general discussion that go on about jedi.. and we.. and that is not only me... decided to make a sticky with Jedi info and how hard it is going to be. now some people thought of me of an insulter and a harsh person.. so decided to make this thread to all the 'want to be' jedi... so they wont feel insulted anymore..


but now i see im offending other people like you with a thread like this (i cant see how tho).




since when did i become this hated person around here?

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Originally posted by Koffin

Wont work unless you include a time limit into the bet. Otherwise, a player would have up untill the very last day of the games operation to become a jedi.

hmmm... how about after 4 months? is that too long or too short?
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dont know...

whats the average amount of time it takes to become a jedi?

.....then base your bet off of that.



Ohh, and notice how I stayed out of another brewing flame war?




Nothing but, Jedi wanna be this Jedi wanna be that, who cares about the Jedi. And it seems Wraith keeps bringing it up....i think its time for another topic hopefully NON-JEDI!



Ouch, even I felt the barbs on that one. Id say someone's a little grouchy...


Either that or somone cant stand for us to fight over beer like it were nothing more than cattle. perhaps they are right. Its time we stop with this.....


Beer shouldnt be demoralized or lowered in our eyes as a petty victory gift for bar disputes. Without beer would any of us ever be truly happy? Maybe its time to return the love and help raise the standards for beer. No more beer bets people! Show beer you care!




Show beer you care ! ! !


Show beer you care ! ! !


Show beer you care ! ! !

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Uhm ... 20 years? :D


Yes, that's a good boy, Koffin. :p


Sonterra, chill. :mad:


And Wraith, you aren't the most hated guy around here (is anyone really hated around here anyway? That would be news to me). In fact, I'd say your one of the nicest and coolest guys around. :D

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OH NO..... yhe stupid monkeys again... GET THEM :D :D


ok... for the time period....

i think 6 months is reasonable... what do you guys think?


so we (i hope you are with me on this :D) will buy someone of the community here, that becomes a Jedi, a beer ingame.

but he has to do so in 6 months. if does not work out for the person that wants to become a jedi, he will buy us a beer. :)

and we will help him to get a job ingame.


ok? everybody agrees?

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I appreciate your gesture Wraith, and I’m sure most of the other aspiring Jedi do as well. I’m fairly new to the community and the first post I made here got absolutely picked apart by Wraith and the anti-Jedi crowd. It didn’t give a very warm and fuzzy feeling that’s for certain. The post didn't even having anything to do with the Jedi debate, it was just a discussion of what you are going to role-play for a character.


I do not accept the bet, because I don’t know how long it will take for me to become a Jedi. I may have to work at it for a year; I may have to work at it for 3 years. Hell after 3 years my main character in EQ isn’t even 60th level yet, so I’m not sure of the timeframe. I assure you though, so long as there is some means in the game for a player to become a Jedi other then complete and utter randomness (i.e. Picking account numbers from a hat) I will become one. Also, when I do become a Jedi, I certainly will not advertise the fact that I am one because I don’t want the imperials breathing down my neck every second. Ill probably pull the old Ben Kenobi route and pick some remote part of the galaxy to make my residence. Far enough away from the hot spots so that I am not recognized by the empire, but not too far where I cant influence anything. I sure as hell wouldn’t buy you a beer in game, cause how will I know your not an imperial spy hired by the emperor to find the Jedi, befriend them, and finally kill them when you have their trust.


Really though, thank you for the gesture of peace, it makes me, for one, feel more welcome here.





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yeah but he's trading his beer back and forth like it was a commonity, this is an outrage!


This is beer people, it didnt ask to be thrown about at our beck and call. Lets give the suds a chance. Show em a little respect.


Last thing we need on these forums is a bunch of alcoholic drinks being angered and start hollaring to the rebels for protection from this obvious slavery.


Its people like you all who are going to make AA a PA !!!!!!!



sorry wraith, just keeping in practice

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Originally posted by Koffin

yeah but he's trading his beer back and forth like it was a commonity, this is an outrage!


This is beer people, it didnt ask to be thrown about at our beck and call. Lets give the suds a chance. Show em a little respect.


Last thing we need on these forums is a bunch of alcoholic drinks being angered and start hollaring to the rebels for protection from this obvious slavery.


Its people like you all who are going to make AA a PA !!!!!!!



sorry wraith, just keeping in practice

lol hehhehehehe


Hey Koffin.... i dont know if you know this... but here in Holland...we make one of the bset beers in the world :D and in every office building we have special wayes to get our dailt beer:




hehehehhehehehehh Heineken RULES ALLL :D

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dont even say jedi, how about force-sensitive....that sound better wraith that way it will just be the randomness and not the work...see my point....the devs said it will be an auromated process just like any other ONCE you become force sensitive, i tihnk its fairer

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Actually, this whole debate began with the question of wether or not you will become force sensative, but it escalated into questioning if you ever became a Jedi.


Once you find out you're Force Sensative, it will be strait forward to becomming a Jedi, though I would imagine it will be some, or much, harder than any other profession. It will definatly be harder then other professions so to filter out those who really deserves to reach Jedi hood.

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Darn you guys...you're making me want to get SW galaxies right now...and I don't have a computer to run it...nor do I have the money to pay for it :D


(I could be wrong...but I was told the price would be $30 per month... :eek: )


But it seems so much like the ultimate game :( *cries*

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Ten dollars is still bad...but it's more doable for me :D


I'm seriously considering this...if I get a new computer (I should, soon...) that can run it, and get a job (I also should, this summer hopefully :D), then I'll most likely definitely get it, not to be a Jedi...but to be in the Star Wars universe... :D


I have a few questions...


What is the connection you'll need to play this? Please say a 56k connection is fine :D


How many characters can you make ingame...


How much will the game itself cost?

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