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Amazing Saber battles with Ghoul2 Collision!


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Hey everyone....


I read a post about Ghoul 2 collision, the system of dueling used in JK2 SP. The same person used this collision in MP, and said it was amazing.


I tried it myself and found it to be incredible. Not only are the duels quicker, with more parrying and action, but backstab can actually be blocked! Yes, IT CAN BE BLOCKED with this collision system. I hope that most every server adopts the Ghoul 2 collision system, it is fantastic.


This is how it works... just set



g_saberghoul2collision 1


g_saberTracesaberfirst 0 (reduces certain types of blocking)


give this a try and you will understand why it is superior. It is a simply fantastic way to play!

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Subject we love you! :)


Can you add the sabertrace 0 thing as well...


Oh and can you fix it so a client can kick with one tap vs. two - make it an option?


And ...


Can you mod it so that the sabertracefirstsaber (or whatever) and ghoul 2 option actually reports as a rule - like g_maxforcerank ?

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That mod idea would be great.


Now all we need is ghoul2 always enabled, saber trace always disabled... and increased saber damage on EVERY attack



light stance kill = 4-5 hits

medium stance kill = 3 hits

strong stance kill = 1 hit


Then it would truly be like the movies... AMAZING!

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What a strange setting! What it seems to do is kill the invisible blocking cylinder around the saber and add in animation interrupting. What that means is that you have 1.02 style blocking with parries. The parries look different though because they have a feedback on the other person's saber which is pretty cool in some cases you can swing and stop someone's else's swing in mid swing. The blocking makes the person move his saber more and because the cylinder is gone it lets you get more hits in.

Smood I don't think you even need to increase damage with these settings, you manage to kill the other person quick enough.

(Plus if you make every heavy swing a 1 hit kill people would whore it again like in 1.02 and that makes fights *slower* because two people in heavy just run and back away from each other) It seems fine with these settings if enough people like it they should turn it on for every server

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I'll get this Goul2 on my FFA dueling server right away.....can't wait to try it.


now if someone would get to mapping more three arena maps! Its the only way to duel.... duel who you want when you want, duel 1on1, 2on2 etc....and most importantly No waiting! :)

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Originally posted by Areoch

What a strange setting! What it seems to do is kill the invisible blocking cylinder around the saber and add in animation interrupting. What that means is that you have 1.02 style blocking with parries. The parries look different though because they have a feedback on the other person's saber which is pretty cool in some cases you can swing and stop someone's else's swing in mid swing. The blocking makes the person move his saber more and because the cylinder is gone it lets you get more hits in.

Smood I don't think you even need to increase damage with these settings, you manage to kill the other person quick enough.

(Plus if you make every heavy swing a 1 hit kill people would whore it again like in 1.02 and that makes fights *slower* because two people in heavy just run and back away from each other) It seems fine with these settings if enough people like it they should turn it on for every server


Nicely, said. I agree with you Areoch, but about the increased damage, I still feel damage needs to be upped slightly. As for the 1 hit kill issue, although the other post about 1 hit kills was valid, I think a quick 1 hit kill will force people to play more cautiously, walking instead of running and 'spamming' saber swings, damaging air.


Perhaps, they will play smarter if they new they could be killed in 1 hit if they didn't be 'mindful of their thoughts' and block appropriately. But the argument definately can go either way.


In conclusion Ghoul 2 collision is fantastic... it must be adopted everywhere! As with the turning off the saber trace! It is simply the ultimate Battling experience!





[jediknightii.net staff]

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Hey Smood, I've just one question. How do you enter this Ghoul 2 engine? Do you do it through the console and how? It sounds like a sweet thing to integrate into a multiplayer game, but I've tried and I can't get it to work.


---------- Revan Bakr':evil2:The Black Sword has come for your life. Flee from the Mormegil!

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Its fairly simple


Create a server

in console type: g_saberGhoul2collision 1

and g_saberTracesaberfirst 0


Thats it


I am not sure if clients need to do this or just servers. In anycase if you like it just put those two commands at the end of your server.cfg

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Again having a quick 1 hit kill means you'll go into servers with people doing nothing but the 1-hit kill. It just doesn't work.


My point of the post is to note make sure you use the tracesaberfirst command too. Without it, fights take forever!

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I spread the word and the Finnish Fairplay server is now runnign with these settings. Furthemore it might be running with the compiled SDK (but I'm not sure, probably not).


IP is


There :D

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1-hit kill moves (ala backstab), while being true to the movies, isn't a very good idea when you think of it.


Look at the backstab and 1.02 DFA, they were spammed like crazy.


And if the red stance had 1-hit kill probability, guess what people would do? The red user would run toward his opponent swinging wildly, because it'd take several hits to kill him and he'd only need 1 hit kill his foe. Unless his enemy also used red stance, he wouldn't care about his health anymore, simply because he'd only need 1 glancing, lucky, scratchy hit to kill his enemy.


When you make brutal one hit kill moves in a game like this (as the programmers have now done twice), the end result is beginning to look predictable. And while people may say that the DFA and backstab are *very* easy to avoid, they shouldn't be horribly unbalanced and neither should they *ENCOURAGE* spamming in such gruesome ways.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can do it in-game. Just go to console and type them in. You don't have to do both of them. BTW, jedioutcastmaps.com has a server utilizing this type of gameplay. They are playing unique maps with these settings. Just go to console and type in connect jedioutcastmaps.com . SEE you there.

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actually, i don't mind saber fights there way they are...

the only thing i hate is assfighting because of its lamenessin nature, walking backwards. Those BSer were't much of a problem once i got used to escaping or avoiding it...not 100% but a much better chance...

most of the hits i made were when i used a special move or when they left themselves open after a special move of their own. I would switch between all stances a lot, staying at medium most.


With ghoul2, i suppose it'll be better, but i dunno what i'll mean with less blocking cause that might add a higher chance of me getting hit by a random swing which normally wouldn't hit me.

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Originally posted by GrEEk_OuTcAsT

Oh not another split of the community. We already have 1.02 and 1.03 people now we will have another new gameplay. Come on this is stupid. We can't find a gameplay that all will use?

Well you have a point there. But now what? Everyone stick to a type of gameplay that nobody really likes (1.03 w/o Ghoul2) ?


Duess thats not the ultimate sollution.


What would be *right* is having another REAL Patch, addressing all the issues, setting Ghoul2/sabertrace 0 as standard, et voila...


but that is simply wishfull thinking.


So there we are, now we have 1.02, 1.03, 1.03 w ghoul2, 1.03a, 1.03a w ghoul2, and even 1.03a Server-Side MODs w and w/o Ghoul2, which additionally tweak parts of the gameplay beyond the changes already done in 1.03a (I'm running a server with such a MOD (nerfing throw and kick [yeah yeah flame me :p] myself)


(1.03a = '1.04'; compiled SDK Source, lots of fixes including backstab).


Well you could still call it "having the choice" but noone really believes that, right?

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Originally posted by cjais

1-hit kill moves (ala backstab), while being true to the movies, isn't a very good idea when you think of it.


Look at the backstab and 1.02 DFA, they were spammed like crazy.


And if the red stance had 1-hit kill probability, guess what people would do? The red user would run toward his opponent swinging wildly, because it'd take several hits to kill him and he'd only need 1 hit kill his foe. Unless his enemy also used red stance, he wouldn't care about his health anymore, simply because he'd only need 1 glancing, lucky, scratchy hit to kill his enemy.


When you make brutal one hit kill moves in a game like this (as the programmers have now done twice), the end result is beginning to look predictable. And while people may say that the DFA and backstab are *very* easy to avoid, they shouldn't be horribly unbalanced and neither should they *ENCOURAGE* spamming in such gruesome ways.



I couldnt have said it any clearer.

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