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The Forbidden Attack


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This move was supposed to be underground and only a few skilled ass pimps can pull off this forbidden attack. Lucas Arts said it was not supposed to be in the game cause' it's the ultimate poster move finisher to all light saber battles plus they don't consider it a jedi style attack. I know everybody is thinking "wtf how? How do you do this ****?" My young padawan pimp dilz, I'll show you how to be one with the force. Here's how you do the forbidden attack:


First of all, turn off your light saber and wait for your victim to come toward you. As he comes near you, you throw out your light saber at him. He'll just block it and blam, switch to the REPEATER and bust a cap on his ass...


This move is not recommended to the NewBeez cuz they'll just **** it up. But if you're one hella of a pimp the force will guide you to instant kill everytime...

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Here's a better one.... gee I hope there are no noobs reading this thread... all you veterans don't be mad:


"bind x /kill"


The trick is you have to be facing your opponant and he/she has to be facing you.... get close (like about a meter or so) then stab the key you binded to /kill. It works EVERY time!



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Originally posted by SkinWalker

Here's a better one.... gee I hope there are no noobs reading this thread... all you veterans don't be mad:


"bind x /kill"


The trick is you have to be facing your opponant and he/she has to be facing you.... get close (like about a meter or so) then stab the key you binded to /kill. It works EVERY time!




OMG SkinWalker! You BET I'm mad. :swear:


You must delete that message immediately before too many people read it!! We can't let the secret get out!



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Originally posted by SkinWalker

Here's a better one.... gee I hope there are no noobs reading this thread... all you veterans don't be mad:


"bind x /kill"


The trick is you have to be facing your opponant and he/she has to be facing you.... get close (like about a meter or so) then stab the key you binded to /kill. It works EVERY time!




:D actually that move is quite useful when your in a spam central server...LOL i use it every other game with those people who like to push you off the ledge for easy frags or even pull\backstab, id rather commit senpuku right before i fall to my doom or fall and cant get up; then let them have a frag with an utterly cheap tactic ;)


cause im more then capable of gaining those kills back, soooe no prob for me :D

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