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More SWG cost questions


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Ok, some questions regarding the price of the game.


* Will you buy the game in the box AND pay monthly subscription, or just download the game and then pay monthly subscription?


* When the expansion comes out, will it be in the form of a box from the shops, or an increase in the monthly costs or both?


* what costs do you think the expansion will be?


* what cost per month (roughly) will the game be in the UK



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1. Will you buy the game in the box AND pay monthly subscription, or just download the game and then pay monthly subscription?


Answer: i think it is a box you buy. it is the price for the game. the monthly fee is for keeping the game up on the net. the fee isnt profit. it is mostly the cost for bandwith.


2. When the expansion comes out, will it be in the form of a box from the shops, or an increase in the monthly costs or both?


Answer. i think the monthly fee will be the same all the time. you probably will buy the box again.


3. what costs do you think the expansion will be?


Answer: i think SWG wil cost around 45, 50 Euro when it comes out. like normal games. and i think the expansion wil cost like 20 to 25 Euro. but that is my guess... not a fact.


4. what cost per month (roughly) will the game be in the UK


Answer: uhm is the Euro about the same as a Pound? i think so.. so im guessing 10 pounds .. in Europ it will most likely be about 10 or 11 Euro i think.


I hope this answers some questions :D


Oh and let me just say:



I hope you will stick around some more.


-Wraith 8-

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Pounds and Euro's are not the same :)


Most MMORPG's seem to be cheaper to buy, seeing as you pay a subscription fee as well. Dark Age of Camelot is £20 around here, where as most other normal games are around the £30 mark.


The monthly fee is said to be probably $10, which to you and me Ryder, is about £6.


Man, I would not pay £10 a month, no way!


Things like bug fixes and minor changes will be available to download but the major expansions, like pod-racing, space combat, new planets etc. will be in boxes at game stores.


Your looking at:


£20-30 for Star Wars Galaxies its self.


£6-ish a month to play it online.


£10-20 for any expansion. Although I do believe these are mandatory (ya dont HAVE to have them.)

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3 planets..... nahah.. no way man 8 planets when the game comes out..


sorry mate but I think im right :p , those 8 planets are DEFINETLY going to be in it. But I dont think it says they will be in it right from the start. They will be added on later, but they are still going to be in the game later.


So we're just going to have 2 or 3 to start.

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Go to the above link...it says almost exactly that those planets will be included!


Also @ Galin, I thought you Brits adopted the Euro too, the lb is outta there! Whatever, I use the All-American, United States of America Dollar!


I've also handled mo' money than anyone here (even after conversations). I work at the McDonald's in Miles City, Montana. Drop me a line, I'm the only hardcore gamer in Eastern Montana (a land area the size of the UK!)

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Originally posted by Galin Masek


sorry mate but I think im right :p , those 8 planets are DEFINETLY going to be in it. But I dont think it says they will be in it right from the start. They will be added on later, but they are still going to be in the game later.


So we're just going to have 2 or 3 to start.

like Jan said.... where did you hear that.. or read that..can you give us a link?


just for argument sake :D.. uhmm we all saw screens... from almost all planets anounced... except from Rori or Talus.


we saw: Corellia, Naboo, Tattooine, Yavin, Dathomir and Endor.

so i guess those planets will be finished when the game comes out. i think.

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