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May I have your attention please...

Count Beefstew

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"Backswing requires no skill. " I disagree. It requires lots of skills to perform on high level players. If you just blindly turn around and run backwards in your light stance and swing, the skill player will give a backswing of his own and shred your ass.


"BACKSWING SPAMMER, GAY NOOB." The Jedi who says this just got his ass kicked by a skill saberist and is the true newbie. Think about it. If you got your ass kicked by someone who's new, and you play this game for months. You really do suck. He's got the skills. You don't.


:evanpiel: These were the dying words of Yoda.

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The thing people are upset off is mainly:


1) Backstabs are mostly one hit kills.


2) Pull + backstab should not be the only strategy to use. (Sure, playing newbies you can defeat them, but try winning a tournament against pro's, you stand no chance without using it)


3) Saberfights are supposed to be played facing towards your foe, not with the backs against each other.


Besides, I found my new way of anoying ppl that only pull + backstab, I use the good old throw + pull constantly, it makes all pull-stabbers say "Do something else than that!"... it makes me laugh :)

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That's why it either:


1) Needs to be nerfed (no more a one hit kill)


2) Increase damage for all other swings to one hit kills.


Somewhere inbetween #1 and #2 is our answer in my opinion, and I all agree we rather see a swing that goes forward than backwards as a one hit kill. DFA is a move that could be a one hit kill, because now it's hard to hit a GOOD player with it. Not impossible, but if you do it wrong, you're dead on the counter.


And don't come telling "You're a n00b if you can't defeat a pull + backstabber" cause then you're the n00b who haven't played nothing else but bad players. Try a tournament game without using pull and push, you wont win.


As a final note: I think it's stupid you can backstab someone who's laying down, making it so you can't backstab when the opponent is laying down would be neat also. More frontal attacks that way.

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The point you are missing, is these spammers obviously feel they can't win unless they continuously use only the unblockable shots. Oh Yeah, dumb*ss, it requires a lot of skill to do that. I ran into a newbie whom used to fight regularly (if you can call it that), but now he spams. I used to fight him, and dodge in and out, dealing him all sort of good blows toward his eventual death. Now he's just like everyone else who spams. He does it to everyone. Acts like he's a god, using walk and taunt. When the person approaches, he either pulls them down, or kicks them down. Again, obviously, these people feel the only way the can win a fight is by knocking them down and delivering an unblockable blow. Wow, you're really skilled and very brave for that. Get an imagination fools. Raven needed to watch more Star Wars movies to understand lightsaber combat. If they had, these dumb moves never would have existed.

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Mero, I agree with your point #2 on your first post. We are in exact agreement here. The skilled player in tournaments will defeat those who just use pull + backstab or "spamming" of any particular move. That is a weakness the "l33t" would take advantage of.


The reason I started this is that I see much whining from "the bad players" you have mentioned who can't beat the "pull and backstabbers". They called those who handed their heads on a platter "Newbies" or "Ghey". I find it ridiculous.


When encountering difficulties, one should find a resolution, instead of finding an excuse. Darth Vader would choke a whiner's ass.

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"is these spammers obviously feel they can't win unless they continuously use only the unblockable shots. Oh Yeah, dumb*ss, it requires a lot of skill to do that. I ran into a newbie whom used to fight regularly (if you can call it that), but now he spams. I used to fight him, and dodge in and out, dealing him all sort of good blows toward his eventual death."


intoxictd, well, sounds like you were able to defeat him with your skills. Your skills and strategy of evading his kicks or push and counter attacking worked. I don't see any reason for any discontentment.

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I'm just plain tired of seeing it.

I'm just plain tired of enjoying a good fight with someone, having another player come up behind me, pull me down and kill me. Fight me face to face.

I'm a bit aggrevated that you have to waste all of your force on absorb, when there are more far interesting powers to use in a game.

And I'm just plain tired of people saying it is a skill.


These people didn't used to bother me, I actually looked at it as a challenge. I found ways to beat them, and I lost many times to them. Now it just seems everyone and there mother are peforming these spams. Everywhere you go, you run into a spammer, you begin a fight with him, and the next thing you know, you've got 3 other spammers on his team joining in, pulling and kicking. I just wish that I could go up and lock sabers with someone again, and actually clash. It's ruined the sense of enjoyment that this game used to show me.

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Oh, you are talking about FFA or Team FFA. I never play those. You are right. Too many spammers in those. And assfighters. LOL. They just go backwards and run in to a bunch of people and backstab. That does take no skill. My post is addressing a duel server situation.

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In a duel server, i really don't think it would be skill either. However, that depends on what you mean when you say backstab/backslash spam. If you run around the whole duel trying to pull a guy down, and one-hit killing them, it cannot be considered a skill. You'll either have an idiot whom doesn't know to use absorb, or someone whom does and can dodge anything you throw at him. But even for the latter, you'll eventually win, because absorb will run out, and then you have him. Now if you're actually doing other techniques to fight, but also use those one-hit kill moves alot, I dont consider this spamming. For example if you through a few slashes at your opponent, flip around and backstab him...it's his fault for not getting out of the way. I will go as far to say that this is a skill, and also a fairly good strategy. However, again, if all you can do is run up to your opponent, pull him down or kick him down, backstab/slash him, and that's all you do...you possess no skill at all.

Main Entry: [2]cheap

Function: adjective

Date: 1509

1 a : purchasable below the going price or the real value b : charging or obtainable at a low price c : depreciated in value (as by currency inflation) <cheap dollars>

2 : gained with little effort <a cheap victory>

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Is it just me, or has the backstab taken away all the spammy limelight from DFA? Pre-patch days, if you performed a DFA everyone would cry 'Spammer', and you'd be kicked from the server. Now, the DFA hasn't lost any of its power, and isn't generally considered spamming. Any thoughts on this?

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Yes DFA was nerfed, don't know the exact change in damage. You also lost the ability to turn during it.


And why do the DFA, when you can just pull someone to the ground, leaving them helpless, and backslash or stab them. Doing the same killer move over and aver again is idiotic, and just plain annoying. In 1.02, all people did was run up to a mass of people fighting, DFA, take out two or more people, back up, DFA again, take two or more people, back up, DFA again, and so on and so on. Then these people(spammers) think they're so damned good cause they rack up 30 or more kills than everyone else. Get a clue people. You suck, otherwise you wouldn't be doing the easiest kill there is over and over and over again. Now I'm sure not all of the spammers really suck, but I know a majority of them do. Now since DFA's been nerfed, all people do is the pull/or kick + backstab/or backslash combo.


I just wish the spammers would start their own "Spamming Exclusive" server and stay there, and let the people whom want to battle with their lightsaber, via movie style fighting, alone. Then there wouldn't be any bitching from either side.


There is nothing wrong with the DFA, backstab, or backslash. There is however a problem with the people whom select one of those moves and do nothing but that over and over again. Get a clue spammers, people are not bitching because they're losing, they probably lose to a lot of "regular" fighters, too. Some people are just plain poor losers and whine no matter what. But the vast majority of us whom whine are just plain annoyed with the lack of freakin' imagination and respect you people possess.

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Originally posted by Count Beefstew

"Backswing requires no skill. " I disagree. It requires lots of skills to perform on high level players. If you just blindly turn around and run backwards in your light stance and swing, the skill player will give a backswing of his own and shred your ass.


"BACKSWING SPAMMER, GAY NOOB." The Jedi who says this just got his ass kicked by a skill saberist and is the true newbie. Think about it. If you got your ass kicked by someone who's new, and you play this game for months. You really do suck. He's got the skills. You don't.


:evanpiel: These were the dying words of Yoda.



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Originally posted by intoxictd

Doing the same killer move over and aver again is idiotic, and just plain annoying.


There is nothing wrong with the DFA, backstab, or backslash. There is however a problem with the people whom select one of those moves and do nothing but that over and over again. Get a clue spammers, people are not bitching because they're losing... But the vast majority of us whom whine are just plain annoyed with the lack of freakin' imagination and respect you people possess.


Amen. AMEN!

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Here's the deal:


Yes, the pull/backswing combination is very effective. But you know what else? Confronting that same move the vast majority of the time makes the game very boring. You know what else? As a darksider, I can counter and beat someone using that spam combo, but it takes a considerable amount of time, drawing the game out into a chess-like cat & mouse game, which makes the game even more boring for the people waiting in line (on a duel server). Don't get me wrong - I like a well fought, intelligent fight. But taking 10-15 minutes to slowly kill someone using a cheesy, albeit deadly, combo gets very tedious for almost everyone involved.


Get this - yesterday a backswing spammer who was using Absorb started complaining that I would back off whenever he turned Absorb on. And I'm like, "Well, you don't exactly stand still when I Chain Lightning you either. Besdies", I told him, "I know how the Absorb trick works with backswing - you're able to counter my automatic pull counter when you have Absorb on, which knocks me on my @$$, and then you backstab me - if I know this will happen, explain to me why I should just go ahead and let you do that to me." He quickly shut up once he realized what a tard he was being :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Vagabond

Get this - yesterday a backswing spammer who was using Absorb started complaining that I would back off whenever he turned Absorb on. And I'm like, "Well, you don't exactly stand still when I Chain Lightning you either. Besdies", I told him, "I know how the Absorb trick works with backswing - you're able to counter my automatic pull counter when you have Absorb on, which knocks me on my @$$, and then you backstab me - if I know this will happen, explain to me why I should just go ahead and let you do that to me." He quickly shut up once he realized what a tard he was being :rolleyes:




A backsweeper asking someone to stay still



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Just about any move in the game can be considered spam.


I don't have a problem with any move as long as it isn't the only move or the overly predominant move that someone uses.


If I see someone DFA'ing 5 or 6 times in a row I consider that spam, same goes for backstab, backsweep, kicking, lunging etc...


"Specials" are just that, they aren't meant to be primary means of attack, they are something you pull out every once in a while hopefully at a point when you have an opening and can do the damage.


Generally speaking, when I'm dueling someone 1v1 I'll use just about every tactic at least once maybe twice, but thats it. I do it out of respect for the other player and also to make the fights more interesting. Nothing is more annoying than someone trying to kick on EVERY move they make, or trying the backswing EVERY time they get near you, or moving around in a crouch and lunging EVERY move...etc. You get the idea.



Very few people seem to use combos. I like combos, they look cool and if executed at the right time you can get a couple of hits in a row. Granted they aren't killer hits, but should be considered like setting the table for when you DO pull out a special move.

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