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Walking Toggle Script


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Here's a walking script that I just made that should work great.


set walkon "+speed; set walktoggle vstr walkoff"

set walkoff "-speed; set walktoggle vstr walkon"

set walktoggle "vstr walkon"

bind X "vstr walktoggle"


Replace X with the key you want (e.g. shift).

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Even better. Posing (walking) is the way to go about it when facing a nOOb who never heard what "bow" means...


And besides, I was generalising, which means I ment it figurativly. Stop taking things so damn seriously, this isn't about anything important.

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Kal, why do you have to disrespect every single newbie who comes on here asking for help? If you dont have the answer, just leave them alone, for gods sake.


I thought two of your clans main ideals are integrity and honor. The honorable thing to do would to be trying to help the newbie, and respecting other peoples ways of having fun.


Integrity, on your clans webpage, is defined as: The Ideal that works to maintain our standing both in the eyes of outsiders and members alike, and also protects each member's individual Integrity if assaulted from the outside.


You're definitley not upholding that one.


Consider this a request from a fellow member, albeit a rather inactive one at the moment. Look there in the Unreal Tournament Roster: There's me down there at the bottom, between Scorcher and Slen. I'm active in this and any other game Magna may request me to be in.


So please, stop being a jerk.


(btw, this isnt about just this particular thread. You've displayed similar behavior in other threads as well.)




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I like to use the walk function as well.


Unfortunately, it is, in my humble opinion, WAY to slow to be considered even a walk.


What would be nice is if a MOD maker tweaked the walk so that you could actually use it in a duel so the duels would be more like the movies.


If you notice, no one is actually running around in most of the films when sabering -- Except for the Ep I Obi/Qui-Gon/Maul duel, but that was Ray Parks choreography as he is a martial artist.


Most of them are walking battles with perrys, blocks and attacks.


Even the Yoda/Dooku battle is still walking and not running on Dooku's part.


Just my two cents ;)

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Well said, ShockV1.89. I've been trying to teach some of the people who frequent our forums basic common courtesy since the days of the original Jedi Knight. It's good to see decent people, such as yourself, helping others out. Thank you for your cooperation :cool:

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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

Kal, why do you have to disrespect every single newbie who comes on here asking for help? If you dont have the answer, just leave them alone, for gods sake.


I thought two of your clans main ideals are integrity and honor. The honorable thing to do would to be trying to help the newbie, and respecting other peoples ways of having fun.


Integrity, on your clans webpage, is defined as: The Ideal that works to maintain our standing both in the eyes of outsiders and members alike, and also protects each member's individual Integrity if assaulted from the outside.


You're definitley not upholding that one.


Consider this a request from a fellow member, albeit a rather inactive one at the moment. Look there in the Unreal Tournament Roster: There's me down there at the bottom, between Scorcher and Slen. I'm active in this and any other game Magna may request me to be in.


So please, stop being a jerk.


(btw, this isnt about just this particular thread. You've displayed similar behavior in other threads as well.)





Wanna give me the disrespect part?

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You people must really suck as players if you are spending your time walking O.o


You have way too much free time...I suggest you go kill someone with your sabre to kill the time...


Those two just from this thread.


I'm not gonna do this here, not the place for it. I regret bringing it up here, but it had to be said.



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