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The Cantina Six: Return of the Dead Guy


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*Cracken was on the bridge of the Titan, which was nestled inside the large super weapon. The Crimson Star worked perfectly. Kuat's surrender was nothing more than sucess. The viewports now were view screens, a hard line feed from cameras nestled in the weapons surface.*


Tojo: My lord, the Kuat surrendur is complete.


Cracken: Good! good. prepare the internal defensives. we will be expecting a visitor. in the meantime, prepare for a galactic boardcast via Holonet. I must address my new subjects.


*Cracken stood up, and walked to a Holo camera. a tech pointed at him. He was on.*


People of the galaxy. I am Dark Lord of the Sith Cracken, son of the late Emperor Palpatine. It was my fathers last request of me to regain what he lost so many years ago. the mighty Empire.


My father was misunderstood. he didn't want just power. He wanted peace. His system was a way to give that peace to the people, to stop such bickering and they fuedes in the burocracy that was the Old Republic. Even you new Republic suffers this very bickering in the new Senate. With me as Emperor, i shall put a stop to it.


Long gone are the old idealologies of my father, that non-humans are inferior. I embrace the non-human populace. my leading Admiral is a Chiss. My General, a Rodian. My science team hails from every corner of the galaxy, from every walk of life. In my rule, no non-human shall ever suffer the injustices that my father let happen. As my first act of Emperor, all persons or non-humans practicing the act of slavery of any species shall be imperisoned immediatly. No longer shall the Outer Rim be a haven for cheap free labor.


So, my people, rest easy. The galaxy is now a safer place to live.


*The tech turned off the camera, and saluted. Cracken smiled*

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Rwos has left. He's going after Cracken, and we're going after them BOTH. We'll reach Corellia in a few hours. Get ready


*One of the party points to the Holoviewer. Cracken is making a speech (As in the above post). Deac moves to the comm sensor, and punches in a code*


Hahaha. I'm spiking you Cracken!


Cracken:...No non-human shall suffer...


(Deac's voice is suddenly broadcast)


It's like that already, Cracken. Your pointless propaganda won't repay the lives of the victims of your superweapon. In short,


Vote Cracken for Senless butchery, pain, suffering, and to satisfy his lust for power!


*Deac's face now appears, and the synthflesh comes back to reveal the circuitry*


You're responsible for this.

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Katani Chass stood on the bridge of his command ship as he watched video from several different angles of the destruction of the Last Chance and subsequent decimation of the planet and surrounding moons. He was devestated. That truly had been their last chance. He sighed to himself as he considered his options. After the partial dismantling of the main Imperial fleet earlier, the Kuatis had been prepared to jump in and finish off what was left. But, since the arrival of that terrifying new superweapon, and even more startling, the announcement that the Empire had returned, Chass knew that resistance without help would be futile. He could jump in with all guns blazing, but he doubted that even Thrawn himself could have pulled off that kind of an upset. With a sigh, he realized what he had to do.


Chass: Mr. Lee, order the worst-case scenario evacuation order. Things are going to be rough for a while, but I believe we can get through it.


The Kuati fleet moved itself into a hyperspace position. Katani's only solace amongst this whole thing was that very few civilians from Kuat had died. Nearly all had been evacuated to the over one-thousand starships in the fleet. He gave the order, and in masses of thirties and forties the ships jumped to hyperspace, but where they would emerge would be a surprise to all but a few...

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*Rwos' fighter flies invisibly into one of the moon's craters and hovers there silently, scanning the surface of the "moon" for a way in. There had to be an opening besides the weapons and drive stations...*





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So Cracken, be afraid. Starkiller never fails. I destroyed the Imperial Research Facility on Lokpihet single handedly. You're responsible for such destruction.


You're going to hell.


Furro, Ido, Nokl, Nom Par.

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The Kuati fleet emerged from hyperspace above a planet in the Unkown Regions. New Republic Surveys had given it only the designation NR-3100843, though to a more informal visitor, who knew what the proper entryways were, it would be known as Nhdaa'rr. Originally developed by the Chiss, but long forgotten, it had been utilized by Grand Admiral Thrawn as a secret research facility without any clearance level, because it quite simply didn't exist to anyone but him. Expounding upon the discoveries of the Scientist in the Maw installation, it had was an R&D outpost that was unkown even to the late Emporer. Thrawn hadn't used it during his return to civilized space though, because he hadn't wanted to reveal it's location, not to the New Republic, but to the more vicious alien species that lurked in areas yet undisclosed. Katani Chass, though, had friends in very high places. he'd stumbled onto this place simply out of coincidence, he was searching for a practical rendezvous point should a worst-case scenario, like the one that had just happened, occur. The inhabitants of Nhdaa'rr, though, were simply looking for news of the outside universe. They'd been unable to initiate contact with anyone for over 20 years, and they were beginning to get antsy. So, they made a deal. Chass would become the benificiary to all weapons designed within the outpost, and he would keep them updated and maintained through his connections in the Kuati government. From hence came the Last Chance. What Katani didn't know, however, is that the scientists still had one more ace up their respective sleeves or other appendage coverings. When he landed and told them the news of what had happened at Kuat, they said they needed a few more hours to discuss recent events before they made such a momentous decision. Katani had no idea about what they were talking, but he decided that now would be as good a time as ever to begin moving in the Kuati people. Nhdaa'rr would make a great home for the populace of Kuat. It had more than enough room, and the climate was almost paradisical.


When the scientists returned, they told Katani that they had come to a decision. They then asked him to follow them to a hangar Chass had always assumed to be empty. But the shielding on these hangars was second to none, so he could never be sure. The door opened slowly, in a melodramatic way that was straight out of the holovids, and there stood the most confusing thing Katani had ever seen.


It was roughly human form, though it's forty-meter height dispelled any notions of it being alive. Whenever the light caught a panel of it's armor, it threw rainbows about the room, causing every wall to be alive with color, giving the whole place a rather surrealistic feel, and offering an efective foil to the efficient machine of death that was this monstrosity. In one hand of the weapon was what looked to be the largest double-barreled rifle ever made, and to top it off, the head area was where the sensor clusters were kept. How quaint.


Katani: So, what does it do?


Scientist 1: I was hoping you'd ask. This project doesn't have a true name yet, though we were toying with Mirnacheem-hyeea, which, in some obscure alien dialect means Conqueror of Great Might or Conqueror without Equal. Basically, it's a human-cybernetic interface controlled machine of death. On it's shoulders there are a pair of turbolaser batteries, though I doubt you'll need them. On the back is a launch pack of several hundered baradium tipped missiles, enough to level several cities, but the true beauty of it is in the rifle. It's an electromagnetically powered railgun that fires projectiles which have a muzzle exit velocity speed of over 500 kilometers per second. It carries two types of ammo. One is a standard HE surface impact slug, effectively capable of taking down the fully-shielded bridge of a Star Destroyer in one shot. The other is slightly more powerful. It does not detonate upon impacting something, but usually continues another five-hundred kilometers or so, usually enough to penetrate that far into a planet's crust. Once there, it generates a nuclear-fission powered blast roughly equivalent to that of the reactor of the Second Death Star. Usually two of these is enough to destroy an entire planet, not that you'd ever do that, of course. The second barrel, while slightly less flashy, is no less efective. It fires a wide-beamed anti-circuitry pulse, which will render all electronics in a roughly two-kilometer line in front of you useless. Very handy if you don't want to kill anyone. The part I think you'll like the best though, is the armor. It is quite an improvement over the quantam armor that was on the Sun Crusher. I tell you now that you could take the wash of radiation from a star going supernova and not feel a thing. You should have no problems against this [/i] Crimson Star. There is only one problem though. That is the cybernetic implant. If you intend to pilot this to go after that Cracken, which I'm sure you do, you'll have to undergo an extensive surgery, which we can do right here, and then the training regimen. You should be ready to fly this baby within a day or so.


Katani hated to wait that long, but he had no choice. So, just an hour later, he found himself preparing to go under the scalpel...

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((OOS: I hate to rain on your parade, superthrawn, but:

"nuclear-fission powered blast roughly equivalent to that of the reactor of the Second Death Star"


-The DSII's core was a hypermatter reactor. Not nuclear fission.


"The part I think you'll like the best though, is the armor. It is quite an improvement over the quantum armor that was on the Sun Crusher. I tell you now that you could take the wash of radiation from a star going supernova and not feel a thing. You should have no problems against this Crimson Star."

-A superlaser can cut through quantum armor. Antimatter is much more potent.


If you intend to godmode, this isn't the place...go to Omnipresent Chaos. Otherwise, stick to the SW universe for "superweaponry"... /end OOS))



*Starr is breathing hard and attempting to clam himself down after his outburst. Suddenly his eyes open wide and he stares straight ahead*

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Cracken, at this very moment you have a new enemy: House Starkiller of the Atredis System. I hope you're prepared.


End Transmission.


*The ship exits hyperspace at Corellia. A fixed battle wages on the outskirts of the system. The Command ship, an ISD2, looms into view. Deac pilots the ship toward the back of the bridge*


Ok team, prepare to breach and cause havok.

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*Rwos' scanners slowly appraised the moon. The crust bristled with turbolasers, ion cannons, missile launchers, microsuperlasers, and full-blown superlasers in the largest craters, with deactivated cloaking devices surrounding them. The moon's surface was covered in multiple layers of ray and particle shields; something that Rwos hadn't even seen in Coruscant's immense shields. Overkill. Whoever had designed this weapon had wanted take no chances. Sublight and hyperspace engines ringed its axis, all fully shielded as well. Five hypermatter reactors ringed around a master power core above the hollow core of the moon, powering the immense systems. Rwos' sensors detected millions of depowered construction droids blanketing the walls, attached to a monstrous durasteel outer shell around the moon's hollowed-out core. So that's how they built it...programming droids, deploying cloaks, and leaving the thing alone to finish construction on its own. In the middle of the moon was an overlarge Super Star Destroyer suspended in the center of the core, locked into place by an enormous clamp around its nose and huge struts attaching to it and feeding into its power core in an almost parasitic fashion. The ship and the moon were both generating magnetic fields, apparently a sort of clever lock and key to activate a third super-powerful magnetic field projected inside an immense shell covered with quantum armor; a shell containing a gigantic antimatter generator. A mind-boggling amount of molecular-armored torpedo shells of multiple sizes filled the base of the enormous cannon jutting from the shell out through the moon's largest crater. The antimatter cannon. That generator is enormous...and less than a decigram of this stuff could destroy an entire planet. As if the superlasers weren't enough to do the job...

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*Cracken smiled at the head of a large conference table. Kuat's representitives sat, sullen, and depressed. A good half was missing. The ones that died in the attack on the Capital city, or the ones that managed to escape to... well, no matter.*

Cracken: so, gentlemen, the treaty is complete then? please, come here, and sign.

*Cracken motioned them to come forward, and they each signed the document. The official surrendure of Kuat and her shipyards. Cracken nodded to his aide, and she left, to inform his commanders of the order. To make the ship yards to produce Imperial Fighters and capital ships immediatly. *


Cracken: well, good day gentlemen, you shall be escorted back to Kuat. *Cracken waved to his pilots, who headed to his fighters. The representitives left with them.*


Cracken: Tojo.

Tojo: yessir?

Cracken: Launch fighters in a defensive patrol formation. Tell them to look for... anything unsual. However, they are not to engage. They are to report the location of thier sighting.

General Handel, we are expecting one visitor, make sure he makes it to my chambers. I will ready the..... welcome.

*The officers nodded, and exited. Cracken headed to his chambers, for meditation on the upcoming encounter. He was here, in the system.


Outside the Crimson Star, fighters began pouring out, setting up a defensive grid around the super structure.*


*Meanwhile, in a distant place in teh galaxy, a planet designated NR-3100843, an Imperial surgeon began to operate, his intent to plant a cybernetic conrtol system into a person...... for his Emperor.....*

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Starr: *in a trance* He's in the bowels of a moon...a crimson star...above Kuat...he has murder in his heart, Deac, you must stop him!




*Rwos' scanners suddenly detect a breach in the particle shielding on the moon. New ships stream from the moon's surface.* Of course. He has to lower a section of his particle shields to allow fighters in and out. Wait a minute... *Rwos activates his fighter's engines and aims for the nearest gap in the shielding. Invisible to the fighters going out, he steers his nimble fighter through the exit ports and zips through the moon's mantle at top speed, before the shields can close. He gets through just as the shields close behind him.*




*suddenly Starr drops to his knees, grabs his head and screams*



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Evil must be opposed!


*Deac breaches the wall and runs in, firing and hacking with blaster and lightsaber alike, easily reaching the control pannel and setting the auto-destruct and the collision course for Cracken's command ship. He then exits the ship, seals the docking port, and pilots his ship away.*

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*Starr stands in a trance. Deac can feel a connection being made to him through the Force*


((OOS: Deac? Did you send the Star Destroyer after the Crimson Star? You know, the superweapon? Because Cracken's command ship is inside it. Or were you referring to the command ship of his forces left at Corellia?))

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(OOS: First off, let me assure everyone, I didn't ever intend to go into God mode. That kind of thing bugs me to no end. Personally, if the Crimson Star hadn't been foretold and all that, I would have found that a stretch on fair practices. There just isn't much of a challenge when you go God. So please, rest assured. ::End OOS::)


The Neo-Imperial team had found the planet just fine. It seems that Grand Admiral Thrawn had once again proved why he wasn't the Emporer and Palpatine was. And why someone named Cracken very well could become the next. They'd easily handled the insertion and replacement, none of these Kuatis had ever even seen the medical team on the planet, and the scientists there were the medical team, so things were going better than planned, as operations rarely do. But as every butter must have it's fly, so to must this one. (OOS again: sorry about the figure of speech guys... couldn't come up with one better on such short notice) For you see, where it was planned that where a complete trigger word/action mind control device, complete with neat little blinking light thingies would go, it was found that there was a significant amount of scar tissue--his record said that it was the result of a bad childhood incident with a blender. Rather traumatic. It was decided that reopening those wounds wouldn't be good for his psyche, so an alternate plan was used. Instead of being under Imperial mind control all the time with the big, bulky, Mind Controller 3000, they would downgrade to the thinner, cheaper 1500i, and only be able to control him when he was hacked into a computer system. Quite a trade for the price. Other than that small setback though, things went off rather smoothly. After explaining (using big-shot medical terminology and ignoring the whole mind-control thing) all this to his family and friends, the doctors made sure to download and send all research files to the Crimson Star, and then hypnotically induce the scientists into thinking that they had already performed the operation perfectly (through a little Force persuasion) and then left the planet aboard their cloaked yacht, safely avoiding the prying eyes of the Kuati fleet in orbit.


OOS even more: Hey guys, I'm used to posting more than this, but I was up at 6:30 this morning, and it's now 1:10 AM. So I'm a little tired, and my hands are starting to hurt. Hope that will be sufficient background on the plot twists and all, and be ready, for there are more to come in the next post, entitled The Training...

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*Flax charges after Deac* Damm fool!


*Just then a Sith emergs from a side corridor.*


Sith: The force betrays you jedi!


*Flax nodds*


Flax: Always there are two.


*Flax activates his saber and the two begin a deadly dance*




The plot thickens!


Over to you Cracken.

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[i was referring to the crimson star. Deac does not yet know what it truly is, just that it was the source of Cracken's transmission]


*Deac is annoyed that a sith slipped onto his ship. But ti won't last long*


Tell me, sith, have you ever danced with the Angel by the pale moonlight?

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*Starr suddenly breaks out of the trance. Deac hears a voice in the back of his mind: That won't be necessary, Deac. Starr ignites his saber and rushes at the Sith. He duels the being as if possessed, matching him move for move. Then, stunningly, he slices the Sith in two pieces. The Sith's body explodes in black energy only his lightsaber is left behind to tumble to the ground*


Starr: And so the prophecy is fulfilled! As I have killed the apprentice, so shall the Starkiller destroy the master. The first part of my father's dying prediction has come to pass!

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Katani Chass awoke from his surgery feeling more or less intact. There was a new pressure in the side of his head, and combined with having his head shaved, he felt like a new individual. Luckily, the anesthetic he'd been given was completely effective, he had a feeling he'd be feeling quite a bit of pain on the right side of his skull otherwise. New scar tissue was already flaring up at the edges of the implant, to mix itself with older scar tissue from the blender incident when he was seven. Just thinking about that hurt.


Katani was still sitting there, reminiscing about childhood experiences, both good and bad, when the leading scientist of the research facility entered, looking a bit worse for the wear, and looked over at Chass, who looked altogether peacful and happy with his new implant. Little did either of them know the sinister series of events that had begun when the implant had been, well, implanted. Ryoas Yeeyrnc, which happened to be the name of the scientist, spoke.


Ryoas: Did you sleep well?


Katani: All things considered, yes.


Ryoas: That's good, you're going to need it. It's time to begin your training.


They walked slowly out of the room where Katani had rested, chatting amicably, the scientist telling Katani how exciting of a time this was, that he'd been asleep about three days, and how surprised he was that the Mets had beaten the Yankees in interleague play. Katani merely listened, nodding when appropriate, but more or less tuning out the scientist. Not surprising, the man sounded like he could have put Ben Stein to sleep. Finally, they reached their destination; a computer interface uplink. The scientist explained that Katani needed to learn a few things, such as how to run the Conqueror and how to defend himself should be taken away from the Conqueror as well as how to properly maintain his implant. As is predictable, Katani is then hooked up, thorough an extension of his implant, into a computer jack. Immediately the outer world seemed to fade just a little. He was recieving information from the computers as fast as his mind could comprehend it. And that was pretty fast.


The computer prompted Katani, asking him whether or not he was ready for the beginning of informatinal download yet. Katani barely even thought to the affirmative before the computer was prceeding The first lesson, it told him, would be self-defense. Part A: Ju-Jitsu.


Katani: Ju-Jitsu... I'm going to learn Ju-Jitsu?


The tech just smiled at this obviously boorishly used reference to pop culture and film noir.


After several hours of the "training," Katani had learned everything the computer was going to teach him. It was time he actually went out and field tested that which he had come for.


All this time, the mind-influencer had stayed silent. There was little information in the previous linkings of Katani's mind that Neo-Imperialists didn't know already. Katani still had no clue as to it's existence.


Katani was a little dissappointed when he returned to the real world. Sure, he had never left it, but at the same time, he would never really return. The data flow he had experienced while a part of the interface had been exhilirating, not to mention staggering. In just a few short hours he'd learned more than he had in any other period of under a year of his life. Such are the wonders, and the curses, of the interface. The trek to the Conqueror was much longer than the one from his room to the uplink, and Katani again found himself having to tune out the annoying scientist. This time, at least, he had all this newly found information to marvel over, and he could use that to distract himself. In fact, he was so distracted, that he didn't even notice anything until he found himself being strapped into the command seat of the Conqueror. Once again, his data link extended itself to the well placed uplink, and once again he got that same thrill as when he first linked up. But this, this was far more enjoyable than even the training had been. In fact, this was the best thing he'd ever experienced. This time, instead of just information, there were sights, sounds, and feels coming into his head. He didn't just pilot this ship, he was this ship. Immediately he checked the weapons loadout, for now his mind-control device conviniently kicked in. He found that there was a full load of the nuclear slugs, as well as the high explosives, the missiles were primed and ready to launch, and the turbolasers fully charged and working great. One minor detail that was unexpected, but not unwelcome, was the load of simple metal slugs packed in the ammo clip of the railgun. He assumed these would be used for target practice. The subspace engines were completely ready, and though he was disappointed that there was no hyperdrive, this would not be a serious problem. The scientists had devised a carrier for him, that would be fully controllable through his interface, requiring no interaction with anyone outside himself. He relished this idea. He would be independent. He would work alone. He would become to Cracken like Vader was to Palpatine. Then, he would become more...

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*Starr's eyes clear and he looks somewhat apologetically at Flax* I saw my father's dying words on the holo recording of the day Cracken murdered them. He said that it would be his son who would destroy Cracken's apprentice, and who would lead others to cause his downfall. The Sith has been trying to intimidate me in visions, but those visions themselves will lead us to him. Flax and Odin, without your presence Deac will not survive. *Starr looks a little embarrassed at the presumptuousness of his words, but he continues anyway*


Deac, I don't think your trap will work...but that isn't the only way...




*The mighty Imperial Star Destroyer exits hyperspace, on a vector heading at full speed directly for the Crimson Star. Holocams on it connect directly to Deac's ship*


*Inside the core of Crimson Star, Termand Rwos attaches his fighter to the outside of the Super Star Destroyer, in a place his scanners suggest is outside a corridor that leads a winding path to the command chambers of the ship. He burns his way in with his laser weapons, flies in, and seals the crack shut again, keeping his cloaking device up at maximum to avoid detection.*


((OOS note: Rwos did this before in a Cantina thread...except he punctured the hole with the nose of his fighter, not a very stealthy thing to do ;)))

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*On the bridge, sensors picked up the Star Destroyer*

Admiral, we have one Star Destroyer on collision course!

Tojo:Fire the superlaser, and shoot it down!


But sir, it's not fully char....

I don;t care. It will send a message though to anyone stupid enough to try this again. DO IT.


*The mighty station turned, just enough so he Superlaser was withing range. Green points formed along teh superlaser dish, and a mighty bold streaked from it. It hit the Star Destroyer, but it did not vaoprize it. Instead, sinc ethe blast was not even half charged, it fragmented into 3 sections. As they headed for teh station, the turbolaser batteries opened fire, trying to destroy the remaining pieces still headed for the station. 2 were destroyed, however one got through. It slammed into the shields, then tractor beams pushed it away. not a scratch. TO destroy it, a team would need to be inside the Crimson Star.


Meanwhile, Rwos was in the corridors of the Titan. This was too easy.. not one guard.......*

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((OOS: *in his official role as Nitpicker* The Crimson Star has multiple superlasers, but we can assume that the others weren't charged at all (they weren't expecting a suicide run)


EDIT: *having reviewed* Three full rotating superlasers, a ton of smaller ones))

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Damn...never mind. The corellia fleet's crippled


*Activates comm*


Starkiller to all ships-the fleets in tatters.


*Deac moves to the pilot's seat*


We're going to Kuat, but first, we're going to Atredis for supplies and perhaps a few good men.

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