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Qui-gon Jinn model


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Yeah its a shame that this model appears to be abandoned, it really does look extremely nice. But good thing is Tercero said he has plans to do Qui-Gon, he isn't the type to abandon anything so i think its safe to say we will have a Qui-Gon model eventually, and when we do it will be damn good. :)

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Well maybe if the maker of these models has too much on his hands he can give it to someone who can help him on it.


Maybe if someone could contact him this would be possible. There is only one person I am aware of that has this info, but is avoiding giving it away.

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I have talked with Tex recently discussing the future of these models. I am happy to say they are not dead. However, there is a delay with their completion.


Tex does not know how to get them in game. Kman is working on the Obiwan skin, but the models still need to get in game.


Essentially what it boils down to is that we need a competent modeller with jk2 released experience to help finish quigon and the obiwans up. This would mean that you have to know how to put models in game. If anyone is up to the challenge, let me know at quamosity@havenofrags.com I know I do not want to see these models not get a chance in game and that is why I am here trying to rally the troops.


Right now the concern is with getting the model in game. Once it is in game, then skinning can commence.


Please, if anyone is interested in helping and has the ability to help out, it would be greatly appreciated. You have no idea.





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Toonces and Major Clod seem like the best people round here at getting models in game


I was about to say the exact same thing, but I didn't want to volunteer anyone.


I've gotten pretty familiar with the process of getting models in game having worked on a half dozen or so. I'm almost Finished with Kit and would be more than happy to help out in any way I can


*pumps fist*

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i hope you end up involved with these models Toonces


as youve seen the anticipation for them is huge. as seen with the complaints about tex's silence


and not only are you experienced at getting modles working but you update very often which is sure to keep the insane quigon and obiwan fanatics happy:)

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