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Where is your HONOR?


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HONOR is defined as principle uprightness of character or personal integrity.


We define HONOR simply as doing what is morally right.


We are The Guardians.


We believe in the perpetuation of justice, the punishment of the wicked and the liberation of the oppressed.


The criminal acts of violence and tyranny by the Empire must be condemned.


There is no HONOR in deceit…


There is no HONOR in cruelty…


There is no HONOR in torment…


There is no HONOR in murder…


How can YOU sit idle while there is so much suffering? What are YOU prepared to do about it?


Where is YOUR HONOR?


There is HONOR in Truth…


There is HONOR in Sacrifice…


There is HONOR in Defending the Weak…


There is HONOR in Preserving Peace…


This is what it means to have HONOR…This is what it means to be a Guardian.


If your looking to join a growing PA go by our website http://www.guardianhq.com and sign up. Visit our forums and see for yourself that The Guardians are where you want to be. Welcome home.


For any further questions feel free to email Recruiting Officer Niroe Stryker at




You can post any questions, comments, or concerns on our forums. One of our friendly members will be willing to respond to your needs.


We look forward to hearing from you.

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Wha! Wraith, you are actually offering this guy stuff behind the Associates back?! Shame on you :D



There is HONOR in Sacrifice…


I sacraficed my cat, I am a honerable person :)


There is no HONOR in murder…


Damn :(


Nice recruitment post though, it really gives out a powerfull message. Well done.

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The criminal acts of violence and tyranny by the Empire must be condemned


I feel moved to voice protest against this slanderous, seditious and frankly treasonous posting.


The New Order has brought stability and security to billions upon billions of ctizens within the Galactic Empire.


Millions of disciplined and trained Stormtroopers operate in conjunction with the dedicated and hard-working Imperial Navy to bring to justice criminals and smugglers who spread illegal and harmful narcotics, weapons and explosives throughout the galaxy. The most serious threat to law-abiding citizens are the terrorist acts of the 'Rebel Alliance'. This vicious seperatist movement, headed by power-hungry ex-senators, frequently raids civillian shipping as well as helpless imperial convoys carrying much needed supplies to colony worlds on the outer-rim. Their acts of wanton destruction have cost the lives of countless innocents.


There is no Honour in terrorism.


There is no Honour in acts of guerilla warfare that kill and maim non-combatant workers, hurting them and their families.


There is no Honour in endorsing acts of violence that threaten the security of every civilised person in the Galaxy.


The New Order needs YOU!. Only YOU can help maintain law and order throughout the galaxy, and stop this senseless and costly rebellion from hurting any more innocents. Will YOU stand by and let legal commercial shipping be threatened by the Rebels? Will YOU watch as world after world agrees to side with them rather than see the convoys that are their life blood be interdicted?


YOU can make a difference. Join the Galactic Empire Trainers, WE can show you how to maximise your potential within the New Order. WE can give you the tools to stop these terrorists. Dead. WE want to and will make a difference. Will YOU?


Hail Palpatine!

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Originally posted by RoyalGuard


I feel moved to voice protest against this slanderous, seditious and frankly treasonous posting.


The New Order has brought stability and security to billions upon billions of ctizens within the Galactic Empire.


Millions of disciplined and trained Stormtroopers operate in conjunction with the dedicated and hard-working Imperial Navy to bring to justice criminals and smugglers who spread illegal and harmful narcotics, weapons and explosives throughout the galaxy. The most serious threat to law-abiding citizens are the terrorist acts of the 'Rebel Alliance'. This vicious seperatist movement, headed by power-hungry ex-senators, frequently raids civillian shipping as well as helpless imperial convoys carrying much needed supplies to colony worlds on the outer-rim. Their acts of wanton destruction have cost the lives of countless innocents.


There is no Honour in terrorism.


There is no Honour in acts of guerilla warfare that kill and maim non-combatant workers, hurting them and their families.


There is no Honour in endorsing acts of violence that threaten the security of every civilised person in the Galaxy.


The New Order needs YOU!. Only YOU can help maintain law and order throughout the galaxy, and stop this senseless and costly rebellion from hurting any more innocents. Will YOU stand by and let legal commercial shipping be threatened by the Rebels? Will YOU watch as world after world agrees to side with them rather than see the convoys that are their life blood be interdicted?


YOU can make a difference. Join the Galactic Empire Trainers, WE can show you how to maximise your potential within the New Order. WE can give you the tools to stop these terrorists. Dead. WE want to and will make a difference. Will YOU?


Hail Palpatine!


*heres the Hitler wannabe and laughs*

That's the opposite of the Rebelion. We do not hurt the innocent, you do! We are lead by the actual good ex-Senators, that actualy thought about other people besides themselves, unlike the filthy Empire that robs people and kills whoever stands up for what is right! The Rebelion is right! The Empire is wrong! Join The Alliance and we can stop the tyranny! We can stop this wrong doing! We can stop all the wrongs of the Empire! Help bring peace to the galacy once again, and stop evil!

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Don't forget the Army


The stormtroopers make up the bulk of the army. (and seriously, if the stormtroopers are considered 'elite' do I really want to draw attention to the rest of the troops? :D


*heres the Hitler wannabe and laughs*


Grammar aside, let's either keep it totally IC, or totally OOC, mixing the two leads to problems.


to tell you the truth*shifty eye look* star wars isn't real and none of you are in the rebellion or empire *GASP* AHHH


Thank you for stating the obvious, here's some more obvious things: This is a Lucasforum board, for fans of various genres to post about things that they enjoy being a part of; One of these themes is Starwars Galaxies; Starwars Galaxies is a MMO ROLE-PLAYING GAME; part of roleplaying is getting in character, which may involve expressing views that you don't have, in ways that you normally wouldn't.


See where I'm going here?


Now, where was I? Ah yes:


Your 'good' ex-senators were lawfully expelled from the senate for treasonous actions. The senate has been rightly deemed unfit for galactic rule and the much more flexible and workable system of allowing regional governors and Moffs to control their constituencies was instituted, for the good of all. These ex-senators, unable to accept that their 'meal ticket' has been rescinded, have mounted a costly and bloody campaign to regain power.


These rebels threaten hard working citizens by pirating convoys indiscriminately and without mercy. They strike without warning and rarely leave survivors from their vicious raids. Take the deathstar as an example - rebel saboteurs caused it to fire on the peaceful planet of Alderaan, before destoying it in a cowardly attack that killed 1161293 people, with over 308457 of those being non-combatants. Even now Rebel traitors continue to kill innocents in cowardly raids, and endanger the very fabric of our society with spice trafficking, gun running and piracy.


Stop this futile and costly rebellion, join the New Order today! The Galactic Empire Trainers will show you how to make a difference!



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Stormtroopers don't exactly make up the bulk of the Imperial Army, because they are not part of the Army. They are separate division to both the Army and the Navy. So you can't leave that out and just say they support the Navy. That was my point. :)


Stormtroopers are shock troopers intended for one use: To make quick decisive strikes where required. :)


Anyway, ...

(and seriously, if the stormtroopers are considered 'elite' do I really want to draw attention to the rest of the troops?) :D

... I liked that comment though. So true. :D

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My understanding of the STs was that they were shock troopers, but also garrisoned both imperial worlds and starships. Also you never see ground troopers other than stormtroopers (or variants thereof) in the films or the books...


Unless you've read something I haven't?

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Actually, I have seen something you have too, just not thinking of it. :D


Was gonna post it in the previous thread, but I thought I might have come of as an ******* by doing so. :)


But since you ask:


See RotJ again (or, if you can remember it). What type of personell pilots those AT-STs? (and prolly the AT-AT aswell, though that was never shown)


Now these are most definatly NOT Storm Troopers.


The reason why there arn't heard much about the regular Army, is because both movies and varies books have unfortunatly concentrated mostly about Storm Troopers.

Navy Troopers are the most visible of the 2 divisions (Army and Navy) depicted in the movies, but even they get somewhat over-shadowed by the presence of Storm Troopers. Despite that, you can still see them in all 3 movies, even fighting alittle :p .


Yes, if you want the job done, you send in Storm Troopers.


If you want to keep the planet, you station Army personell, NOT Storm Troopers. Putting Storm Troopers on guard duty is a vast of resources, unless it is of some greater importance. ;)


PS If I come of as an ******* this time, I do apologize. That was not my intention.

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Originally posted by RoyalGuard Your 'good' ex-senators were lawfully expelled from the senate for treasonous actions. The senate has been rightly deemed unfit for galactic rule and the much more flexible and worka0ble system of allowing regional governors and Moffs to control their constituencies was instituted, for the good of all. These ex-senators, unable to accept that their 'meal ticket' has been rescinded, have mounted a costly and bloody campaign to regain power.


These rebels threaten hard working citizens by pirating convoys indiscriminately and without mercy. They strike without warning and rarely leave survivors from their vicious raids. Take the deathstar as an example - rebel saboteurs caused it to fire on the peaceful planet of Alderaan, before destoying it in a cowardly attack that killed 1161293 people, with over 308457 of those being non-combatants. Even now Rebel traitors continue to kill innocents in cowardly raids, and endanger the very fabric of our society with spice trafficking, gun running and piracy.


Stop this futile and costly rebellion, join the New Order today! The Galactic Empire Trainers will show you how to make a difference!



Lies! All lies! Palpatine forcefuly took over the galaxy and destroyed the Senate. If the Rebels realy did raid the innocent of supplies, than where are they? I know, check the Imperials supplies, you will find them there. And we did not sabotage the Death Star to blow up Alderan, and how could we? The Death Star's security was too tight to be able to sabotage it and all Rebels were shocked to find out that anyone that was captured and taken to the Death Star was able to escape. Also, the people who were captured and escaped on the Death Star didn't get captured until after the EMPIRE destroyed the Alderan. Sure Leia was there before hand, but she was with Vader at the time Alderan was destroyed, and she does not anything about sabotage, not to mention that Alderan was her home planet! Nobody would want to destroy their home planet, unless if they are part of the Empire, that's the only people that I know of that would do something like that. We do not do any kind of raids, unless if it's a radi against the Empire, so that we can return what the Empire has stolen. We do not do any spice trafficing either, or rob the innocent. And the Empire destroy homes and families...innocent families...*Andrew clenches his hands into fists and looks down and tears start running down his face*...and...and...the Empire destroyed my family....

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Yup, stormtroopers, and variants of it, is pretty much the only thing we've seen of the army. Disregarding warmachines (AT-ST, -AT, -PT etc), that is. They are both shock troops and garrisson troopers. Yes, the war machines have non-stormtrooper drivers, but the vast amount of the army is composed of stormtroopers. The walker pilots are a small part in the war machinery that is the Empire.


And no, you don't use those grey-suited drivers as garrisson troops. What soldiers patrolled/garrissoned Tatooine? Sandtroopers. And that planet was supposed to be a boring backwater planet. Who garrissoned Mon Calamari? Those aquatic equiped stormtroopers (seatroopers?). Also, all capital ships are garrissoned with stormtroopers. It is not considered a waste of resources to use them as garrissons.

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Those Storm Troopers seen on Tatooine were the same troops deployed to find and retrieve what-, and/or whom-ever was in that escape-pod.


And for stationing Storm Troopers on ships, those are part of the ground forces that the ships can and will deploy if needed. The ships have their own force that are stationed onboard, the more visually seen Navy Troopers.


Storm Troopers are parallell to the Army, but they are not directly part of the Army, even though they are more connected to that division than the Navy.


I'm going to bed now by the way, so goodnight people. :)

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*setsuko also wants to play IC*


Ok, here's the deal, pard'ner. On one side, there's the imps. Sure, they might look like the biggest collection of bas-turds in the galaxy, but you have to admit, they often get things done. Transports, education, protection from pirates. Thats their job, and they do it remarkably well. Sure, it's a bitch when they nail some of our guys who makes more... shady runs, but then, they nail pirates from the other sectors too, so I guess fair is fair. A hazard inherited in the profession, and all that. After all, if they get shot, they weren't proper Corellian pirates anyway. Heh. Dumb imps wouldn't catch a true pirate if she jumped up and bit his big butt.


A new glass over here? Yeah, make it two. Allright, them "do-gooders":


The Rebs. The Fanatics. The Bodybags. Call them whatever you want, but these guys knows what they wants. Not that they are right all the time, but you have to admire their pigheadedness. They are everywhere, so if you don't watch out, one of them mavericks might get you shot if they believe you are an imp. Mind you, I agree on some of their chitt-chat. You know, that 'freedom' talk. But I'll tell you this, the moment one of them comes over here and starts a ruckuss, I don't care. Troublemakers are troublemakers, no matter how much they talk.


More drinks? Sure.


And the Hutts. I tell you what: they are just as useless, braindead, lazy droouzza-butts as there'll ever be. Cruel, but stupid. When imps comes and bring some weight on you, just pretend that you love that bastard Palpatine and they'll happily leave you alone. And when the rebels knock on the door, give I'm a cred and he thinks you're on his side. But the Hutts...*giggle* the Hutts...*hehehe* when they come over to your house... *hahahaha!* THEY'LL GET STUCK BETWEEN THE LAMP POSTS! *Hahahahahahhaha!*


*pulls herself back up in her chair*


But seriously, *whee*, them Hutts, they're bastards. As bad as they come. Thank the lucky stars that we have pirates of our own. Only thing I'll ever give 'em is a good kick in whatever goes for a groin on those slimey snail-noses.


Hutt bastards. More drinks here! Now!

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See RotJ again (or, if you can remember it). What type of personell pilots those AT-STs? (and prolly the AT-AT aswell, though that was never shown)


D'oh! forgot about those guys, though they strictly aren't groundtroopers, I should have remembered them... (and since I asked for the info, you can't in any way appear to be a *******)

Though as for the Garrison point, I think the lower rated Stormies are used to garrison loads of places, and at this point the Empire has so many that they don't regard it as a waste...


Back IC...


Palpatine forcefuly took over the galaxy and destroyed the Senate


I will not stand by and let you defame the reputation of a fine and benevolent man! Palpatine took only the powers voted to him by the senate, and when he saw how corrupt and useless that senate was, he rightfully disbanded it and created a better, more efficient and less corrupt system.


As for the Death Star, records obtained from the wreckage, the testimony of Lord Vader and pieced together reports from nearby patrol vessels, point to Princess Leia being the deciding factor in the destruction of Alderaan. Obviously as Grand Moff Tarkin would never destroy a planet, the evidence points to the rebel Organa's treachorous daughter heading an elite saboteur unit into the Death Star, and abusing its awesome power for their twisted and evil ends. Records also show that shortly before it's destruction, Rebel agents infiltrated the Death Star and extracted the murderess supreme. Obviously Leia hoped that no-one would credit her destroying her homeworld, and blame the Empire instead. This gambit has unfortunately proven succesful in some sectors, regrettably leading to martial law being enforced, with urban pacification of areas of civil unrest (incited by rebels) being carried out by the Empire's diligent Stormtroopers.


We do not do any kind of raids


You deny that Rebel groups, composed of Y-Wings and the newly produced X-wings, constantly raid shipping lanes for supplies? Where are these supplies going then? Anyone would think that we were building a second death star!!!


We do not do any spice trafficing either


And yet Han Solo, a newly promoted member of your terrorist organisation, is wanted by Jabba the Hutt for defaulting on a spice deal? See how you have to lie to cover up the nefarious activities of your terrorist rabble!


the Empire destroy homes and families...innocent families...*Andrew clenches his hands into fists and looks down and tears start running down his face*...and...and...the Empire destroyed my family....


Imperial Intelligence is infallible. If your parents were killed it is because they were traitors to the glorious New Order. Don't make the mistake they made. See sense. The New Order is the best hope for a stable and peaceful Galaxy! Don't throw away the achievements of the last 10 years! Turn in your friends and I guarantee that you will not be harmed! Return to the Empire and see for yourself the mercy that Emperor Palpatine is capable of!


Hail Palpatine!

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Those Storm Troopers seen on Tatooine were the same troops deployed to find and retrieve what-, and/or whom-ever was in that escape-pod

True, but there are several EU instances of Stormies being used to garrison places (Truce at Bakura, the dark forces series of games, probably more books that I can't think of :) etc.)


Also the Death Star troopers (naval security) don't seem to have any purpose except defending their ship/station, so when I say that the Stormtroopers are working with the Navy to end the Rebel threat, I obviously meant (*hopes that no-one notices the back-pedalling...*) that the Navy supplied the transport, and the Stormies killed everything where they were dropped off...

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The sandtroopers where not just a crack team of specialist. Why? Look at the Mos Eisley scenes. They'll just hanging around, and noone really reacts to them. If they were only special forces, people would not walk around casually in their presence. And was Luke surprised when Ben says that Stormtroopers massacred jawas practically on his back yard? Nope. Obviously, they are a part of the usual background on Tatooine.

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